Biden-Harris Administration | Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal | Guidebook

A Guidebook to the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law

Last updated January 2024

Our Administration is committed to maximizing transparency so communities across America know what to apply for, who to contact, and how to get ready to rebuild. That's why we've created a guidebook for state, local, tribal, and territorial leaders. This guidebook is a roadmap to the funding available under the law, as well as an explanatory document that shows, in as much detail as currently available, program-by-program information.

Read the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Guidebook.


The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law is a historic opportunity to repair the one-in-five miles of our roadways and more than 45,000 bridges in the United States rated as "in poor condition." The law also contains funding to rebuild and reinvest in our railways, public transit infrastructure, and the safety of our transportation system. It further reauthorizes federal surface transportation programs for five years and invests billions in transformational projects that will create good-paying union jobs, grow the economy, and make our transportation system safer and more resilient.

Climate, Energy, and the Environment

Each year, millions of Americans feel the effects of climate change when their roads wash out, power goes down, or homes get flooded. The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law is a historic investment in the resiliency of our infrastructure to climate change, cybersecurity risks, and other hazards. This investment will help to protect communities against the impacts of climate changes such as droughts, heat, floods, wildfires, as well as cyber-attacks and other threats. It is also the largest investment in clean energy infrastructure in American history. The funding provided under the law will modernize our power grid; weatherize and upgrade homes, schools, businesses, and communities to make them cleaner and more affordable; and fund new programs to support the development, demonstration, and deployment of cutting-edge clean energy technologies. These investments help build an economy powered by clean energy and resilient to climate change, while creating good paying union jobs and rebuilding our domestic manufacturing base.

Currently up to 10 million American households lack safe drinking water and in too many communities, crumbling and inadequate wastewater infrastructure is a safety threat. The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law makes a historic investment in drinking water and wastewater infrastructure, to deliver clean drinking water to all American families and help to eliminate the nation's lead service lines.


Quality internet service is necessary for Americans to do their jobs, to participate equally in school learning, health care, and to stay connected. Yet, by one definition, more than 30 million Americans live in areas where there is no broadband infrastructure that provides minimally acceptable speeds – a particular problem in rural communities throughout the country. And, according to the latest OECD data, among 35 countries studied, the United States has the second highest broadband costs.

The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law will help ensure that every American has access to reliable high-speed internet through a historic investment in broadband infrastructure deployment. The legislation will also help lower prices for internet service and help close the digital divide, so that more Americans can make full use of internet access.

