Biden-Harris Administration | Environmental Justice | Advisory Council | About

The White House Environmental Justice Advisory Council (WHEJAC) has been established pursuant to Executive Order 14008, titled Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad.

The White House council will not only bring greater visibility to EJ issues across the federal government but will provide EPA's National Environmental Justice Advisory Council (NEJAC) with an excellent partner for providing horizon-expanding EJ advice and recommendations to our government's leadership. As EPA supports the formation of the White House council, we are continuing to support the consistent management of NEJAC, including with our annual membership recruitment process and convening public meetings.

Overview of the WHEJAC

Read the WHEJAC Charter (pdf)

(amended January 5, 2024)

Per Executive Order on the continuance of certain federal advisory committees, the WHEJAC has been extended to September 30, 2023.

Through President Biden's Executive Order 14008, titled Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad (signed January 27, 2021), the White House Environmental Justice Advisory Council (WHEJAC) is being established to advise the Chair of the Council of Environmental Quality (CEQ) and the newly established White House Environmental Justice Interagency Council (IAC) to increase the Federal Government's efforts to address environmental injustice. The WHEJAC's efforts will include a broad range of strategic, scientific, technological, regulatory, community engagement, and economic issues related to environmental justice.  

This council will advise on how to increase the Federal Government's efforts to address current and historic environmental injustice through strengthening environmental justice monitoring and enforcement. The duties of the WHEJAC are to provide advice and recommendations to the IAC and the Chair of CEQ on a whole-of-government approach to environmental justice, including, but not limited, to environmental justice in the following areas:

  • Climate change mitigation, resilience, and disaster management
  • Toxics, pesticides, and pollution reduction in overburdened communities
  • Equitable conservation and public lands use
  • Tribal and Indigenous issues
  • Clean energy transition
  • Sustainable infrastructure, including clean water, transportation, and the built environment
  • NEPA, enforcement and civil rights
  • Increasing the Federal Government's efforts to address current and historic environmental injustice

WHEJAC Membership, Workgroups, and Charges

Current WHEJAC Members:

The WHEJAC members have been appointed by the President.

Members were selected from across a wide range of backgrounds and have knowledge about or experience in environmental justice, climate change, disaster preparedness, racial inequity, among other areas of expertise.

WHEJAC Membership List (pdf)

WHEJAC Members Biographies (pdf)

>WHEJAC Workgroups and Charges (pdf)

(last updated: May 2024)

WHEJAC Meetings

 All scheduled meetings will be published in the Federal Register and sent out by the EPA Office of Environmental Justice and External Civil Rights Listserv and the EPA Environmental Justice and External Civil Rights X account.

Upcoming Public Meeting: December 17, 2024 (Virtual)

The next WHEJAC public meeting will convene virtually on Wednesday, December 17, 2024, from approximately 1:00 PM to 8:00 PM Eastern Time.

A public comment period will take place from approximately 5:30 PM to 7:00 PM Eastern Time. Members of the public who wish to participate in the public comment period must register by 11:59 PM Eastern Time, Friday, December 13,  2024.  Priority to speak during the public meeting will be given to registered public commenters who have relevant comments on the charges and topics listed below, however we will strive to accommodate as many registered public commenters as possible within the specified time allocated on the agenda.

Register Here:

This free, virtual meeting is open to the public. Individual registration is required to attend. The public will have the opportunity to register at any time before and throughout the duration of the meeting. 

Draft WHEJAC December 2024 Public Meeting Agenda (pdf)

Public Comment Period:

The WHEJAC is interested in receiving public comments relevant to the following charges and topics: 

  • National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) Environmental Justice Science, Data, and Research Plan What metrics or indicators would prove most useful in evaluating whether the recommendations in the current Research Plan have been meaningfully integrated and used to support the advancement of environmental justice; what types of feedback mechanisms could be implemented to meaningfully capture community responses and integrate them into the planning of the NSTC Environmental Justice Subcommittee; what key areas should receive increased or decreased attention in the next iteration of the plan; and what innovative approaches or emerging technologies, should the Subcommittee consider in future Research Plans?  
  • Place-Based and Community-Focused Initiatives: What models of community-focused, multiagency collaboration have worked effectively; what methods, processes, principles, or other components have made these models effective in strengthening health or environmental protection or reducing environmental injustice affecting a specific local community or region; and in what ways could multiagency efforts at the federal level incorporate effective partnership or input from state, territorial, and local governments, consultation with Tribal governments, and engagement with communities with environmental justice concerns, community organizations, businesses, and members of the public?
  • Progress and Priorities: How and in which areas have federal government policies, programs, and initiatives been most effective in advancing environmental justice and making a positive difference in communities in recent years? Are there topics or areas that the WHEJAC and the federal government should prioritize or focus on in the coming years to further advance environmental justice and ensure all communities have access to clean air, clean water, and a healthy environment? 
  • Environmental Justice Issues Affecting Indigenous Peoples and Tribal Nations

Registration to speak during the public comment period closes at 11:59 PM Eastern Time, Friday, December 13, 2024.

Learn more about the WHEJAC workgroups and charges.

The public can submit written comments in 3 different ways:

  1. Entering comments in the federal register in the Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OEJECR-2024-0147 at
  2. Using the webform:
  3. Sending comments via email to, for comments with supporting materials

Written comments can be submitted through Tuesday, December 31, 2024.

The meeting agenda and other meeting support materials including the public comments will be posted in the public docket as they become available at

Learn more about the WHEJAC:

Questions: Please email

WHEJAC Recommendations

You also may ​Search all Recommendations.

Date Title
May 2021

WHEJAC Final Recommendations: Justice40, Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool and Executive Order 12898 Revisions

March 2022

WHEJAC Phase One Scorecard Recommendations Report (pdf)

March 2022

WHEJAC Letter to CEQ: Request for Resources for WHEJAC, Request for Timelines, Request for Key Agency Contacts to Attend Public Comment Period During Public Meetings and Increase in CEQ Budget (pdf)

August 2022

WHEJAC Recommendations on the Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool (pdf)

August 2022

WHEJAC Recommendations on Justice40 Implementation (pdf)

August 2022

WHEJAC Recommendations on Air Pollution Emissions Limits for Incinerators (pdf)

March 2023

White House Council on Environmental Quality's (CEQ) response to the White House Environmental Justice Advisory Council's (WHEJAC) Phase One Scorecard Recommendations Report (Scorecard Report (pdf)

June 2023

WHEJAC Recommendations on National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Particulate Matter 2.5 and Ozone (pdf)

August 2023

Report to Congress on The WHEJAC Recommendations for Justice 40, Climate and Economic Justice Screen Tool and Air Pollution Emissions Limits for Incinerators (pdf)

September 2023

WHEJAC Recommendations on Climate Planning, Preparedness, Response, Recovery and Impacts (pdf)

November 2023

WHEJAC Carbon Management Recommendations (pdf)

December 2023

WHEJAC Recommendations on the Environmental Justice Scorecard (pdf)

December 2023

WHEJAC Recommendations on the Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool (pdf)

December 2023

CEQ Response to WHEJAC December 2023 on the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS); climate planning, preparedness, response, and impacts; and carbon management (pdf)

October 2024

WHEJAC Carbon Management Recommendations (pdf)

October 2024

WHEJAC Executive Order 14096 Recommendations (pdf)

Last updated on December 6, 2024