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Program Name Category Agency Name Funding Amount Funding Mechanism
Appalachian Area Development: Allocations to ARC States Other Appalachian Regional Commission Appalachian Regional Commission $200,000,000 Available until expended Grant, Cooperative Agreement States and local governments, Non-Profits both with and without 501c3 status Program will provide Area Base Development Program grant allocations to Appalachian Regional Commission States for activities that help bring the 13-State Appalachian Region into economic parity with the Nation. Each State will operate its own competitive application process. The Appalachian Regional Commission States are Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, Maryland, Mississippi, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia. Eligible uses will support the Appalachian Regional Commission goals of Building Appalachian Businesses; Building Appalachia's Workforce Ecosystem; Building Appalachia's Infrastructure; Building Regional Culture and Tourism; and Building Community Leaders and Capacity. Division J, Title III Maximum Appalachian Regional Commission share ranges from 30 percent-80 percent, depending on the county's level of economic distress. Appalachian Regional Commission participation can increase the allowable Federal share up to 100 percent in a grant
Appalachian Area Development: Community Capacity Initiative Other Appalachian Regional Commission Appalachian Regional Commission $19,500,000 Available until expended Grant, Cooperative Agreement States and local governments, Non-Profits both with and without 501c3 status Program will build capacity throughout Appalachian communities to enable communities to deploy the substantially increased funding opportunities provided by the Federal Government. Funds will be used for development of large-scale project development assistance including, but not limited to, continuing and expanding on the Commission's current community capacity pilot, providing significant amounts in direct support to Non-Profits, State/Local Governments, and Local Development Districts for community capacity activities, and deploy resources flexibly to meet the growing need for community-specific capacity activities. Eligible uses will support the Appalachian Regional Commission goals of Building Appalachian Businesses; Building Appalachia's Workforce Ecosystem; Building Appalachia's Infrastructure; Building Regional Culture and Tourism; and Building Community Leaders and Capacity. Division J, Title III Maximum Appalachian Regional Commission share ranges from 30 percent-80 percent, depending on the county's level of economic distress. Appalachian Regional Commission participation can increase the allowable Federal share up to 100 percent in a grant
Appalachian Area Development: Regional MultiState Initiative Other Appalachian Regional Commission Appalachian Regional Commission $160,000,000 Available until expended Grant, Cooperative Agreement States and local governments, Non-Profits both with and without 501c3 status Program will provide support for multiState regional economic and community development projects throughout the Appalachian Regional Commission region through planning and implementation grants reviewed and awarded on a rolling basis. Eligible uses will support the Appalachian Regional Commission goals of Building Appalachian Businesses; Building Appalachia's Workforce Ecosystem; Building Appalachia's Infrastructure; Building Regional Culture and Tourism; and Building Community Leaders and Capacity. Division J, Title III Maximum Appalachian Regional Commission share ranges from 30 percent-80 percent, depending on the county's level of economic distress. Appalachian Regional Commission participation can increase the allowable Federal share up to 100 percent in a grant
Appalachian Regional Commission Funds Other Appalachian Regional Commission Appalachian Regional Commission $620,500,000 Available until expended Grant, Cooperative Agreement States and local governments, Non-Profits both with and without 501c3 status The Appalachian Regional Commission is engaged in planning for the allocation of Bipartisan Infrastructure Law advance appropriations for fiscal years 2023, 2024, 2025 and 2026. Programs funded by those appropriations will support activities that help bring the 13-State Appalachian Region into economic parity with the Nation. The Appalachian Regional Commission States are Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, Maryland, Mississippi, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia. Eligible uses are expected to support the Appalachian Regional Commission goals of Building Appalachian Businesses; Building Appalachia's Workforce Ecosystem; Building Appalachia's Infrastructure; Building Regional Culture and Tourism; and Building Community Leaders and Capacity. Division J, Title III Maximum Appalachian Regional Commission share ranges from 30 percent-80 percent, depending on the county's level of economic distress. Appalachian Regional Commission participation can increase the allowable Federal share up to 100 percent in a grant
Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration Projects Resilience Corps of Engineers - Civil Works Corps of Engineers Civil Works $1,900,000,000 Available until expended Direct Federal In partnership with State, local, and Tribal governments the Army Corps would use funding to construct Federally authorized aquatic ecosystem restoration projects. This program funds the construction of authorized water resources projects to increase aquatic ecosystem restoration, including $1 billion for multi-purpose projects or programs that include aquatic ecosystem restoration as a purpose. Authorized Federal aquatic ecosystem restoration projects and programs. Division J, Title III In general, unless otherwise specified in law, projects are cost shared 65 percent Federal, 35 percent non-Federal.
Coastal Storm Risk Management, Hurricane, And Storm Damage Reduction Projects Resilience Corps of Engineers - Civil Works Corps of Engineers Civil Works $2,550,000,000 Available until expended Direct Federal The Army Corps will use this funding to construct authorized Federal storm damage reduction projects. This program will fund the construction of projects that help to reduce the risk of damage in a coastal storm, targeting States that have been impacted by Federally declared disasters over the past six years, including $1 billion for multi-purpose projects or programs that include flood risk management benefits as a purpose ($200 million of which will be for shore protection projects). Eligible Federal projects to reduce the risk of flood and storm damage along the Nation's coasts, including on the Great Lakes. Division J, Title III In general, unless otherwise specified in law, projects are cost shared 65 percent Federal, 35 percent non-Federal.
Continuing Authorities Program (Under Flood Control Act And River And Harbor Act) Resilience Corps of Engineers - Civil Works Corps of Engineers Civil Works $465,000,000 Available until expended Direct Federal The Army Corps will use this funding to plan, design, and construct small water resources projects. Funds eligible small Army Corps projects, including $115 million for restoring fish and wildlife passage. A variety of water resources projects which must meet program eligibility requirements, including a total Federal cost limit of ~$10 million. Division J, Title III In general, unless otherwise specified in law:
• Section 14, Section 103, Section 205 and Section 206 projects are cost-shared 50 percent Federal/50 percent Non- Federal for feasibility studies and 65 percent Federal/35 percent Non- Federal for design and implementation
• Section 107 projects are cost-shared 50 percent Federal/50 percent Non- Federal for feasibility studies and at varied percentages based on harbor depth
• Section 204 projects are cost-shared 100 percent Federal/0 percent Non- Federal for feasibility studies and 65 percent Federal/35 percent Non- Federal for design and implementation
• Section 1135 projects are cost-shared 50 percent Federal/50 percent Non- Federal for feasibility studies and 75 percent Federal/25 percent Non- Federal for design and implementation
• Section 206 carveout and Water Resources Development Act 2020 Section 165(a) projects are cost-shared 100 percent Federal/0 percent Non-Federal for all project phases.
Corps of Engineers Operation and Maintenance Ports and Waterways Corps of Engineers - Civil Works Corps of Engineers Civil Works $4,000,000,000 Including $626 million For Damage Repairs And $40 million For Snowpack Monitoring Available until expended Direct Federal The Army Corps would use this funding for operation and maintenance of its projects, including coastal and inland navigation projects. Funds inspection, operation, maintenance, and related activities for water resources projects operated and maintained by the Army Corps. These projects include navigation channels, navigation locks and dams, structures to reduce the risk of flood and storm damage (e.g., levees), and multi-purpose projects, as authorized in River and Harbor, Flood Control, and Water Resources Development Acts and other laws Operation and maintenance of authorized Army Corps projects, including navigation channels and navigation locks and dams. Division J, Title III Requirements vary according to applicable laws to various mission areas and other specific project requirements. In general, unless otherwise specified in law, projects are 100 percent Federally funded.
Flood Control and Coastal Emergencies Resilience Corps of Engineers - Civil Works Corps of Engineers Civil Works $251,000,000 Available until expended Direct Federal The Army Corps will use this funding to prepare for, respond to, and help in the recovery following a flood, hurricane, or other natural disaster. Funds Army Corps preparedness measures, certain Army Corps operations during a flood, hurricane, or other natural disaster, and the repair of certain projects following such a natural disaster. Certain eligible work related to emergency preparedness, emergency operations, and recovery after a flood, hurricane, or other natural disaster. Division J, Title III Varies
Flood Plain Management Services Resilience Corps of Engineers - Civil Works Corps of Engineers Civil Works $45,000,000 Available until expended Direct Federal Funds certain technical assistance provided by the Army Corps The Army Corps provides site-specific flood and flood plain data and assistance to States, Tribes, and local communities. Labor and related work performed by the Army Corps. Division J, Title III In general, unless otherwise specified in law, projects are 100 percent Federally funded.
Inland Flood Risk Management Projects Resilience Corps of Engineers - Civil Works Corps of Engineers Civil Works $2,500,000,000 Available until expended Direct Federal The Army Corps will use this funding to construct authorized Federal flood damage reduction projects. This program funds the construction of projects that help to reduce the risk of damage in a flood, including $750 million for multi-purpose projects or programs that include flood risk management benefits as a purpose. Eligible Federal projects to reduce the risk of damage from riverine flooding. Division J, Title III In general, unless otherwise specified in law, projects are cost shared 65 percent Federal, 35 percent non-Federal.
Inland Waterways Projects Ports and Waterways Corps of Engineers - Civil Works Corps of Engineers Civil Works $2,500,000,000 Available until expended Direct Federal The Army Corps will use this funding to construct eligible improvements to commercial navigation projects on the inland waterways, including locks and dams. Funds the replacement and expansion of inland waterways commercial navigation projects. Federal commercial navigation projects on inland waterways Division J, Title III In general, unless otherwise specified in law, projects are 100 percent Federally funded.
Major Rehabilitation for Rivers and Harbors Ports and Waterways Corps of Engineers - Civil Works Corps of Engineers Civil Works $1,500,000,000 Including for $250 million for Small, Remote, And Subsistence Harbors and $250 million for Federal Breakwaters and Jetties Available until expended Direct Federal In partnership with port authorities, the Army Corps would use this funding to construct authorized coastal navigation projects such as deepening and widening of Federal navigation channels. Funds the construction of authorized coastal navigation projects at ports and harbors, such as deepening and widening of Federal navigation channels. Federal commercial navigation projects on coastal harbors. Division J, Title III In general, unless otherwise specified in law, projects 100 percent Federally funded.
Mississippi River and Tributaries Ports and Waterways Corps of Engineers - Civil Works Corps of Engineers Civil Works $808,000,000 Including $258 million For Damage Repairs Available until expended Direct Federal The Army Corps will use this funding to plan, design, construct, operate, and maintain certain Federal flood damage reduction projects. Funds work on Federal projects to help reduce the risk of flood damage in the lower Mississippi River alluvial valley below Cape Girardeau, Missouri. Eligible Federal projects on the lower Mississippi River or its tributaries. Division J, Title III In general, unless otherwise specified in law, projects are 100 percent Federally funded.
Planning Assistance To States Resilience Corps of Engineers - Civil Works Corps of Engineers Civil Works $30,000,000 Available until expended Direct Federal Funds certain planning and technical assistance provided by the Army Corps. The Army Corps provides planning and technical assistance to States, Tribes, and local communities to address water resource issues and related work. Labor and related work performed by the Army Corps. Division J, Title III In general, unless otherwise specified in law, projects are cost shared 50 percent Federal, 50 percent non-Federal with a cost-share waiver for Tribes and Territories per Section 1156 WRDA 86, as amended.
Regulatory Program Resilience Corps of Engineers - Civil Works Corps of Engineers Civil Works $160,000,000 2022 - 2026 Direct Federal Army Corps permitting activities. Provides funds to administer the laws and regulations pertaining to activities affecting U.S. waters, including wetlands, in accordance with the Rivers and Harbors Appropriation Act of 1899, the Clean Water Act of 1972, and the Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act of 1972. Additionally, it reviews and processes permit applications, ensures compliance on permitted sites, and protects important aquatic resources. Labor and related expenses for Army Corps staff. Division J, Title III No cost share requirement. Applicants can elect to pay a fee for permitting.
Section 118 Of Water Resources Development Act of 2020 Resilience Corps of Engineers - Civil Works Corps of Engineers Civil Works $30,000,000 Available until expended Direct Federal In partnership with State, local, and Tribal governments, the Army Corps would use funding to carry out feasibility studies Pilot program to carry out feasibility studies for flood risk management and hurricane and storm damage risk reduction projects that incorporate natural features or nature-based features for rural communities and economically disadvantaged communities. All eligible parties requiring work for the qualifying infrastructure. Division J, Title III In general, unless otherwise specified in law, studies are 100 percent Federally funded.
To Complete Or Initiate And Complete Studies That Were Authorized Prior To The Date Of This Act Resilience Corps of Engineers - Civil Works Corps of Engineers Civil Works $45,000,000 Available until expended Direct Federal In partnership with State, local, and Tribal governments, the Army Corps would use funding to conduct feasibility studies of potential future water resources projects and design and engineering work for eligible water resources projects. Funds studies to determine the engineering, economic feasibility of potential solutions to water and related land resources problems as well as preconstruction engineering and design Authorized studies and pre-construction engineering and design work of authorized projects. Division J, Title III In general, unless otherwise specified in law, studies are cost shared 50 percent Federal, 50 percent non-Federal.
Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Program Account Resilience Corps of Engineers - Civil Works Corps of Engineers Civil Works $75,000,000 Including $64 million for loans and $11 million for administration of the program. Available until expended Credit Assistance State, local government, public utility, or private primary owners of dams identified in the National Inventory of Dams, where the Federal Government is not a joint owner (pursuant to PL 116-260; Water Resources Reform and Development Act 2014, as amended; and 85 FR 39189). Federal credit program to provide credit assistance to creditworthy borrowers for projects to maintain, upgrade, and repair dams identified in the National Inventory of Dams owned by non-Federal entities. All qualifying non-Federal dam safety projects under the Army Corps Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Program Account program. Division J, Title III
Water-Related Environmental Infrastructure Assistance Resilience Corps of Engineers - Civil Works Corps of Engineers Civil Works $200,000,000 Available until expended Direct Federal In partnership with State, local, and Tribal governments, the Army Corps would use funding to construct Federally authorized environmental infrastructure projects. The program funds engineering and construction of authorized environmental infrastructure projects which provides safe water supply, waste disposal, and pollution control to cities and towns to protect human health and safeguard the environment. Authorized environmental infrastructure projects Division J, Title III In general, unless otherwise specified in law, projects are cost shared 50 percent Federal, 50 percent non-Federal.
Delta Regional Authority: BIL Administrative Funds Other Delta Regional Authority Delta Regional Authority $6,560,000 Available until expended Agency Admin Agency administration
Delta Regional Authority: Community Infrastructure Fund Other Delta Regional Authority Delta Regional Authority $75,000,000 Available until expended Grants States, Counties, Cities / Townships, Special Districts, Tribal Governments (Federally recognized), Public Higher-Ed Institutions, Nonprofits with 501(c)(3) status, Nonprofits - without 501(c)(3) status CIF is a competitive grant program designed to catalyze and strengthen regional economic development activities throughout the Mississippi River Delta Region and Alabama Black Belt. CIF is an existing grant program, which will incrementally integrate BIL funding with annual appropriations over a five-year period. Basic public infrastructure (ex. water and sewer systems, stormwater drainage, broadband), Transportation infrastructure, Flood control Division J, Title III Maximum Delta Regional Authority share is 100 percent for infrastructure projects in a distressed area or 10 percent for workforce development or business development projects in distressed or non-distressed areas. Delta Regional Authority participation can increase the allowable Federal share up to 100 percent in a grant
Delta Regional Authority: Delta Workforce Program Other Delta Regional Authority Delta Regional Authority $30,000,000 Available until expended Grants States, Counties, Cities / Townships, Special Districts, Tribal Governments (Federally recognized), Public Higher-Ed Institutions, Nonprofits with 501(c)(3) status, Nonprofits - without 501(c)(3) status DWP is a competitive grant program designed to support projects that expand job training and re-employment opportunities, align workforce and economic development strategies, create sustainable talent pipelines, establish or enhance locally/regionally significant public-private partnerships, and support enhanced workforce productivity through investments in innovative programming. Grants are awarded to projects that focus on four key priorities – (1) Supporting industry-led workforce training, (2) Building collaborative talent pipelines, (3) Supporting or enhancing industry clusters, and (4) Accelerating local or regional economic development. Ultimately, DWP is designed to support projects that facilitate career development, workforce training, and job placement for individuals in the Mississippi River Delta Region and Alabama Black Belt. #N/A Division J, Title III Maximum Delta Regional Authority share is 100 percent for infrastructure projects in a distressed area or 10 percent for workforce development or business development projects in distressed or non-distressed areas. Delta Regional Authority participation can increase the allowable Federal share up to 100 percent in a grant
Delta Regional Authority: LDD Pilot Program Other Delta Regional Authority Delta Regional Authority $5,940,000 Available until expended Grants Local Development Districts DRA will use a portion of BIL funds to develop and administer a new, non-competitive grant program to build the capacity of the 45 LDDs in the Mississippi River Delta Region and Alabama Black Belt. The LDD Pilot Program will make fixed amount grants to LDDs in FY 2023 and FY 2024 to advance planning and technical assistance activities in their respective regions. This two-year pilot program is designed to increase the region's competitiveness to take advantage of the Federal funding being made available through the BIL, disaster supplemental bills, and the annual appropriations process. Comprehensive plans, master plans, capital improvement plans, economic development plans, workforce development plans, broadband deployment plans, utility rate studies, feasibility studies, and market demand studies, etc. Division J, Title III Maximum Delta Regional Authority share is 100 percent for infrastructure projects in a distressed area or 10 percent for workforce development or business development projects in distressed or non-distressed areas. Delta Regional Authority participation can increase the allowable Federal share up to 100 percent in a grant
Delta Regional Authority: States' Economic Development Assistance Program Other Delta Regional Authority Delta Regional Authority $25,000,000 Available until expended Grants States, Counties, Cities / Townships, Special Districts, Tribal Governments (Federally recognized), Public Higher-Ed Institutions, Nonprofits with 501(c)(3) status, Nonprofits - without 501(c)(3) status SEDAP is a competitive grant program designed to stimulate and support economic development activities throughout the Mississippi River Delta Region and Alabama Black Belt. SEDAP is an existing grant program, which will incrementally integrate BIL funding with annual appropriations over a five-year period. Generally, awards range between $50,000 to $350,000. Basic public infrastructure (ex. water and sewer systems, stormwater drainage, broadband), Transportation infrastructure, Business development, with an emphasis on entrepreneurship, Job training Division J, Title III Maximum Delta Regional Authority share is 100 percent for infrastructure projects in a distressed area or 10 percent for workforce development or business development projects in distressed or non-distressed areas. Delta Regional Authority participation can increase the allowable Federal share up to 100 percent in a grant
Delta Regional Authority: Strategic Planning Grants Other Delta Regional Authority Delta Regional Authority $7,500,000 Available until expended Grants States, Counties, Cities / Townships, Special Districts, Tribal Governments (Federally recognized), Public Higher-Ed Institutions, Nonprofits with 501(c)(3) status, Nonprofits - without 501(c)(3) status DRA will use a portion of BIL funds to develop and administer a new competitive grant program to support strategic planning activities including, but not limited to, the following: comprehensive plans, master plans, capital improvement plans, economic development plans, workforce development plans, broadband deployment plans, utility rate studies, feasibility studies, market demand studies, preliminary engineering reports, and more. DRA will prioritize planning activities that demonstrate a regional approach, engage historically marginalized groups, and are anticipated to improve or strengthen economic development in DRA communities. Awards will likely range between $10,000 to $100,000. Planning, technical assistance Division J, Title III Maximum Delta Regional Authority share is 100 percent for infrastructure projects in a distressed area or 10 percent for workforce development or business development projects in distressed or non-distressed areas. Delta Regional Authority participation can increase the allowable Federal share up to 100 percent in a grant
Denali Commission: Broadband Funding Broadband Denali Commission Denali Commission $250,000 Available until expended Grant States, Counties, Cities / Townships, Special Districts, Tribal Governments (Federally recognized), Public Higher-Ed Institutions, Public Housing Authorities, Indian Housing Authorities, Nonprofits with 501(c)(3) status, Nonprofits - without 501(c)(3) status Program to assist rural Alaskan communities in planning and build-out of modern broadband capabilities. Broadband planning and build-out #N/A Division J, Title III Maximum Denali share is 50 percent or 80 percent, depending on the community's level of economic distress and type of project (non-construction is 0%)
Denali Commission: Emergency Fund Other Denali Commission $2,750,000 Available until expended Grant States, Counties, Cities / Townships, Special Districts, Tribal Governments (Federally recognized), Public Higher-Ed Institutions, Public Housing Authorities, Indian Housing Authorities, Nonprofits with 501(c)(3) status, Nonprofits - without 501(c)(3) status The Denali Commission is currently planning for the allocation of these Bipartisan Infrastructute Law funds. Eligible uses may include job training and other economic development services in rural communities, provide power generation, transmission facilities, modern communication systems, water and sewer systems and other infrastructure needs. #N/A Division J, Title III Maximum Denali share is 50 percent or 80 percent, depending on the community's level of economic distress and type of project (non-construction is 0%)
Denali Commission: Energy Reliability & Security Other Denali Commission Denali Commission $5,000,000 Available until expended Grant States, Counties, Cities / Townships, Special Districts, Tribal Governments (Federally recognized), Public Higher-Ed Institutions, Public Housing Authorities, Indian Housing Authorities, Nonprofits with 501(c)(3) status, Nonprofits - without 501(c)(3) status The Denali Commission is currently planning for the allocation of these Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funds. Eligible uses may include job training and other economic development services in rural communities, provide power generation, transmission facilities, modern communication systems, water and sewer systems and other infrastructure needs. #N/A Division J, Title III Maximum Denali share is 50 percent or 80 percent, depending on the community's level of economic distress and type of project (non-construction is 0%)
Denali Commission: Infrastructure Fund Other Denali Commission Denali Commission $50,000,000 Available until expended Grant States, Counties, Cities / Townships, Special Districts, Tribal Governments (Federally recognized), Public Higher-Ed Institutions, Public Housing Authorities, Indian Housing Authorities, Nonprofits with 501(c)(3) status, Nonprofits - without 501(c)(3) status The Denali Commission is currently planning for the allocation of these Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funds. Eligible uses may include job training and other economic development services in rural communities, provide power generation, transmission facilities, modern communication systems, water and sewer systems and other infrastructure needs. #N/A Division J, Title III Maximum Denali share is 50 percent or 80 percent, depending on the community's level of economic distress and type of project (non-construction is 0%)
Denali Commission: Village Infrastructure Protection Other Denali Commission Denali Commission $10,000,000 Available until expended Grant States, Counties, Cities / Townships, Special Districts, Tribal Governments (Federally recognized), Public Higher-Ed Institutions, Public Housing Authorities, Indian Housing Authorities, Nonprofits with 501(c)(3) status, Nonprofits - without 501(c)(3) status Program to assist rural Alaskan communities that are threatened by erosion, flooding and permafrost degradation. Construction, planning and workforce development. Division J, Title III Maximum Denali share is 50 percent or 80 percent, depending on the community's level of economic distress and type of project (non-construction is 0%)
Denali Commission: Workforce Development Other Denali Commission Denali Commission $3,250,000 Available until expended Grant States, Counties, Cities / Townships, Special Districts, Tribal Governments (Federally recognized), Public Higher-Ed Institutions, Public Housing Authorities, Indian Housing Authorities, Nonprofits with 501(c)(3) status, Nonprofits - without 501(c)(3) status Program aimed at enhancing relevant skills of rural Alaskan community members to meet current demands. Workforce development. Division J, Title III Maximum Denali share is 50 percent or 80 percent, depending on the community's level of economic distress and type of project (non-construction is 0%)
Agreement With National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration For Geostationary Operations Environmental Satellite Program Resilience Department of Agriculture Forest Service $10,000,000 Available until expended Direct Federal Spending Forest Service Funding Defer to NOAA Uses will be determined by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. 40803 No non-Federal cost share required
Burned Area Recovery Resilience Department of Agriculture Forest Service $225,000,000 Available until expended Direct Federal Spending Forest Service Funding The Forest Service Burned Area Rehabilitation program addresses threats to fish, wildlife and people downstream, that some fires create. Projects that provide emergency response to wildland-fire burned areas on National Forest System lands. Division J, Title VI No non-Federal cost share required
Capital Improvement And Maintenance - Construction And Maintenance Of Roads For Forest Restoration Projects That Reduce Wildfire Risk Resilience Department of Agriculture Forest Service $100,000,000 Each annual tranche has a four-year period of availability Direct Federal Spending Forest Service Funding This program administers an extensive transportation network that is vital to the agency's mission to sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of national forest lands. Construction of temporary roads or reconstruction and maintenance of roads to facilitate forest restoration and management projects that reduce wildfire risk. Division J, Title VI Varies
Capital Improvement And Maintenance - Legacy Road And Trail Remediation Program Resilience Department of Agriculture Forest Service $250,000,000 Each annual tranche has a four-year period of availability Direct Federal Spending Forest Service Funding This program protects investments by decommissioning and repairing roads and trails to mitigate detrimental impacts to sensitive ecosystems and watersheds. Work that includes replacing or installing bridges and culverts (or low-water trail crossings), addressing public safety of roads and trails, restoring unneeded roads and trails to a more natural State, addressing storm-damaged areas, and removing or replacing pipes and other structures that restrict or prevent fish and other aquatic organisms from reaching their traditional habitat. Division J, Title VI Varies
Capital Improvement and Maintenance for Dams Clean Energy and Power Department of Agriculture Forest Service $10,000,000 Each annual tranche has a 4-yr period of availability Direct Federal Spending Forest Service Funding This program administers an extensive transportation network that is vital to the agency's mission to sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of national forest lands Dams on National Forest System lands in need of maintenance Division J, Title VI Varies
Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Program Resilience Department of Agriculture Forest Service $100,000,000 Available until expended Direct Federal Spending Forest Service Funding The Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Program uses collaborative, science-based approaches to enhance forest and watershed health, reduce risk from uncharacteristic wildfire, and provide benefits to rural economies. With its focused investment on priority landscapes, partner capacity, and community support, Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Program projects are expanding the pace and scale of treatments that reduce the risk of widespread, high-mortality fires. 40803 No non-Federal cost share required
Community Wildfire Defense Grant Program For At-Risk Communities Resilience Department of Agriculture Forest Service $1,000,000,000 Each annual $100 million tranche has a 4-year period of availability Grant Private Forest Owners, Communities At Risk From Wildfire, Tribal Communities, State Forestry Agencies And Other Nonprofit Organizations Provide grants to communities at risk from wildfire to develop or revise their community wildfire protection plans and carry out projects described within those plans. It will include a mix of formula and competitive funds. Under development 40803 Federal cost share for grants
Develop And Publish Every 5 Years A Map Depicting At-Risk Communities, Including Tribal Communities Resilience Department of Agriculture Forest Service $1,200,000 Available until expended Direct Federal Spending Forest Service Funding The Forest Service will develop and publish every five years a map depicting at-risk communities, including Tribal communities. N/A 40803 No non-Federal cost share required
Ecological Health Restoration Contracts Resilience Department of Agriculture Forest Service $150,000,000 Available until expended Direct Federal Spending Forest Service Funding This program is responsible for issuing contracts for management of programs with authority to dispose of National Forest System timber and non-timber forest products harvested for commercial, personal, and Tribal uses. Focus areas include sale preparation, contract administration, purchaser suspension and debarment, special forest products, and related authorities and programs. 40804 No non-Federal cost share required
Federal Wildland Firefighter Salaries And Expenses Resilience Department of Agriculture Forest Service $480,000,000 Available until expended Direct Federal Spending Forest Service Funding To address the increasing complexity and severity of fire years the Forest Service will create a more permanent workforce by converting no fewer than 1,000 seasonal wildland firefighters to wildland fire managers that are full-time, permanent and year-round while also holding responsibilities for reducing hazardous fuels on Federal land. Additionally in recognition of the significant risk and arduous duties of firefighters we will create a more competitive compensation package for wildland firefighters by increasing the base salary of Federal wildland firefighters. For firefighters that are located within a specified geographic area where it is difficult to recruit or to retain Federal wildland firefighters. Division J, Title VI No non-Federal cost share required
Financial Assistance To Facilities That Purchase And Process Byproducts For Ecosystem Restoration Projects Resilience Department of Agriculture Forest Service $400,000,000 Available until expended Grant States, Tribes This program is responsible for management of programs with authority to dispose of National Forest System timber and non-timber forest products harvested for commercial, personal, and Tribal uses. Focus areas include sale preparation, contract administration, purchaser suspension and debarment, special forest products, and related authorities and programs. 40804 No non-Federal cost share required
Firewood Banks Resilience Department of Agriculture Forest Service $8,000,000 Each annual $1.6 million tranche has a 4-yr period of availability Financial Assistance State, Tribe, Local Units Of Government, Non-Government Organizations Under development Under development 40803 Federal cost share for grants
Forest Health Management on Federal Lands Program and Forest Health Management on Cooperative Lands Program Resilience Department of Agriculture Forest Service $100,000,000 Each annual $20 million tranche has a four-year period of availability Direct Federal Spending and Grants Non-Federal States, Tribes, And Other Federal Agencies The Forest Health Management on Federal Lands program helps the National Forest System and other actively managed Federal lands to suppress forest insects and diseases. Forest Health Management on Federal Lands' work includes technical assistance, suppression on non-Federal lands. The program helps State agencies create more fire-adapted communities by implementing pre-fire prevention and mitigation programs and emphasizing pre-fire planning and risk reduction in the Wildland Urban Interface. The program funds important training in safer initial attack responses to wildfire that are also effective. Additionally, the program improves capacity to assist other Federal, State, and local agencies in aiding communities affected by fire and non-fire emergencies, such as hurricanes and floods. Conduct surveys to detect and appraise insect infestations and disease conditions; Determine the biological, chemical, and mechanical measures necessary to prevent, retard, control, or suppress incipient, potential, threatening, or emergency insect infestations and disease conditions affecting trees; Plan, organize, direct, and perform measures necessary to prevent, retard, control, or suppress incipient, potential, threatening, or emergency insect infestations and disease epidemics affecting trees; Provide technical information, advice, and related assistance on the various techniques available to maintain a healthy forest; Develop applied technology and conduct pilot tests of research results prior to the full-scale application of such technology in affected forests; Promote the implementation of appropriate silvicultural or management techniques that may improve or protect the health of the forests of the United States. Division J, Title VI Yes
Fuel Breaks Resilience Department of Agriculture Forest Service $250,000,000 Available until expended Direct Federal Spending Forest Service Funding The Hazardous Fuels program prioritizes treating areas with high potential for damaging wildfires within the wildland-urban interface using a scenario planning tool to identify areas where there is high and very high wildfire hazard potential adjacent Projects on National Forest System lands at high-risk for catastrophic wildland fire. 40806 No non-Federal cost share required
Hazardous Fuels (Mechanical Thinning And Timber Harvesting; Precommercial Thinning In Young Growth) Resilience Department of Agriculture Forest Service $400,000,000 Available until expended Direct Federal Spending Forest Service Funding The Hazardous Fuels program prioritizes treating areas with high potential for damaging wildfires within the wildland-urban interface using a scenario planning tool to identify areas where there is high and very high wildfire hazard potential adjacent to communities. Working with community partners across boundaries allows the agency to leverage resources and work efficiently to reduce wildfire risk while creating resilient landscapes and encouraging fire-adapted communities. Projects that mitigate wildfire risk on hazardous fuels in high priority and high-risk areas around the Nation. 40803 No non-Federal cost share required
Hazardous Fuels Management Resilience Department of Agriculture Forest Service $514,000,000 Available until expended Direct Federal Spending Forest Service Funding The Hazardous Fuels program prioritizes treating areas with high potential for damaging wildfires within the wildland-urban interface using a scenario planning tool to identify areas where there is high and very high wildfire hazard potential adjacent to communities. Working with community partners across boundaries allows the agency to leverage resources and work efficiently to reduce wildfire risk while creating resilient landscapes and encouraging fire-adapted communities. Projects that mitigate wildfire risk on hazardous fuels in high priority and high-risk areas around the Nation. 40803 No non-Federal cost share required
Joint Chiefs Landscape Restoration Partnership Program Resilience Department of Agriculture Forest Service $0 While BIL did not appropriate any new funding for this program, it did codify and authorize existing appropriations. Available until expended Direct Federal spending. Department of Agriculture's Forest Service and Natural Resources Conservation Service are working together to improve the health of forests where public forests and grasslands connect to privately owned lands. Through the Joint Chiefs' Landscape Restoration Partnership, the two Department of Agriculture agencies are restoring landscapes, reducing wildfire threats to communities and landowners, protecting water quality, and enhancing wildlife habitat. Projects that mitigate wildfire risk, improve water quality, and restore healthy forest ecosystems on public and private lands. 40808 No non-Federal cost share required
Landscape Scale Restoration Water Quality and Fish Passage Other Department of Agriculture Forest Service $80,000,000 Available until expended Direct Federal Spending Forest Service Funding This program improves fish and wildlife habitat connectivity and helps to recover Endangered Species Act-listed or Endangered Species Act candidate species that depend on National Forest System lands. High priority habitats on National Forest System lands. 40804 Varies
National Seed Strategy Resilience Department of Agriculture Forest Service $60,000,000 Each annual $12 million tranche has a four-year period of availability Grants - non Federal State, Tribe, Local Units Of Government, Non-Government Organizations Under development Under development 40804 TBD
Post-Fire Restoration Resilience Department of Agriculture Forest Service $100,000,000 Available until expended Direct Federal Spending Forest Service Funding The Burned Area Recovery program will provide restoration activities on wildfire affected areas within three years after the date that a wildland fire is contained. Areas on National Forest System lands severely burned by wildland fire. 40803 No non-Federal cost share required
Preplanning Fire Response Workshops And Workforce Training Resilience Department of Agriculture Forest Service $50,000,000 Available until expended Direct Federal Spending Forest Service Funding The Forest Service will conduct pre-planning fire response workshops that develop Potential Operational Delineations and select potential control locations and workforce training for staff, non-Federal firefighters, and Native village fire crews. To conduct workshops and develop potential operational delineations 40803 No non-Federal cost share required
Prescribed Fires Resilience Department of Agriculture Forest Service $250,000,000 Available until expended Direct Federal Spending Forest Service Funding The Hazardous Fuels program prioritizes treating areas with high potential for damaging wildfires within the wildland-urban interface using a scenario planning tool to identify areas where there is high and very high wildfire hazard potential. Projects that mitigate wildfire risk on hazardous fuels in high priority and high-risk areas around the Nation. 40803 No non-Federal cost share required
Provide Financial Assistance To States, Tribes, And Units Of Local Government To Establish And Operate Reverse-911 Telecommunication Systems Resilience Department of Agriculture Forest Service $30,000,000 Available until expended Grant State/Tribes Establishment of reserve-911 telecommunication systems. Establishment of reserve-911 telecommunication systems. 40803 No non-Federal cost share required
Recreation Sites Other Department of Agriculture Forest Service $55,000,000 Available until expended Direct Federal Spending Forest Service Funding Recreation Management. The recreation program administers recreation sites, including campgrounds and day-use areas, and special use authorizations, such as ski lodges, resorts, and outfitter guides. This program provides recreational access to over 193 million acres on national forest lands containing more than 27,000 campgrounds, picnic areas, trailheads, and day-use areas; 220,000 miles of fishable streams; and 122 ski areas. Increasing capacity for critical recreation operations, planning, services, and improvements, with particular emphasis on creating welcoming, sustainable, and equitable recreation opportunities for all Americans. 40804 Varies
Reforestation Trust Fund (Replant Act) Resilience Department of Agriculture Forest Service $0 BIL included the Repairing Existing Public Land by Adding Necessary Trees Act (REPLANT Act), which removes the cap on the Reforestation Trust Fund, indefinitely increasing annual funding for reforestation from $30 million to $140 million or more. While BIL did not appropriate any new funding, it did authorize existing appropriations. Available until expended Direct Federal Spending Forest Service Funding The Reforestation Trust Fund receives budgetary resources from periodic transfers by the U.S. Treasury of tariffs from imported wood products. The funds are used to reduce the backlog in reforestation and timber stand improvement work. Reforestation activities include site preparation for planting or seeding of the appropriate tree species, site preparation to encourage natural regeneration, and certification of acres naturally regenerated without the need for site preparation. 70302 No non-Federal cost share required
Removal Of Vegetation For Biochar And Innovative Wood Products Resilience Department of Agriculture Forest Service $100,000,000 Available until expended Direct Federal Spending Forest Service Funding This program, through contracting or employing crews of laborers, supports the modification and removal of flammable vegetation on Federal land and for using materials from treatments, to the extent practicable, to produce biochar and other innovative products, including through the use of locally based organizations that engage young adults, Native youth, and veterans in service projects, such as youth and conservation corps. To be determined. 40803 No non-Federal cost share required
Research And Development Via Joint Fire Science Program Partnership With Department Of Interior Resilience Department of Agriculture Forest Service $10,000,000 Each annual $2 million tranche has a five-year period of availability Grant, facilitated through interagency agreement with the Department of Interior (Bureau of Land Management). Institutions Of Higher Education The Joint Fire Science Program funds scientific research on wildland fires and distributes results to help policymakers, fire managers and practitioners make decisions. Uses are determined by the Department of the Interior. Division J, Title VI No non-Federal cost share required
Restoration Projects Via States And Tribes Resilience Department of Agriculture Forest Service $160,000,000 Available until expended Grant States, Tribes This program is responsible for management of programs with authority to dispose of National Forest System timber and non-timber forest products harvested for commercial, personal, and Tribal uses. Focus areas include sale preparation, contract administration, purchaser suspension and debarment, special forest products, and related authorities and programs. 40803 No non-Federal cost share required
Restore Native Vegetation On Federal/Non-Federal Land Resilience Department of Agriculture Forest Service $100,000,000 Available until expended Direct Federal Spending Forest Service Funding This program ensures the productive and sustainable use of National Forest System lands by improving the condition and health of forest and rangeland vegetation, controlling the spread of invasive species, sustaining soil productivity, reducing the risk of severe flooding and erosion in areas affected by severe fire, and maintaining water quality. Restoration carried out on National Forest System Lands and identified using the Watershed Condition Framework. 40804 Varies
Revegetation Effort to Implement National Seed Strategy Resilience Department of Agriculture Forest Service $70,000,000 Available until expended Direct Federal Spending Forest Service Funding The National Seed Strategy, developed in partnership with the Plant Conservation Alliance and the U.S. Department of Agriculture, guides ecological restoration across major landscapes, especially those lands damaged by rangeland fires, invasive species, severe storms, and drought. Revegetation of disrupted areas on National Forest System lands. 40804 No non-Federal cost share required
Secure Rural Schools Other Department of Agriculture Forest Service $0 While BIL did not appropriate any funding for this program, it is funded by fees which were authorized in the BIL. Available until expended Grant/Financial Assistance States and Counties The Secure Rural Schools program provides critical funding for schools, roads, and other municipal services to more than 700 counties across the United State and Puerto Rico. Payments to States 41202 No non-Federal cost share required
Southwest Ecological Restoration Institute Resilience Department of Agriculture Forest Service $20,000,000 Available until expended Direct Federal Spending Forest Service Funding Southwest Ecological Restoration Institute will compile and display data for fuels treatments and wildfire, to facilitate coordination and use of existing and future interagency fuel treatment data, and to carry out other related activities of a Southwest Ecological Restoration Institute. Grant to Southwest Ecological Restoration Institute 40803 No non-Federal cost share required
State Fire Assistance Resilience Department of Agriculture Forest Service $88,000,000 Each annual $17.6 million tranche has a four-year period of availability Grant, Financial Assistance, Technical Assistance Community And State (Primary Partners Including National Association of State Foresters And State Forestry Agencies) Through the State Fire Assistance program, the Forest Service supports and assists State Foresters and local communities in building capacity for wildfire prevention, mitigation, control, and suppression on non-Federal lands. The program helps State agencies create more fire-adapted communities by implementing pre-fire prevention and mitigation programs and emphasizing pre-fire planning and risk reduction in the Wildland Urban Interface. The program funds important training in safer initial attack responses to wildfire that are also effective. Additionally, the program improves capacity to assist other Federal, State, and local agencies in aiding communities affected by fire and non-fire emergencies, such as hurricanes and floods Supporting States and local communities. Division J, Title VI Yes
State Forest Action Plans Other Department of Agriculture Forest Service $200,000,000 Each annual $40 million tranche has a 4 year period of availability Grants States and Territories To implement State Forest Action Plans. State plans were revised in 2020 for all 59 States and territories—they offer practical and comprehensive roadmaps for investing Federal, State, local, and private resources where they can be most effective in achieving national conservation goals. Those activities identified in State Forest Action plans. Division J, Title VI Yes
Temporary Water Crossing Structures Other Department of Agriculture Forest Service $50,000,000 Each annual $10 million tranche has a 4 year period of availability Grant States, Tribes Under development Under development 40804 Federal cost share for grants
Volunteer Fire Assistance Resilience Department of Agriculture Forest Service $20,000,000 Each annual $4 million tranche has a 4-yr period of availability Grant, Financial Assistance, Technical Assistance Community And State. National Association Of State Foresters, State Forestry Agencies, National Volunteer Fire Council And The International Association Of Fire Chiefs The Volunteer Fire Assistance program focuses on increasing the capacity of local fire departments to provide initial attack on wildfires by providing additional firefighter training and assistance to departments with purchasing equipment. Recipients match grants dollar-for-dollar to maximize the value of the Federal investment. Rural fire departments also play a key role in educating constituents about fire adaptation and mitigation and help meet expanded fire protection needs within the wildland urban interface. Together, these initiatives combine to create more fire-adapted communities. Excess personal property used by State and local fire forces receiving assistance. Division J, Title VI Yes
Wildfire Detection And Monitoring Equipment Resilience Department of Agriculture Forest Service $5,000,000 Available until expended Direct Federal Spending Forest Service Funding The agency will procure and place wildfire detection and real-time monitoring equipment, such as sensors, cameras, and other relevant equipment in wildfire prone areas to enhance safety and awareness of wildfire risk for the public and first responders. Under development 40803 No non-Federal cost share required
Emergency Watershed Protection Program Resilience Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service $300,000,000 Available until expended Technical and Financial Assistance Local sponsors representing owners, managers, and users of public, private, or Tribal lands are eligible for Emergency Watershed Protection Assistance if their watershed area has been damaged by a natural disaster. Provides for design and construction of measures to help repair damages from a recent disaster to safeguard life and property. Reduce threats to life or property by repairing severe soil erosion and impairments or restoring the hydraulic capacity to the natural environment in an economically/environmentally defensible & technically sound manner. Division J, Title I Yes (25 percent non-Federal)
Watershed And Flood Prevention Operations Resilience Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service $500,000,000 Available until expended Technical and Financial Assistance Local Sponsor Or Legal Subdivision Of State Or Tribal Government. Eligible Sponsors Include Cities, Counties, Towns, Conservation Districts, Or Any Federally-Recognized Native American Tribe Or Tribal Organization. Provides planning, design and construction of measures that address resource concerns in a watershed. Flood Prevention, Watershed Protection, Public Recreation, Public Fish and Wildlife, Agricultural Water Management, Municipal and Industrial Water Supply, or Water Quality Management. Division J, Title I Varies
Watershed Rehabilitation Program Clean Energy and Power Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service $118,000,000 Available until expended Technical and Financial Assistance Local Sponsor or Legal Subdivision of State or Tribal Government. Eligible Sponsors include cities, counties, towns, conservation districts, or any Federally-recognized Tribe or Tribal Organization. Provides planning, design and construction for Department of Agriculture assisted dams to extend their service life and meet current safety requirements. Rehabilitate high hazard watershed dams previously installed under the following four authorities: PL 83-566, PL 78-534, RC&D, Pilot Program. Division J, Title I 65/35
Distance Learning, Telemedicine, And Broadband Program: Broadband Loans Broadband Department of Agriculture Rural Utilities Service $74,000,000 Available until expended Direct Loan Corporation; Limited Liability Company; Cooperative or Mutual Organization; A State or Local Unit of Government; Tribe or Tribal Organization Individuals and Partnerships Are Not Eligible. The Rural Broadband Access Loan and Loan Guarantee Program (Broadband Program) makes loans and loan guarantees to finance construction, improvement, or acquisition of facilities and equipment needed to provide high speed broadband service in eligible rural areas. Broadband infrastructure: broadband loans provide funding on a technology-neutral basis for financing: the construction, improvement, and acquisition of facilities required to provide broadband service, including facilities required for providing other services through the same facilities; the cost of leasing facilities required to provide service at the broadband lending speed if such lease qualifies as a capital lease under Generally Accepted Accounting Principles; and the acquisition of such facilities, under certain circumstances and with restrictions. For additional detail see 7 CFR 1738 Division J, Title I No non-Federal cost share required
Distance Learning, Telemedicine, And Broadband Program: Reconnect Program Broadband Department of Agriculture Rural Utilities Service $1,926,000,000 Available until expended Direct Loan/Grant/Combo Corporations; Limited Liability Companies and Limited Liability Partnerships; Cooperatives or Mutual Organizations; States or Local governments, including any agency, subdivision, instrumentality of political subdivision thereof; Territories or Possessions of The United States; and Tribes, as defined in Section 4 Of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act (25 U.S.C. §450B) The ReConnect Program offers loans, grants, and loan-grant combinations to build infrastructure and install equipment that provides modern, reliable, high-speed Internet service in rural America. ReConnect Program funds can be used to fund the costs of construction, improvement, or acquisition of facilities and equipment needed to provide broadband service capable of delivering 100 Mbps symmetrical service and the acquisition of an existing system not currently providing sufficient access to broadband service, under certain circumstances, and with restrictions. Up to five percent of the award may be used for pre-application expenses. Division J, Title I No non-Federal cost share required
Bioproduct Pilot Program Other Department of Agriculture Office of the Secretary $10,000,000 Available until expended - $5 million in 2022 and $5 million in 2023 Grants - Non-Federal Bioproduct research facilities that: a) is funded in part by a State; b) is located within 3 miles from residence halls of an institution of higher education; c) provides opportunities for student involvement in research; d) collaborates with an institution of higher education. Determine the economic, social, and environmental benefits of using materials derived from agricultural commodities (bioproducts) in the development and manufacturing of construction or consumer products. Bioproduct research facilities that: a) is funded in part by a State; b) is located within 3 miles from residence halls of an institution of higher education; c) provides opportunities for student involvement in research; d) collaborates with an institution of higher education. 70501 No non-Federal cost share required
Climate and Societal Interactions Resilience Department of Commerce $4,800,000 2 years for each annual tranche Grant Eligible applicants are institutions of higher education, other nonprofits, commercial organizations, international organizations, and state, local and Indian tribal governments Support collaborative research and community engagement projects that improve climate adaptation planning and action. Collaborative research and community engagement are defined here as the process of developing trusted and sustained partnerships between scientists, decision-makers, and communities that lead to shared understandings of climate adaptation needs and the co-generation of credible and actionable climate knowledge to support community defined plans, including implementable solutions. Outcomes from this work will support and inform the identification of equitable and inclusive infrastructure investments that mitigate flooding and wildfire risks. 1. Improving Engagement Methods for Coastal Resilience Planning

2. Assessing Tradeoffs and Co-Benefits for Complex Decision-Making in Communities Facing Coastal Inundation and/or Inland Flooding

3. Identifying Complex Interactions between Social Infrastructure and Wildfire Risks to Improve Community Adaptive Capacity

Provision 5
Coastal Zone Management Resilience Department of Commerce National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration $207,000,000 2 years for each annual tranche Grant States (Includes District Of Columbia, Public Institutions Of Higher Education, And Hospitals); U.S. Territories And Possessions; U.S. Territories And Possessions (Includes Institutions Of Higher Education And Hospitals); State; Any Coastal State. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Office for Coastal Management will implement these funds through Coastal Zone Management competitive and noncompetitive grants. The purpose of these funds is to restore and protect coastal ecosystems through direct investment by coastal States and territories in ecologically significant habitats. The Coastal Zone Management Act established a national system of State and territorial Coastal Zone Management Programs. These Programs work with coastal States and territories to address urgent coastal issues including climate change, ocean planning, and planning for energy facilities and development. This funding will enable approved coastal programs to protect and restore ecologically significant habitats, including conserving lands that play a critical role in helping communities become more resilient to natural hazards such as storms, flooding, inundation, erosion, tsunamis, sea level rise, and lake level changes. Division J, Title II No non-Federal cost share required
Consultations and Permitting Other Department of Commerce National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration $20,000,000 2 years for each annual tranche Various Internal The National Marine Fisheries Service conducts consultations with Federal action agencies under both the Endangered Species Act and the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Fisheries also authorizes take under the Marine Mammal Protection Act. Completion of these consultations will enable the Administration to advance priorities to improve the Nation's infrastructure while ensuring the conservation of our most vulnerable species and important habitats. Capacity for consultations and incidental harassment authorizations for infrastructure projects planned by other Federal agencies Division J, Title II No non-Federal cost share required
Earth System Science and Modeling Research Resilience Department of Commerce $2,400,000 2 years for each annual tranche Grant Provision 3
Fish Passage Other Department of Commerce National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration $400,000,000 2 years for each annual tranche Grant Non-Profit 501(C) Organizations, State and Territorial Government Agencies, Local Governments, Municipal Governments, Tribal Governments and Organizations, Educational Institutions, Or Commercial (For-Profit) Organizations Restoring fish passage by removing in-stream barriers and providing technical assistance pursuant to section 117 of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Reauthorization Act of 2006 (16 U.S.C. 1891a). On the ground fish passage restoration projects, engineering and design, future project development phases, and building the capacity of new and existing restoration partners to design projects and manage multi-faceted construction efforts Division J, Title II No non-Federal cost share required
Flood and Inundation Mapping and Forecasting, Water Modeling, and Precipitation Studies Resilience Department of Commerce National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration $492,000,000 2 years for each annual tranche Various States, Counties, Cities / Townships, Special Districts, Tribal Governments (Federally Recognized), Tribal Governments (Other Than Federally Recognized), Public Higher-Ed Institutions, Private Higher-Ed Institutions, Nonprofits With 501(C)(3) Status, Nonprofits. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration will transform water prediction by delivering operational, continental-scale coastal and inland flood models and mapping capabilities. These capabilities include flood forecasts and projections that will provide actionable decision support services equitably delivered to communities across the nation. Coastal and inland flood and inundation mapping and forecasting and next-generation water modeling activities - including modernized precipitation frequency and probable maximum studies. Division J, Title II No non-Federal cost share required
Habitat Restoration Resilience Department of Commerce National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration $491,000,000 2 years for each annual tranche Grant Non-Profit 501(c) Organizations, State And Territorial Government Agencies, Local Governments, Municipal Governments, Tribal Governments And Organizations, Educational Institutions, Or Commercial (For-Profit) Organizations. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Office of Habitat Conservation will implement the habitat restoration funds through a competitive grants process with the purpose of restoring marine, estuarine, coastal, and Great Lakes ecosystem habitat as well as constructing or protecting ecological features that protect coastal communities from flooding or coastal storms. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Office of Habitat Conservation protects and restores habitat to sustain fisheries, recover protected species, and maintain resilient coastal ecosystems and communities. Typical projects include removing dams and other barriers, reconnecting coastal wetlands, and rebuilding coral and oyster reefs. The Office of Habitat Conservation will provide technical assistance from project conception to completion and explore ways in which this funding can be used to support underserved communities. Division J, Title II No non-Federal cost share required
Marine Debris Other Department of Commerce National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration $150,000,000 2 years for each annual tranche Various Non-Profit 501(C) Organizations, State and Territorial Government Agencies, Local Governments, Municipal Governments, Tribal Governments and Organizations, Educational Institutions, Or Commercial (For-Profit) Organizations The mission of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Marine Debris Program is to investigate and prevent the adverse impacts of marine debris. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Marine Debris Program envisions the global ocean and its coasts free from the impacts of marine debris. Removal and cleanup of significant legacy debris such as abandoned and derelict vessels and derelict fishing gear, as well other priority debris types, that pose a threat to National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration trust resources, the economy or navigation safety. Prevention of the re-accumulation of marine debris, as well as preventing common consumer debris from entering the marine environment. Assessment of the scope, scale, and distribution of marine debris in the environment through marine debris monitoring and detection investments. Division J, Title II 1:1 Federal / non-Federal
Marine Debris Other Department of Commerce National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration $50,000,000 2 years for each annual tranche Grant States, Counties, Cities / Townships, Special Districts, Tribal Governments (Federally Recognized), Tribal Governments (Other Than Federally Recognized), Public Higher-Ed Institutions, Private Higher-Ed Institutions, Nonprofits With 501(C)(3) Status, Nonprofits - Without 501(C)(3) Status, Small Businesses, Businesses (Other Than Small Businesses), And / Or Individuals The mission of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Marine Debris Program is to investigate and prevent the adverse impacts of marine debris. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Marine Debris Program envisions the global ocean and its coasts free from the impacts of marine debris. Research (physical and social science, engineering, and legal) and increasing capacity and expertise through education to eliminate barriers to marine debris prevention and removal. Division J, Title II 1:2 Federal / non-Federal
National Coastal Resilience Fund Resilience Department of Commerce National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration $492,000,000 2 years for each annual tranche Grant Non-Profit 501(C) Organizations, State And Territorial Government Agencies, Local Governments, Municipal Governments, Tribal Governments And Organizations, Educational Institutions, Or Commercial (For-Profit) Organizations The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's National Oceans and Coastal Security Fund supports the National Coastal Resilience Fund which restores, increases and strengthens natural infrastructure to protect coastal communities while also enhancing habitats for fish and wildlife. Established in 2018, the National Coastal Resilience Fund invests in conservation projects that restore or expand natural features such as coastal marshes and wetlands, dune and beach systems, oyster and coral reefs, forests, coastal rivers and floodplains, and barrier islands that minimize the impacts of storms and other naturally occurring events on nearby communities. Established in 2018, the National Coastal Resilience Fund invests in conservation projects that restore or expand natural features such as coastal marshes and wetlands, dune and beach systems, oyster and coral reefs, forests, coastal rivers and floodplains, and barrier islands that minimize the impacts of storms and other naturally occurring events on nearby communities. Geographically, the National Coastal Resilience Fund funds will focus on coastal areas of U.S. coastal States, including the Great Lakes States, U.S. territories, and coastal Tribal lands. The additional funding will enable the National Coastal Resilience Fund to provide increased support for communities most vulnerable to climate impacts, including those who have been historically disadvantaged. #N/A Division J, Title II No non-Federal cost share required
National Estuarine Research Reserve System Other Department of Commerce National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration $77,000,000 2 years for each annual tranche Grant State (Includes District Of Columbia, Public Institutions Of Higher Education And Hospitals); U.S. Territories And Possessions; U.S. Territories And Possessions (Includes Institutions Of Higher Education And Hospitals); State; Any Coastal State, Including Those That Border The Great Lakes, And Including Puerto Rico, The U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, The Commonwealth Of The Northern Mariana Islands, And The Freely Associated States Of The Pacific Whose Coastal Zone Management Program Has Been Approved By The Secretary Of Commerce. The Governor shall designate the State Agency or Entity that is to be the Applicant. The National Estuarine Research Reserve System consists of estuarine areas of the United States and its territories designated and managed for research and educational purposes, called Reserves. Each Reserve within the National Estuarine Research Reserve System is chosen to represent a different biogeographic region and to include a variety of ecosystem types in accordance with the classification scheme of the national program as specified in 15 CFR 921. Coastal habitat restoration; coastal habitat restoration planning, engineering and design; land conservation Division J, Title II No non-Federal cost share required
Ocean And Coastal Observing Systems Resilience Department of Commerce National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration $100,000,000 2 years for each annual tranche Various States, Counties, Cities / Townships, Special Districts, Tribal Governments (Federally Recognized), Tribal Governments (Other Than Federally Recognized), Independent School Districts, Public Higher-Ed Institutions, Private Higher-Ed Institutions, Nonprofits, internal. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration will support and enhance various critical observing systems in the ocean, coasts, and Great Lakes. Many of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's observing systems have been operating for decades and require investment to maintain reliability as well as expand geographic coverage. This funding will support a number of projects including refurbishments and technology upgrades of observing infrastructure in the U.S. Integrated Ocean Observing Systems Regional Associations, support for the National Water Level Observation Network, design engineering for Airborne Phased Array Radar, and ship time for deployment and system verification of the new capitalized Tropical Atmosphere-Ocean moorings. Division J, Title II No non-Federal cost share required
Ocean And Coastal Observing Systems Resilience Department of Commerce National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration $50,000,000 3 years Various States, Counties, Cities / Townships, Special Districts, Tribal Governments (Federally Recognized), Tribal Governments (Other Than Federally Recognized), Independent School Districts, Public Higher-Ed Institutions, Private Higher-Ed Institutions, Nonprofit The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration will support and enhance two critical ocean observing systems. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration will modernize two critical ocean observing systems: The Tropical Atmosphere Ocean array in the equatorial Pacific and the Deep-ocean Assessment and Reporting of Tsunami network. Division J, Title II No non-Federal cost share required
Pacific Coastal Salmon Recovery Fund Other Department of Commerce National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration $172,000,000 2 year Grant States and Tribes The Pacific Coastal Salmon Recovery Fund was established by Congress in 2000 to reverse the declines of Pacific salmon and steelhead. The program supports conservation efforts in California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and Alaska. It is essential to preventing the extinction of the 28 listed salmon and steelhead species on the West Coast. Actions to support the recovery and protection of declining salmon stocks. Division J, Title II 2:1 Federal / non-Federal
Regional Ocean Partnerships Other Department of Commerce National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration $56,000,000 2 years for each annual tranche Contract, Cooperative Agreement States, Territories, Tribal Governments Regional Ocean Partnerships are regional organizations voluntarily convened by governors working in collaboration with other governments (including Tribal, Federal, and local) and stakeholders to address ocean and coastal issues of common concern in that region. Regional Ocean Partnerships, along with equivalent organizations such as Integrated Ocean Observing System Regional Associations, also serve to enhance associated sharing and integration of Federal and non-Federal data. Implementation of Regional Ocean Partnership priority actions identified in Regional Ocean Partnership work plans; regional capacity for sharing and integration of Federal and non-Federal data Division J, Title II No non-Federal cost share required
Research Supercomputing Resilience Department of Commerce National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration $80,000,000 3 years Contract, Cooperative Agreement Public Higher-Ed Institutions, Federal Partners, Businesses National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Research and Development High Performance Computing funds will be used to provide computational resources to support and advance environmental modeling crucial for understanding critical Earth systems. The research supercomputing plan will be prioritized across the focus areas of weather and climate model development to improve drought, flood, and wildfire prediction, detection, and forecasting. Funds will support high performance computing systems, associated storage devices, advanced data communications hardware and software engineering services, security, and necessary data center space. Division J, Title II No non-Federal cost share required
Soil Moisture and Snowpack Pilot Program Water Department of Commerce National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration $1,000,000 2 years for each annual tranche Various States, Counties, Cities / Townships, Special Districts, Tribal Governments (Federally Recognized), Tribal Governments (Other Than Federally Recognized), Public Higher-Ed Institutions, Private Higher-Ed Institutions, Nonprofits With 501(C)(3) Status, Nonprofits - Without 501(C)(3) Status, Small Businesses, Businesses (Other Than Small Businesses), And / Or Individuals The study of the soil moisture and snowpack monitoring network in the Upper Missouri River Basin pursuant to section 511(b)(3) of the Water Resources Development Act of 2020 (division AA of Public Law 116–260) (see Provision 4 description). The study of the soil moisture and snowpack monitoring network in the Upper Missouri River Basin Division J, Title II No non-Federal cost share required
Water Resources Development Act Data Acquisition Water Department of Commerce National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration $25,000,000 2 years for each annual tranche Various States, Counties, Cities / Townships, Special Districts, Tribal Governments (Federally Recognized), Tribal Governments (Other Than Federally Recognized), Public Higher-Ed Institutions, Private Higher-Ed Institutions, Nonprofits With 501(C)(3) Status, Nonprofits - Without 501(C)(3) Status, Small Businesses, Businesses (Other Than Small Businesses), And / Or Individuals Section 511(b)(1) and (2) of the Water Resources Development Act of 2020 (division AA of Public Law 116–260) requires the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to establish a pilot program within the National Mesonet Program for the acquisition and use of data generated by a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers -led initiative. Army Corps of Engineers is augmenting existing mesonet sites in 5 networks in the Upper Missouri River Basin with new soil moisture and snowpack instrumentation and installing new sites to reach a total of 540 sites outfitted with the new instrumentation by the end of fiscal year 2026. To support these efforts, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration will establish the Soil Moisture and Snowpack Monitoring Pilot Program, which will acquire data that is generated by the network being installed in the Upper Missouri River Basin from 2023 through 2025. The National Weather Service National Mesonet Program supports a public-private partnership of nearly four-dozen mesonet networks operated by the States and the private sector providing hydrometeorological observational data at more than 30,000 sites nationwide. Establishment of the Soil Moisture and Snowpack Monitoring Pilot Program, which will acquire data that is generated by the network being installed in the Upper Missouri River Basin. Division J, Title II No non-Federal cost share required
Wildfire Resilience Department of Commerce National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration $50,000,000 for fiscal year fiscal year 2022 2 years Various States, Counties, Cities / Townships, Special Districts, Tribal Governments (Federally Recognized), Tribal Governments (Other Than Federally Recognized), Public Higher-Ed Institutions, Private Higher-Ed Institutions, Nonprofits With 501(C)(3) Status, Nonprofits These funds will be used to support wildfire prediction, detection, observation, modeling, and forecasting. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration will also engage the broader wildland fire weather community and stakeholders through grants, workshops, and a few Fire Weather Testbeds. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration will work with partners to improve weather, smoke, and fire behavior forecasts in order to give firefighters on the ground and in the air and first responders detection capabilities to keep communities safe. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration will provide information for improved risk management and resource planning and research into the impact of fires on air quality and health in order to improve community preparation for and resilience to fire. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration will also advance innovations in fire weather science through research, modeling, and testing. Division J, Title II No non-Federal cost share required
Wildfire Resilience Department of Commerce National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration $50,000,000 3 years Various States, Counties, Cities / Townships, Special Districts, Tribal Governments (Federally Recognized), Tribal Governments (Other Than Federally Recognized), Public Higher-Ed Institutions, Private Higher-Ed Institutions, Nonprofits With 501(C)(3) Status These funds will be used to support wildfire prediction, detection, observation, modeling, and forecasting. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration will procure mission-critical infrastructure, advanced operational systems, and accelerate the development and delivery of fire weather decision support tools, cloud-based software, and dissemination services. Division J, Title II No non-Federal cost share required
Broadband Equity, Access, And Deployment Program Broadband Department of Commerce National Telecommunications and Information Administration $42,450,000,000 Available until expended Grant States, Territories, District of Columbia Appropriates $42.45 billion for States, territories, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico to use for broadband planning, deployment, and adoption projects. Each State, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico will receive an allocation of at least $100 million and the United States Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands will each receive $25 million. Each State will receive initial funding of $5 million and each territory will receive initial funding of $1.25 million to support broadband planning efforts including building capacity in State broadband offices and outreach and coordination with local communities. Leveraging those initial planning funds each State and territory will submit a 5-year action plan, which shall be informed by collaboration with local and regional entities. The remaining funding will be distributed based on a formula that considers the number of unserved and high-cost locations in the State, based on the maps to be published by the Federal Communications Commission. The first priority for the deployment of a broadband network is providing funding to projects that primarily reach unserved locations (those below 25/3 Mbps), followed by those that primarily reach underserved locations (those below 100/20 Mbps), and then serving community anchor institutions (1/1 Gbps). Planning (e.g. broadband data collection and mapping); broadband infrastructure deployment (e.g. construction), to promote broadband adoption, including through the provision of affordable internet-connected devices; to provide Wi-Fi or reduced-cost internet access to multi-family housing units; and for other uses that the National Telecommunications and Information Administration determines are necessary to facilitate the goals of the program. 60102 Not less than 25 percent of project costs (except in high-cost areas)
Middle Mile Grant Program Broadband Department of Commerce National Telecommunications and Information Administration $1,000,000,000 fiscal years 2022-2026 Grant States, Counties, Cities/Townships and their subdivisions; Tribal governments; Native entities; Public Utility Districts; Economic Development Authorities, Regional Planning Councils; Technology and Telecommunications Companies; Electric Utilities; Electric Cooperatives; and Nonprofits. Establishes and funds a $1 billion program for the construction, improvement or acquisition of middle mile infrastructure. The purpose of the grant program is to expand and extend middle mile infrastructure to reduce the cost of connecting unserved and underserved areas to the internet backbone. Eligible applicants include States, political subdivisions of a State, Tribal governments, technology companies, electric utilities, utility cooperatives, public utility districts, telecommunications companies, telecommunications cooperatives, nonprofit foundations, nonprofit corporations, nonprofit institutions, nonprofit associations, regional planning councils, Native entities, or economic development authorities. Broadband infrastructure deployment (e.g. construction) 60401 Not less than 30 percent of project costs
State Digital Equity Capacity Grant Broadband Department of Commerce National Telecommunications and Information Administration $1,440,000,000 Available until expended Grant States, Territories, District of Columbia As part of the Digital Equity Act programs, $2.75 billion was dedicated to establish three grant programs that promote digital inclusion and equity to ensure that all individuals and communities have the skills, technology, and capacity needed to reap the full benefits of our digital economy. The goal of these programs is to promote the meaningful adoption and use of broadband services across the targeted populations in the Act, including low-income households, aging populations, incarcerated individuals, veterans, individuals with disabilities, individuals with a language barrier, racial and ethnic minorities, and rural inhabitants. The State Digital Equity Capacity Grant Program dedicates a $1.44 billion formula grant program for States, Territories, Tribal governments, Alaska Native entities, Native Hawaiian organizations distributed via annual grant programs over five years to implement digital equity projects and support the implementation of digital equity plans. Planning (e.g. feasibility), broadband adoption/digital literacy/tech support 60304 Grants may not cover more than 90 percent of the cost of a single project - though this can be waived
State Digital Equity Competitive Grant Broadband Department of Commerce National Telecommunications and Information Administration $1,250,000,000 Available until expended Grant Local Education Agency; State Governments, including any political subdivisions of the State; Tribal/Native American Governments; Alaska Native Entities; and Native Hawaiian Organizations, Non-Profit Organizations; Community Anchor Institutions; and Workforce Development Programs As part of the Digital Equity Act programs, $2.75 billion was dedicated to establish three grant programs that promote digital inclusion and equity to ensure that all individuals and communities have the skills, technology, and capacity needed to reap the full benefits of our digital economy. The goal of these programs is to promote the meaningful adoption and use of broadband services across the targeted populations in the Act, including low-income households, aging populations, incarcerated individuals, veterans, individuals with disabilities, individuals with a language barrier, racial and ethnic minorities, and rural inhabitants. The Digital Equity Competitive Grant Program is a $1.25 billion discretionary grant program distributed via annual grant programs over five years to implement digital equity projects. Eligible applicants include specific types of political subdivision, agency, or instrumentality of a State; Tribal governments; nonprofit entities; community anchor institutions; local educational agencies; and entities that carry out workforce development programs. Broadband adoption/digital literacy/tech support, digital equity programs 60305 Grants may not cover more than 90 percent of the cost of a single project
State Digital Equity Planning Grant Broadband Department of Commerce National Telecommunications and Information Administration $60,000,000 Available until expended Grant States, Territories, District of Columbia As part of the Digital Equity Act programs, $2.75 billion was dedicated to establish three grant programs that promote digital inclusion and equity to ensure that all individuals and communities have the skills, technology, and capacity needed to reap the full benefits of our digital economy. The goal of these programs is to promote the meaningful adoption and use of broadband services across the targeted populations in the Act, including low-income households, aging populations, incarcerated individuals, veterans, individuals with disabilities, individuals with a language barrier, racial and ethnic minorities, and rural inhabitants. The State Digital Equity Planning Grant Program is a $60 million formula grant program for States and territories to develop digital equity plans. Planning (e.g. feasibility). 60304
Tribal Broadband Connectivity Program Broadband Department of Commerce National Telecommunications and Information Administration $2,000,000,000 Available until expended Grant Tribal Governments, Tribal organizations, Tribal Colleges or Universities, the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands on behalf of the Native Hawaiian Community, and Alaska Native Corporations. ​ The Tribal Broadband Connectivity Program provides grants for broadband infrastructure deployment; affordable broadband programs; distance learning, telehealth, digital inclusion efforts; and broadband adoption activities. The program was initially authorized by the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021, Division N, Title IX, Section 905, Public Law 116-260, 134 Stat. 1182. The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act provides an additional $2 billion to the Tribal Broadband Connectivity Program. Planning (e.g. feasibility), broadband infrastructure deployment (e.g. construction), broadband adoption/digital literacy/tech support, digital skills training (e.g. science, technology, engineering, arts and math, Workforce Development), Devices/equipment (e.g. laptops, hotspots), public connectivity/computer access, research and/or evaluation, data and/or mapping, smart communities/cities/regions, telehealth 60201
Power Marketing Administration Transmission Borrowing Authority Clean Energy and Power Department of Energy Power Marketing Administration $10,000,000,000 in borrowing authority The obligation of additional borrowing authority shall not exceed $6,000,000,000 by fiscal year 2028 Borrowing Authority for Federal Expenditure at Discretion of BPA Administrator Entities That Assist in Implementing the Construction, Acquisition, And Replacement of The Federal Columbia River Power System Borrowing authority for the Bonneville Power Authority (BPA) to assist in the financing of the construction, acquisition, and replacement of the Federal Columbia River Power System. Requires BPA to issue an updated financial plan. Financing of the construction, acquisition, and replacement of the Federal Columbia River Power System and implementation of the authority of the Administrator of the Bonneville Power Administration under the Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning and Conservation Act. 40110 N/A
Carbon Dioxide Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Program Clean Energy and Power Department of Energy Energy Programs $2,100,000,000 Available until expended Loan / Grant State / Local / Public Authority To establish and carry out a carbon dioxide transportation infrastructure finance and innovation program. Projects that: (A) are large-capacity, common carrier infrastructure; (B) have demonstrated demand for use of the infrastructure by associated projects that capture carbon dioxide from anthropogenic sources or ambient air; (C) enable geographical diversity in associated projects that capture carbon dioxide from anthropogenic sources or ambient air, with the goal of enabling projects in all major carbon dioxide-emitting regions of the United States; and (D) are sited within, or adjacent to, existing pipelines or other linear infrastructure corridors, in a manner that minimizes environmental disturbance and other siting concerns. 40304 TBD
Purchase of Power and Transmission Services Clean Energy and Power Department of Energy Power Marketing Administration $500,000,000 Available until expended Federal Expenditure at Discretion of Western Area Power Administration Administrator Power Generation and Wheeling Providers For the Western Area Power Administration to purchase power and transmission services. To purchase power and transmission services, recover purchase power and wheeling services, and transfer to the Colorado River Basins Power Marketing Fund. Division J, Title III N/A
Cybersecurity for the Energy Sector Research, Development, and Demonstration Program Resilience Department of Energy Energy Programs $250,000,000 Available until expended Cooperative Agreement /Contract / Lab Calls Utilities, National Labs, Manufacturers and Vendors To support development and deployment of advanced cyber applications, technologies, and threat collaboration efforts with the U.S. energy sector. Eligible uses include -- (A) to develop advanced cybersecurity applications and technologies for the energy sector;
(B) to leverage electric grid architecture as a means to assess risks to the energy sector, including by implementing an all-hazards approach to communications infrastructure, control systems architecture, and power systems architecture; (C) to perform pilot demonstration projects with the energy sector to gain experience with new technologies;
(D) to develop workforce development curricula for energy sector-related cybersecurity; and
(E) to develop improved supply chain concepts for secure design of emerging digital components and power electronics. 40125
Energy Sector Operational Support for Cyber Resilience Program Resilience Department of Energy Energy Programs $50,000,000 Available until expended National Laboratory Funding Small Electric Utilities, National Labs To support a program to build energy sector operational support for cyber resilience. Enhance and periodically test the emergency response capabilities of the Department and the coordination of the Department with other agencies, the National Laboratories, and private industry; Expand cooperation of the Department with the intelligence community for energy sector-related threat collection and analysis; Enhance the tools of the Department and Electricity Information Sharing and Analysis Center for monitoring the status of the energy sector; Expand industry participation in Electricity Information Sharing and Analysis Center; and Provide technical assistance to small electric utilities for purposes of assessing and improving cyber maturity levels and addressing gaps identified in the assessment. 40125 TBD
Rural And Municipal Utility Advances Cybersecurity Grant And Technical Assistance Program Resilience Department of Energy Energy Programs $250,000,000 Available until expended Grant / Cooperative Agreement / Contract Rural Electric Cooperatives, Municipally-Owned Electric Utilities, Other State-Owned Utilities, Small Investor-Owned Utilities To provide grants and technical assistance to, and enter into cooperative agreements with, eligible entities to protect against, detect, respond to, and recover from cybersecurity threats. (1) To deploy advanced cybersecurity technologies for electric utility systems; and (2) to increase the participation of eligible entities in cybersecurity threat information sharing programs. 40124
Advanced Energy Security Program Resilience Department of Energy Energy Programs $50,000,000 Available until expended Interagency Agreement with Commerce, National Laboratory funding Utilities, National Labs, Bulk Power System Vendors To increase the functional preservation of electric grid operations or natural gas and oil operations in the face of threats and hazards. (A) Develop capabilities to identify vulnerabilities and critical components that pose major risks to grid security if destroyed or impaired;(B) provide modeling at the national level to predict impacts from natural or human-made events;(C) add physical security to the cybersecurity maturity model;(D) conduct exercises and assessments to identify and mitigate vulnerabilities to the electric grid, including providing mitigation recommendations;(E) conduct research on hardening solutions for critical components of the electric grid;(F) conduct research on mitigation and recovery solutions for critical components of the electric grid; and(G) provide technical assistance to States and other entities for standards and risk analysis. 40125 TBD
Preventing Outages and Enhancing the Resilience of the Electric Grid / Hazard Hardening Clean Energy and Power Department of Energy Energy Programs $5,000,000,000 Available until expended States, Territories and Tribes Formula Grants; Eligible entities Grants or Cooperative Agreements Electric Grid Operators, Electricity Storage Operators, Electricity Generators, Transmission Owners and Operators, Distribution Providers, Fuel Suppliers, States, Tribes To make grants to eligible entities, States, and Tribes to prevent outages and enhance the resilience of the electric grid. To carry out activities that are supplemental to existing hardening efforts and reduce the risk of power lines causing a wildfire; or reduce the likelihood and consequences of disruptive events. 40101 States, Territories and Tribes – 15 percent cost share; Eligible entities – 100 percent match; Small utilities 1/3 matching cost share.
Smart Grid Investment Matching Grant Program Clean Energy and Power Department of Energy Energy Programs $3,000,000,000 $600,000,000 appropriated annually for fiscal years 2022 through 2026 (to remain available until expended) Grant Utilities Funding and expansion of eligible activities under the Smart Grid Investment Matching Grant Program established under section 1306 of the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007. Qualifying Smart Grid investments including for installation, that allow buildings to engage in demand flexibility or Smart Grid functions. Qualifying Smart Grid investments including for installation, that allow buildings to engage in demand flexibility or Smart Grid functions. Eligible investments include metering, control, and other devices, sensors, and software; communications and broadband technologies to support smart grid deployment; technologies and programs to integrate electric vehicles to the grid; devices and software for buildings support demand flexibility and other smart grid functions; operational fiber and wireless broadband communications networks enabling data sharing between distribution system components; and Advanced transmission technologies, including dynamic line rating, flow control devices, advanced conductors, and network topology optimization, to increase the operational transfer capacity transmission networks. 40107 A 50 percent cost-share of total costs.
Advanced Energy Manufacturing and Recycling Grants Clean Energy and Power Department of Energy Energy Programs $750,000,000 Available until expended Grant Manufacturing firm with: (A) gross annual sales of less than $100,000,000; (B) fewer than 500 employees at the plant site of the manufacturing firm; and (C) annual energy bills which total more than $100,000 but less than $2,500,000. To provide grants to small- and medium-sized manufacturers to enable them to build new or retrofit existing manufacturing and industrial facilities to produce or recycle advanced energy products in communities where coal mines or coal power plants have closed. To re-equip, expand, or establish a manufacturing or recycling facility for the production or recycling of advanced energy technologies (including clean electricity, industrial decarbonization, clean transportation, clean fuels, etc.); or to re-equip an industrial of manufacturing facility with equipment designed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions of that facility. 40209 Not specified
Assisting Federal Facilities with Energy Conservation Technologies Grant Program Clean Energy and Power Department of Energy Energy Programs $250,000,000 Available until expended Grant Federal Agencies To provide grants to Federal agencies that they can leverage with private capital to make energy and water efficiency upgrades to Federal buildings. To aid Federal agencies in meeting energy and water use requirements to improve sustainability. 40554 No non-Federal cost share required
Battery and Critical Mineral Recycling Clean Energy and Power Department of Energy Energy Programs $125,000,000 Available until expended Grants (i) An institution of higher education; (ii) a National Laboratory; (iii) a Federal research agency; (iv) a State research agency; (v) a nonprofit organization; (vi) an industrial entity; (vii) a manufacturing entity; (viii) a private battery-collection entity; (ix) an entity operating one or more battery recycling activities; (x) a State or municipal government entity; (xi) a battery producer; (xii) a battery retailer; or (xiii) a consortium of two or more entities described in (i) through (xii). To award grants for research, development, and demonstration projects to create innovative and practical approaches to increase the reuse and recycling of batteries. Research, development, and demonstration to address (i) recycling activities; (ii) the development of methods to promote the design and production of batteries that take into full account and facilitate the dismantling, reuse, recovery, and recycling of battery components and materials; (iii) strategies to increase consumer acceptance of, and participation in, the recycling of batteries; (iv) the extraction or recovery of critical minerals from batteries that are recycled; (v) the integration of increased quantities of recycled critical minerals in batteries and other products to develop markets for recycled battery materials and critical minerals; (vi) safe disposal of waste materials and components recovered during the recycling process; (vii) the protection of the health and safety of all persons involved in, or in proximity to, recycling and reprocessing activities, including communities located near recycling and materials reprocessing facilities; (viii) mitigation of environmental impacts that arise from recycling batteries, including disposal of toxic reagents and byproducts related to recycling processes; (ix) protection of data privacy associated with collected covered battery-containing products; (x) the optimization of the value of material derived from recycling batteries; and (xi) the cost-effectiveness and benefits of the reuse and recycling of batteries and critical minerals. 40207 ≥20 percent of the total project cost
Battery Manufacturing and Recycling Grants Clean Energy and Power Department of Energy Energy Programs $3,000,000,000 $600,000,000 appropriated annually for fiscal years 2022 through 2026 (to remain available until expended) Grant (1) Institutions of higher education. (2) National Laboratories. (3) Nonprofit and for-profit private entities. (4) State and local governments. (5) Consortia of entities described in paragraphs (1) through (4) To provide grants to ensure that the United States has a viable domestic manufacturing and recycling capability to support a North American battery supply chain. Demonstration projects, construction of commercial-scale facilities, and retrofit or retooling of existing facilities for battery component manufacturing, advanced battery manufacturing, and recycling. 40207 ≥50 percent of the total project cost
Battery Materials Processing Grants Clean Energy and Power Department of Energy Energy Programs $3,000,000,000 $600,000,000 appropriated annually for fiscal years 2022 through 2026 (to remain available until expended) Grant (1) Institutions of higher education. (2) National Laboratories. (3) Nonprofit and for-profit private entities. (4) State and local governments. (5) Consortia of entities described in (1) through (4) To provide grants for battery materials processing to ensure that the United States has a viable battery materials processing industry. Funds can also be used to expand our domestic capabilities in battery manufacturing and enhance processing capacity. Demonstration projects, construction of commercial-scale facilities, and retrofit or retooling of existing battery material processing facilities. 40207 ≥50 percent of the total project cost
Building, Training, And Assessment Centers Clean Energy and Power Department of Energy Energy Programs $10,000,000 Available until expended Cooperative Agreement Institutions of Higher Education To provide grants to institutions of higher education to establish building training and assessment centers to educate and train building technicians and engineers on implementing modern building technologies. (1) To identify opportunities for optimizing energy efficiency and environmental performance in buildings; (2) to promote the application of emerging concepts and technologies in commercial and institutional buildings; (3) to train engineers, architects, building scientists, building energy permitting and enforcement officials, and building technicians in energy-efficient design and operation; (4) to assist institutions of higher education and Tribal Colleges or Universities in training building technicians; (5) to promote research and development for the use of alternative energy sources and distributed generation to supply heat and power for buildings, particularly energy-intensive buildings; and (6) to coordinate with and assist State-accredited technical training centers, community colleges, Tribal Colleges or Universities, and local offices of the National Institute of Food and Agriculture and ensure appropriate services are provided under this section to each region of the United States. 40512 TBD
Career Skills Training Clean Energy and Power Department of Energy Energy Programs $10,000,000 Available until expended Grant Non-Profit Partnerships To provide grants to pay the Federal share of career skills training programs under which students concurrently receive classroom instruction and on-the-job training for the purpose of obtaining an industry-related certification to install energy efficient building technologies. To pay the Federal share of associated career skills training programs under which students concurrently receive classroom instruction and on-the-job training for the purpose of obtaining an industry-related certification to install energy efficient buildings technologies. 40513 TBD
Clean Hydrogen Electrolysis Program Clean Energy and Power Department of Energy Energy Programs $1,000,000,000 Available until expended Grants, Contracts, Cooperative Agreements, or any other agreements authorized under this Act or other Federal law Nonprofit and for-profit private entities, Institutions of higher education, National Laboratories, Consortia, State and local governments, Tribes and Tribal organizations, and other entities deemed eligible by the secretary To establish a research, development, demonstration, and deployment program for purposes of commercialization to improve the efficiency, increase the durability, and reduce the cost of producing clean hydrogen using electrolyzers. (1) To demonstrate technologies that produce clean hydrogen using electrolyzers; and (2) to validate information on the cost, efficiency, durability, and feasibility of commercial deployment. 40314 TBD
Clean Hydrogen Manufacturing Recycling Research, Development, and Demonstration Program Clean Energy and Power Department of Energy Energy Programs $500,000,000 Available until expended Grants, contracts, cooperative agreements, or any other agreements authorized under this Act or other Federal law Nonprofit and for-profit private entities, institutions of higher education, national laboratories, consortia, State and local governments, Tribes and Tribal organizations, and other entities deemed eligible by the secretary To provide Federal financial assistance to advance new clean hydrogen production, processing, delivery, storage, and use equipment manufacturing technologies and techniques. (A) Increasing the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of the recovery of raw materials from clean hydrogen technology components and systems; (B) minimizing environmental impacts from the recovery and disposal processes; (C) addressing any barriers to the research, development, demonstration, and commercialization of technologies and processes for the disassembly and recycling; (D) developing alternative materials, designs, manufacturing processes, and other aspects of clean hydrogen technologies; (E) developing alternative disassembly and resource recovery processes that enable efficient, cost-effective, and environmentally responsible disassembly of and resource recovery from clean hydrogen technologies; and (F) developing strategies to increase consumer acceptance of and participation in the recycling of fuel cells. 40314 TBD
Cost-effective Codes Implementation for Efficiency and Resilience Clean Energy and Power Department of Energy Energy Programs $225,000,000 Available until expended Grant States and State partnerships A competitive grant program to enable sustained, cost-effective implementation of updated building energy codes to save customers money on their energy bills. (A) To create or enable State or regional partnerships to provide training and materials to—(i) builders, contractors and subcontractors, architects, and other design and construction professionals, relating to meeting updated building energy codes in a cost-effective manner; and (ii) building code officials, relating to improving implementation of and compliance with building energy codes; (B) to collect and disseminate quantitative data on construction and codes implementation, including code pathways, performance metrics, and technologies used; (C) to develop and implement a plan for highly effective codes implementation, including measuring compliance; (D) to address various implementation needs in rural, suburban, and urban areas; and (E) to implement updates in energy codes for — (i) new residential and commercial buildings (including multifamily buildings); and (ii) additions and alterations to existing residential and commercial buildings (including multifamily buildings). 40511
Electric Drive Vehicle Battery Recycling And 2nd Life Apps Electric Vehicles, Buses and Ferries Department of Energy Energy Programs $200,000,000 Available until expended Cooperative Agreement (1) Institutions of higher education. (2) National Laboratories. (3) Nonprofit and for-profit private entities. (4) State and local governments. (5) Consortia of entities described in paragraphs (1) through (4) To expand an existing program at the Department of Energy for research, development, and demonstration of electric vehicle battery recycling and second-life applications for vehicle batteries. (i) To conduct research, development, testing, evaluation of solutions to increase the rate and productivity of electric drive vehicle battery recycling; and(ii) for research, development, and demonstration projects to create innovative and practical approaches to increase the recycling and second-use of electric drive vehicle batteries. 40208
Energy Auditor Training Grant Program Clean Energy and Power Department of Energy Energy Programs $40,000,000 Available until expended Grant States To provide grants to eligible States to train individuals to conduct energy audits or surveys of commercial and residential buildings to build the clean energy workforce, save customers money on their energy bills, and reduce pollution from building energy use. (A) To cover any cost associated with individuals being trained or certified to conduct energy audits by: (i) the State or (ii) a State-certified third-party training program; and (B) to pay the wages of a trainee during the period in which the trainee receives training and certification. 40503 No non-Federal cost share required
Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Program Clean Energy and Power Department of Energy Energy Programs $550,000,000 Available until expended Block and Competitive Grants States, Local governments, and Tribes To assist States, local governments, and Tribes in implementing strategies to reduce energy use, reduce fossil fuel emissions, and improve energy efficiency. (1) Development and implementation of an energy efficiency and conservation strategy;
(2) retaining technical consultant services to assist the eligible entity in the development of such a strategy, including: (A) formulation of energy efficiency, energy conservation, and energy usage goals; (B) identification of strategies to achieve those goals — (i) through efforts to increase energy efficiency and reduce energy consumption; and (ii) by encouraging behavioral changes among the population served by the eligible entity; (C) development of methods to measure progress in achieving the goals; (D) development and publication of annual reports to the population served by the eligible entity describing — (i) the strategies and goals; and (ii) the progress made in achieving the strategies and goals during the preceding calendar year; and (E) other services to assist in the implementation of the energy efficiency and conservation strategy;
(3) conducting residential and commercial building energy audits;
(4) establishment of financial incentive programs for energy efficiency improvements;
(5) the provision of grants to nonprofit organizations and governmental agencies for the purpose of performing energy efficiency retrofits;
(6) development and implementation of energy efficiency and conservation programs for buildings and facilities within the jurisdiction of the eligible entity, including—(A) design and operation of the programs; (B) identifying the most effective methods for achieving maximum participation and efficiency rates; (C) public education; (D) measurement and verification protocols; and (E) identification of energy efficient technologies;
(7) development and implementation of programs to conserve energy used in transportation, including: (A) use of flex time by employers; (B) satellite work centers; (C) development and promotion of zoning guidelines or requirements that promote energy efficient development; (D) development of infrastructure, such as bike lanes and pathways and pedestrian walkways; (E) synchronization of traffic signals; and (F) other measures that increase energy efficiency and decrease energy consumption;
(8) development and implementation of building codes and inspection services to promote building energy efficiency;
(9) application and implementation of energy distribution technologies that significantly increase energy efficiency, including—(A) distributed resources; and (B) district heating and cooling systems;
(10) activities to increase participation and efficiency rates for material conservation programs, including source reduction, recycling, and recycled content procurement programs that lead to increases in energy efficiency;
(11) the purchase and implementation of technologies to reduce, capture, and, to the maximum extent practicable, use methane and other greenhouse gases generated by landfills or similar sources;
(12) replacement of traffic signals and street lighting with energy efficient lighting technologies, including—(A) light emitting diodes; and (B) any other technology of equal or greater energy efficiency;
(13) development, implementation, and installation on or in any government building of the eligible entity of onsite renewable energy technology that generates electricity from renewable resources, including—(A) solar energy; (B) wind energy; (C) fuel cells; and (D) biomass;
(14) programs for financing energy efficiency, renewable energy, and zero-emission transportation (and associated infrastructure), capital investments, projects, and programs, which may include loan programs and performance contracting programs, for leveraging of additional public and private sector funds, and programs that allow rebates, grants, or other incentives for the purchase and installation of energy efficiency, renewable energy, and zero-emission transportation (and associated infrastructure) measures; and
(15) any other appropriate activity, as determined by the Secretary, in consultation with— (A) the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency; (B) the Secretary of Transportation; and (C) the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. 40552 No non-Federal cost share required
Energy Efficiency Materials Pilot Program Clean Energy and Power Department of Energy Energy Programs $50,000,000 Available until expended Grant Non-Profit Organizations To provide grants to supply nonprofit buildings with energy-efficiency materials. To provide non-profits with energy efficiency materials including (i) a roof or lighting system or component of the system; (ii) a window; (iii) a door, including a security door; and (iv) a heating, ventilation, or air conditioning system or component of the system (including insulation and wiring and plumbing improvements needed to serve a more efficient system). 40542 TBD
Energy Efficiency Revolving Loan Fund Capitalization Grant Program Clean Energy and Power Department of Energy Energy Programs $250,000,000 Available until expended Formula Grant States To provide capitalization grants to States to establish a revolving loan fund under which the State shall provide loans and grants for energy efficiency audits, upgrades, and retrofits to increase energy efficiency and improve the comfort of buildings. Residential and commercial energy audits, upgrades, and retrofits. 40502 No non-Federal cost share required
Energy Efficient Transformer Rebates Clean Energy and Power Department of Energy Energy Programs $10,000,000 Available until expended Rebate/Grant Owners of industrial or manufacturing facilities, commercial buildings, or multifamily residential buildings, a utility, or an energy service company that purchase a qualified transformer to replace an energy-inefficient transformer To provide rebates to industrial or manufacturing facility owners, commercial building owners, multifamily building owners, utilities, or energy service companies for the replacement of a qualified energy inefficient transformer with a qualified energy efficient transformer. Rebate for the replacement of a qualified energy inefficient transformer with a qualified energy efficient transformer. 40555 No non-Federal cost share required
Enhanced Geothermal Systems and Pilot Demonstrations Clean Energy and Power Department of Energy Energy Programs $84,000,000 Available until expended Cooperative Agreement Industry, National Labs, institutes of higher education, multi-institutional collaborations, Tribes, and local communities To support a program of research, development, demonstration, and commercial application for enhanced geothermal systems. Four pilot demonstration projects to be carried out in locations that are potentially commercially viable for enhanced geothermal systems development, while also considering environmental impacts to the maximum extent practicable, as determined by the Secretary.​

Demonstration projects will collectively demonstrate different geologic settings, a variety of development techniques, and​ to the extent practicable will use existing sites where subsurface characterization or geothermal energy integration analysis has been conducted. 41007 TBD
Extended Product System Rebates Clean Energy and Power Department of Energy Energy Programs $10,000,000 Available until expended Rebate/Grant Purchaser of the qualified extended product system or manufacturer of commercial or industrial machinery or equipment that incorporates the qualified extended product system To provide rebates for qualified extended product systems (i.e., electric motor, electronic control, and driven load). Rebate for expenditures made by qualified entities for the purchase or installation of a qualified extended product system. 40555 No non-Federal cost share required
Grants for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Improvements at Public School Facilities Clean Energy and Power Department of Energy Energy Programs $500,000,000 Available until expended Grant Consortia of one local education agency and one or more schools, non-profits, for-profits, and community partners To provide competitive grants to make energy efficiency, renewable energy, and alternative fueled vehicle upgrades and improvements at public schools. Energy efficiency (envelope, HVAC, lighting, controls, hot water, etc.), ventilation, renewable energy, alternative fuel vehicles, and alternative fuel vehicle infrastructure improvements. 40541 TBD
Hydroelectric Production Incentives Clean Energy and Power Department of Energy Energy Programs $125,000,000 Available until expended Incentive Payment Non-Federal owners of qualified hydroelectric or marine energy facilities Provides incentive payments for electric energy generated and sold by a qualified hydroelectric facility during the incentive period, to the owner or authorized operator of such a facility. Incentive payments for qualified facilities are based on the number of kilowatt-hours (kWh) generated in calendar year which Department of Energy determines, at a rate of 1.8 cents/kWh with a total ceiling of $1 million per facility Incentive payments are provided based on determination of a qualified facility. A qualified hydroelectric facility is a hydroelectric generation facility that:
- is located in a State or in U.S. jurisdictional waters;
- has a water-powered turbine or other generating device (including conventional or new and innovative technologies capable of continuous operation);
- is owned or solely operated by a non-Federal entity;
- began producing hydroelectric energy for sale on or after October 1, 2005; and
that either:
- added generation capability, excluding maintenance, through the incorporation of new equipment, refurbished equipment, or both to an existing dam or conduit that was completed before November 15, 2021;
- has a generating capacity of not more than 20 megawatts;
- for which the non-Federal entity has received a construction authorization from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, if applicable; and
- that is constructed in an area in which there is inadequate electric service. 40331 Not applicable
Hydropower Research, Development, and Demonstration Clean Energy and Power Department of Energy Energy Programs $36,000,000 Available until expended TBD Industry, National Labs, academia, other To fund research, development, and demonstration activities to improve hydropower technologies. Research, development, demonstration, and commercial application for technologies that improve the capacity, efficiency, resilience, security, reliability, affordability, and environmental impact, including potential cumulative environmental impacts, of hydropower systems. 41006 N/A
Industrial Research and Assessment Center Implementation Grants Clean Energy and Power Department of Energy Energy Programs $400,000,000 Available until expended Grant Small- and medium-sized manufacturers To fund upgrades for small- and medium-sized manufacturers that have been recommended in an assessment from an Industrial Assessment Center, Combined Heat and Power Technical Assistance Partnership, or an approved third-party performing an equivalent assessment. For eligible small- and medium-sized manufacturers to (i) improve energy efficiency; material efficiency; cybersecurity; or productivity; or reduce waste production; greenhouse gas emissions; or non-greenhouse gas pollution. 40521 50 percent
Industrial Research and Assessment Centers Clean Energy and Power Department of Energy Energy Programs $150,000,000 Available until expended Grant Institutions of Higher Education, Community College, Trade School, Or Union Training Program To provide funding for institutions of higher education-based industrial research and assessment centers to identify opportunities for optimizing energy efficiency and environmental performance at manufacturing and other industrial facilities. To provide in-depth assessments of small- and medium-sized manufacturing plant sites to evaluate the facilities, services, and manufacturing operations of the plant sites; to identify opportunities for optimizing energy efficiency and environmental performance, including implementation of— (i) smart manufacturing; (ii) energy management systems; (iii) sustainable manufacturing; (iv) information technology advancements for supply chain analysis, logistics, system monitoring, industrial and manufacturing processes, and other purposes; and (v) waste management systems; to promote applications of emerging concepts and technologies in small- and medium-sized manufacturers (including water and wastewater treatment facilities and Federally owned manufacturing facilities); to promote research and development for the use of alternative energy sources to supply heat, power, and new feedstocks for energy-intensive industries; to coordinate with appropriate Federal and State research offices; to provide a clearinghouse for industrial process and energy efficiency technical assistance resources; and to coordinate with State-accredited technical training centers and community colleges, while ensuring appropriate services to all regions of the United States. 40521 None specified
Lithium-Ion Recycling Prize Clean Energy and Power Department of Energy Energy Programs $10,000,000 Available until expended Prize Prize dependent To provide a prize for recycling of lithium ion batteries and convene a task force on battery producer requirements. (i) To increase the number of winners of Phase III of the prize competition; (ii) to increase the amount awarded to each winner of Phase III of the competition; and (iii) to carry out any other activity that is consistent with the goals of Phase III of the competition, as determined by the Secretary. 40207 Not applicable
Maintaining and Enhancing Hydroelectricity Incentives Clean Energy and Power Department of Energy Energy Programs $553,600,000 Available until expended Incentive Payments Non-Federal owners of qualified hydroelectric facilities To make incentive payments to the owners or operators of qualified hydroelectric facilities for capital improvements. Payments to Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)-licensed hydropower facilities for: (1) Improving grid resiliency; (2) improving dam safety to ensure acceptable performance under all loading conditions (including static, hydrologic, and seismic conditions); and (3) environmental improvements. 40333 Not applicable
Manufacturing Leadership (Sec 40534) Other Department of Energy Energy Programs $50,000,000 Available until expended Grant States To provide funding to States to provide assistance to small and medium manufacturers to invest in smart manufacturing technologies or access high-performance computing resources for manufacturing analysis. (1) To facilitate access to high-performance computing resources for small and medium manufacturers; and (2) to provide financial assistance to small and medium manufacturers to implement smart manufacturing technologies and practices 40534 30 percent
Marine Energy Research, Development, and Demonstration Clean Energy and Power Department of Energy Energy Programs $70,400,000 Available until expended TBD Industry, National Labs, academia, other To fund research, development, and demonstration activities to improve marine energy technologies. (1) Assist technology development to improve the components, processes, and systems used for power generation from marine energy resources at a variety of scales;
(2) establish and expand critical testing infrastructure and facilities necessary to: (A) demonstrate and prove marine energy devices at a range of scales in a manner that is cost-effective and efficient; and (B) accelerate the technological readiness and commercial application of such devices;
(3) address marine energy resource variability issues, including through the application of energy storage technologies;
(4) advance efficient and reliable integration of marine energy with the electric grid, which may include smart building systems;
(5) identify and study critical short-term and long-term needs to maintaining a sustainable marine energy supply chain based in the United States;
(6) increase the reliability, security, and resilience of marine energy technologies;
(7) validate the performance, reliability, maintainability, and cost of marine energy device designs and system components in an operating environment;
(8) consider the protection of critical infrastructure, such as adequate separation between marine energy devices and submarine telecommunications cables, including through the development of voluntary, consensus-based standards for such purposes;
(9) identify opportunities for crosscutting research, development, and demonstration programs between existing energy research programs;
(10) identify and improve, in conjunction with the Secretary of Commerce, acting through the Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere, and other relevant Federal agencies as appropriate, the environmental impact, including potential cumulative environmental impacts, of marine energy technologies, including: (A) potential impacts on fisheries and other marine resources and (B) developing technologies, including mechanisms for self-evaluation, and other means available for improving environmental impact, including potential cumulative environmental impacts;
(11) identify, in consultation with relevant Federal agencies, potential navigational impacts of marine energy technologies and strategies to prevent possible adverse impacts, in addition to opportunities for marine energy systems to aid the United States Coast Guard, such as remote sensing for coastal border security;
(12) develop numerical and physical tools, including models and monitoring technologies, to assist industry in device and system design, installation, operation, and maintenance, including methods to validate such tools;
(13) support materials science as it relates to marine energy technology, such as the development of corrosive-resistant materials;
(14) improve marine energy resource forecasting and general understanding of aquatic system behavior, including turbulence and extreme conditions;
(15) develop metrics and voluntary, consensus-based standards, in coordination with the National Institute of Standards and Technology and appropriate standard development organizations, for marine energy components, systems, and projects, including: (A) measuring performance of marine energy technologies and (B) characterizing environmental conditions;
(16) enhance integration with hybrid energy systems, including desalination;
(17) identify opportunities to integrate marine energy technologies into new and existing infrastructure; and
(18) to develop technology necessary to support the use of marine energy— (A) for the generation and storage of power at sea; and (B) for the generation and storage of power to promote the resilience of coastal communities, including in applications relating to— (i) desalination; (ii) disaster recovery and resilience; and (iii) community microgrids in isolated power systems. 41006 TBD
National Marine Energy Centers Clean Energy and Power Department of Energy Energy Programs $40,000,000 Available until expended TBD Institutions of higher education or consortia To provide financial assistance for the establishment of new National Marine Energy Centers and the continuation and expansion of the research, development, demonstration, testing, and commercial application activities at the existing Centers. (1) Advance research, development, demonstration, and commercial application of marine energy technologies in response to industry and commercial needs; (2) support in-water testing and demonstration of marine energy technologies, including facilities capable of testing— (A) marine energy systems of various technology readiness levels and scales; (B) a variety of technologies in multiple test berths at a single location; (C) arrays of technology devices; and (D) interconnectivity to an electrical grid, including microgrids; and (3) collect and disseminate information on best practices in all areas relating to developing and managing marine energy resources and energy systems. 41006 TBD
New Solar Research & Development Clean Energy and Power Department of Energy Energy Programs $20,000,000 Available until expended Cooperative Agreement (A) An institution of higher education; (B) a National Laboratory; (C) a Federal research agency; (D) a State research agency; (E) a research agency associated with a territory or freely associated State; (F) a Tribal energy development organization; (G) a Tribe; (H) a Tribal organization; (I) a Native Hawaiian community-based organization; (J) a nonprofit research organization; (K) an industrial entity; (L) any other entity, as determined by the Secretary; and (M) a consortium of two or more entities described in (A) through (L). To award financial assistance to eligible entities for research, development, demonstration, and commercialization projects to advance new solar energy manufacturing technologies and techniques. Solar energy manufacturing projects that—

(i) increase efficiency and cost effectiveness in—

(I) the manufacturing process; and

(II) the use of resources, such as energy, water, and critical materials;

(ii) support domestic supply chains for materials and components;

(iii) identify and incorporate nonhazardous alternative materials for components and devices;

(iv) operate in partnership with Tribal energy development organizations, Tribes, Tribal organizations, Native Hawaiian community-based organizations, minority-serving institutions, or territories or freely associated States; or

(v) are located in economically distressed areas." 41007 TBD
Pumped Storage Hydropower Wind and Solar Integration and System Reliability Initiative Clean Energy and Power Department of Energy Energy Programs $10,000,000 $2 million per year for each of fiscal years 2022 through 2026. Cooperative Agreement Electric utilities, State Energy Offices, Tribes, Institutes of Higher Education, or consortium thereof To provide financial assistance to eligible entities to carry out project design, transmission studies, power market assessments, and permitting for a pumped storage hydropower project to facilitate the long-duration storage of intermittent renewable electricity. To be eligible for financial assistance, a project shall—(i) be designed to provide not less than 1,000 megawatts of storage capacity;(ii) be able to provide energy and capacity for use in more than 1 organized electricity market;(iii) be able to store electricity generated by intermittent renewable electricity projects located on Tribal land; and (iv) have received a preliminary permit from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. 40334 Matching funds equal to or greater than the amount of financial assistance provided.
Section 243 Hydroelectric Efficiency Improvement Incentives (Sec 40332) Clean Energy and Power Department of Energy Energy Programs $75,000,000 Available until expended Incentive payment Owners or operators of hydroelectric facilities at existing dams To incentivize upgrades to hydroelectric facilities to increase their efficiency. Capital improvements to hydroelectric facilities at existing dams to improve the efficiency of such facilities by at least 3 percent. Maximum percentage of Federal funds going to the capital improvement is 30 percent with a total cap of $5 million per facility. 40332 Not applicable
Solar Energy Research and Development Clean Energy and Power Department of Energy Energy Programs $40,000,000 Available until expended Cooperative Agreement (A) An institution of higher education; (B) A National Laboratory; (C) A Federal research agency; (D) A State research agency; (E) A research agency associated with a territory or freely associated State; (F) a Tribal energy development organization; (G) a Tribe; (H) a Tribal organization; (I) a Native Hawaiian community-based organization; (J) a nonprofit research organization; (K) an industrial entity; (L) any other entity, as determined by the Secretary; and (M) a consortium of 2 or more entities described in subparagraphs (A) through (L). To fund research, development, demonstration, and commercialization activities to improve solar energy technologies. Research, development, demonstration, and commercialization activities, including: (i) awarding grants and awards, on a competitive, merit-reviewed basis; (ii) performing precompetitive research and development; (iii) establishing or maintaining demonstration facilities and projects, including through stewardship of existing facilities; (iv) providing technical assistance; (v) entering into contracts and cooperative agreements; (vi) providing small business vouchers; (vii) establishing prize competitions; (viii) conducting education and outreach activities; (ix) conducting workforce development activities; and (x) conducting analyses, studies, and reports. 41007 TBD
Solar Recycling Research & Development Clean Energy and Power Department of Energy Energy Programs $20,000,000 Available until expended Cooperative Agreements and Management and Operating Contracts at National Laboratories (A) An institution of higher education; (B) a National Laboratory; (C) a Federal research agency; (D) a State research agency; (E) a research agency associated with a territory or freely associated State; (F) a Tribal energy development organization; (G) a Tribe; (H) a Tribal organization; (I) a Native Hawaiian community-based organization; (J) a nonprofit research organization; (K) an industrial entity; (L) any other entity, as determined by the Secretary; and (M) a consortium of two or more entities described in (A) through (L). To award financial assistance to eligible entities for research, development, demonstration, and commercialization projects to create innovative and practical approaches to increase the reuse and recycling of solar energy technologies. Projects aimed at increasing the reuse and recycling of solar energy technologies, including: (i) increasing the efficiency and cost effectiveness of the recovery of raw materials from solar energy technology components and systems, including enabling technologies such as inverters; (ii) minimizing potential environmental impacts from the recovery and disposal processes; (iii) advancing technologies and processes for the disassembly and recycling of solar energy devices; (iv) developing alternative materials, designs, manufacturing processes, and other aspects of solar energy technologies and the disassembly and resource recovery process that enable efficient, cost effective, and environmentally responsible disassembly of, and resource recovery from, solar energy technologies; and (v) strategies to increase consumer acceptance of, and participation in, the recycling of photovoltaic devices. 41007 TBD
State Energy Program Clean Energy and Power Department of Energy Energy Programs $500,000,000 Available until expended Formula Grant States To provide funding to States to support electric transmission and distribution planning as well as planning activities and programs that help reduce carbon emissions in all sectors of the economy, including the transportation sector and accelerate the use of alternative transportation fuels and vehicle electrification. Energy conservation measures, renewable energy measures, and programs to increase deployment of clean energy technologies in buildings, industry and transportation, including programs to help reduce carbon emissions in the transportation sector and accelerate the use of alternative transportation fuels for, and the electrification of, State government vehicles, fleet vehicles, taxis and ridesharing services, mass transit, school buses, ferries, and privately owned passenger and medium- and heavy-duty vehicles . 40109 No non-Federal cost share required
Weatherization Assistance Program Clean Energy and Power Department of Energy Energy Programs $3,500,000,000 Beginning fiscal year 2022 (to remain until expended) Formula Grant States, Tribes To increase the energy efficiency of dwellings owned or occupied by low-income persons , reduce their total residential energy expenditures, and improve their health and safety, especially low-income persons who are particularly vulnerable such as the elderly, the handicapped, and children. Improvement of heating and cooling of dwellings by the installation of weatherization materials such as attic insulation, caulking, weather-stripping, furnace efficiency modifications, certain mechanical measures to heating and cooling systems, and replacement furnaces, boilers, and air-conditioners. Grantees may receive formula-based allocations and can perform weatherization retrofits with an average cost of up to $8,009 per dwelling unit in fiscal year 2022. Up to 15 percent of each grant may be spent by a grantee and its subgrantees for administrative expenses (in the Formula Grants a grantee may not use more than 7.5 percent of the total State grant for such purposes). 40551 No non-Federal cost share required
Wind Energy Tech Recycling Research & Development Clean Energy and Power Department of Energy Energy Programs $40,000,000 Available until expended Cooperative Agreement (A) An institution of higher education; (B) a National Laboratory; (C) a Federal research agency; (D) a State research agency; (E) a research agency associated with a territory or freely associated State; (F) a Tribal energy development organization; (G) a Tribe; (H) a Tribal organization; (I) a Native Hawaiian community-based organization; (J) a nonprofit research organization; (K) an industrial entity; (L) any other entity, as determined by the Secretary; and (M) a consortium of two or more entities described in subparagraphs (A) through (L). To award financial assistance to eligible entities for research, development, and demonstration, and commercialization projects to create innovative and practical approaches to increase the reuse and recycling of wind energy technologies (i) Increasing the efficiency and cost effectiveness of the recovery of raw materials from wind energy technology components and systems, including enabling technologies such as inverters;

(ii) minimizing potential environmental impacts from the recovery and disposal processes;

(iii) advancing technologies and processes for the disassembly and recycling of wind energy devices;

(iv) developing alternative materials, designs, manufacturing processes, and other aspects of wind energy technologies and the disassembly and resource recovery process that enable efficient, cost effective, and environmentally responsible disassembly of, and resource recovery from, wind energy technologies; and

(v) strategies to increase consumer acceptance of, and participation in, the recycling of wind energy technologies. 41007 TBD
Wind Energy Technology Program Clean Energy and Power Department of Energy Energy Programs $60,000,000 Available until expended Cooperative Agreement (A) An institution of higher education; (B) A National Laboratory; (C) A Federal research agency; (D) A State research agency; (E) A research agency associated with a territory or freely associated State; (F) a Tribal energy development organization; (G) a Tribe; (H) a Tribal organization; (I) a Native Hawaiian community-based organization; (J) a nonprofit research organization; (K) an industrial entity; (L) any other entity, as determined by the Secretary; and (M) a consortium of 2 or more entities described in subparagraphs (A) through (L). To fund research, development, demonstration, and commercialization activities to improve wind energy technologies. Research, development, demonstration, and commercialization activities to improve wind energy technologies, including: (i) awarding grants and awards, on a competitive, merit-reviewed basis; (ii) performing precompetitive research and development; (iii) establishing or maintaining demonstration facilities and projects, including through stewardship of existing facilities such as the National Wind Test Center; (iv) providing technical assistance; (v) entering into contracts and cooperative agreements; (vi) providing small business vouchers; (vii)establishing prize competitions; (viii) conducting education and outreach activities; (ix) conducting professional development activities; and (x) conducting analyses, studies, and reports. 41007 TBD
Carbon Storage Validation and Testing Clean Energy and Power Department of Energy Energy Programs $2,500,000,000 Available until expended Grant, Cooperative Agreement, or Other Technology Developers, Industry, Utilities, Universities, National Laboratories, Engineering and Construction firms, and State and Local Governments. To establish a program of research, development, and demonstration for carbon storage. Development of new or expanded commercial large-scale carbon sequestration projects and associated carbon dioxide transport infrastructure, including funding for the feasibility, site characterization, permitting, and construction stages of project development. 40305 TBD
Carbon Utilization Program Clean Energy and Power Department of Energy Energy Programs $310,140,781 Available until expended Grant State and local governments, Public Utilities To establish a grant program for State and local governments to procure and use products derived from captured carbon oxides. An eligible entity shall use a grant received under this paragraph to procure and use commercial or industrial products that: (i) use or are derived from anthropogenic carbon oxides; and (ii) demonstrate significant net reductions in lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions compared to incumbent technologies, processes, and products. 40302 TBD
Commercial Direct Air Capture Technology Prize Competition Clean Energy and Power Department of Energy Energy Programs $100,000,000 Available until expended Prize Industry Partner Reauthorization of program to support large-scale pilot projects and demonstration projects and test carbon capture technologies. Projects that advance the technical and commercial viability of technologies that result in net removal of CO2 from the atmosphere. 41005 TBD
Critical Material Innovation, Efficiency, And Alternatives Clean Energy and Power Department of Energy Energy Programs $600,000,000 Available until expended Grant Industry Partner To conduct a program of research, development, demonstration, and commercialization to develop alternatives to critical materials, to promote their efficient production and use, and ensure a long-term secure and sustainable supply of them. (A) Alternative materials, particularly materials available in abundance within the United States and not subject to potential supply restrictions, that lessen the need for critical materials; (B) alternative energy technologies or alternative designs of existing energy technologies; (C) technologies or process improvements that minimize the use and content, or lead to more efficient use, of critical materials across the full supply chain; (D) innovative technologies and practices to diversify commercially viable and sustainable domestic sources of critical materials; (E) technologies, process improvements, or design optimizations that facilitate the recycling of critical materials; (F) advanced critical material extraction, production, separation, alloying, or processing technologies that decrease the energy consumption, environmental impact, and costs of those activities; (G) commercial markets, advanced storage methods, energy applications, and other beneficial uses of critical materials; and (H) advanced theoretical, computational, and experimental tools necessary to support the crosscutting research and development needs of diverse critical minerals stakeholders. 41003 TBD
Critical Material Supply Chain Research Facility Clean Energy and Power Department of Energy Energy Programs $75,000,000 Available until expended Contract Industry partner To support construction of a Critical Materials Supply Chain Research Facility. (A) Further enable research, development, demonstration, and commercialization activities throughout the supply chain for critical materials; and (B) Provide an integrated, rapidly reconfigurable research platform. 41003 TBD
Front-End Engineering and Design Program Out Activities Under Carbon Capture Tech Program 962 Of EPA (Sec 40303) Clean Energy and Power Department of Energy Energy Programs $100,000,000 Available until expended Cooperative Agreement Industry Partner Expands the Department of Energy's Carbon Capture Technology program to include a program for carbon dioxide transport infrastructure necessary to deploy Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage technologies. Front-end engineering and design program for carbon dioxide transport infrastructure necessary to enable deployment of carbon capture, utilization, and storage technologies. 40303 TBD
Funding to Support Orphan Well Plugging Environmental Remediation Department of Energy Energy Programs $30,000,000 Available until expended TBD Industry Partner Funding to support the Department of the Interior's effort to establish a program to plug, remediate, and reclaim orphaned wells located on Federal land. The Department is working through a number of options to use these funds to conduct scientific research on methane emissions and other hazards associated with orphan oil and gas wells. 40601
Pre-Commercial Direct Air Capture Prize Competitions Clean Energy and Power Department of Energy Energy Programs $15,000,000 Available until expended Prize Industry Partner Reauthorization of program to advance research, development, demonstration, and commercial application of carbon capture technologies. Projects that advance the technical and commercial viability of technologies that result in net removal of CO2 from the atmosphere. 41005 TBD
Rare Earth Elements Demonstration Facility Clean Energy and Power Department of Energy Energy Programs $140,000,000 Available until expended Grant Industry Partner To demonstrate the feasibility of a full-scale integrated rare earth element extraction and separation facility and refinery. The facility established shall: (A) provide environmental benefits through use of feedstock derived from acid mine drainage, mine waste, or other deleterious material; (B) separate mixed rare earth oxides into pure oxides of each rare earth element; (C) refine rare earth oxides into rare earth metals; and (D) provide for separation of rare earth oxides and refining into rare earth metals at a single site. 40205
Rare Earth Security Activities Clean Energy and Power Department of Energy Energy Programs $127,000,000 Available until expended Grant Industry Partner To conduct a program of research and development to improve the security of rare earth elements. (A) To develop and assess advanced separation technologies for the extraction and recovery of rare earth elements and other critical materials from coal and coal byproducts; and (B) To determine if there are, and mitigate, any potential environmental or public health impacts that could arise from the recovery of rare earth elements from coal-based resources. 41003 TBD
Civil Nuclear Credit Program Clean Energy and Power Department of Energy Energy Programs $6,000,000,000 fiscal year 2022 - 2026 Credit allocation Certified nuclear reactors To establish a Civil Nuclear Credit (CNC) Program to prevent premature retirements of existing commercial nuclear reactors due to economic factors. The CNC Program will: certify nuclear reactors for program eligibility; establish a process to accept sealed bids for credits from certified nuclear reactors; allocate credits to certified nuclear reactors; and conduct periodic audits, with possible recapture of credits. Nuclear reactors that compete in a competitive electricity market and are projected to cease operations due to economic factors during the four-year credit period may apply for certification. The Secretary of Energy must determine that the nuclear reactor is projected to cease operations due to economic factors, that emissions will increase if the nuclear reactor retires, and that the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission has reasonable assurance that the nuclear reactor will continue to operate consistent with its current licensing basis and that it poses no significant safety hazards. The first CNC award period, which began with the publication of Guidance on April 19, 2022, prioritizes nuclear reactors that made a public filing before November 15, 2021 of the intent to cease operations. Future award periods will not be limited to nuclear reactors that have publicly announced their intentions to cease operations. 40323 Not applicable
Advanced Reactor Demonstration Program Clean Energy and Power Department of Energy Energy Programs $2,477,000,000 Available until expended Cooperative Agreement Domestic Nuclear Industry Partners, National Laboratories, and Engineering and Construction firms. To fund two large demonstrations of advanced nuclear reactors for electricity generation. Funding for the existing advanced reactor demonstration program (DE–FOA–0002271). 41002
Carbon Capture Demonstration Projects Program Clean Energy and Power Department of Energy Energy Programs $2,537,000,000 Available until expended Cooperative Agreement Technology Developers, Industry, Utilities, Universities, National Laboratories, Engineering and Construction firms, State and Local Governments, Tribal, Environmental Groups, and Community Based Organizations. To establish a carbon capture technology program for the development of 6 facilities to demonstrate transformational technologies that will significantly improve the efficiency, effectiveness, costs, emissions reductions, and environmental performance of coal and natural gas use, including in manufacturing and industrial facilities. Of the demonstration projects carried out — (i) 2 shall be designed to capture carbon dioxide from a natural gas electric generation facility; (ii) 2 shall be designed to capture carbon dioxide from a coal electric generation facility; and (iii) 2 shall be designed to capture carbon dioxide from an industrial facility not purposed for electric generation. 41004 TBD
Carbon Capture Large-Scale Pilot Programs Clean Energy and Power Department of Energy Energy Programs $937,000,000 Available until expended Cooperative Agreement Technology Developers, Industry, Utilities, Universities, National Laboratories, Engineering and Construction firms, State, Tribal, and Local Governments, Environmental Groups, and Community Based Organizations. To establish a carbon capture technology program for the development of transformational technologies that will significantly improve the efficiency, effectiveness, costs, emissions reductions, and environmental performance of coal and natural gas use, including in manufacturing and industrial facilities. Pilot projects that—(A) represent the scale of technology development beyond laboratory development and bench scale testing, but not yet advanced to the point of being tested under real operational conditions at commercial scale; (B) represent the scale of technology necessary to gain the operational data needed to understand the technical and performance risks of the technology before the application of that technology at commercial scale or in commercial-scale demonstration; and (C) are large enough—(i) to validate scaling factors; and (ii) to demonstrate the interaction between major components so that control philosophies for a new process can be developed and enable the technology to advance from large-scale pilot project application to commercial-scale demonstration or application. 41004 TBD
Clean Energy Demonstrations on Current and Former Mine Land Environmental Remediation Department of Energy Energy Programs $500,000,000 Available through 2026 Grant, Cooperative Agreement, or Other Will be stipulated in competitive solicitation To demonstrate the technical and economic viability of carrying out clean energy projects on current and former mine land. Up to five 5 clean energy projects are to be carried out in geographically diverse regions, at least 2 of which shall be solar projects. The term "clean energy project" ​means a project that demonstrates 1 or more of the following technologies:​

(A) Solar.

(B) Micro-grids.​

(C) Geothermal.​

(D) Direct air capture.​

(E) Fossil-fueled electricity generation with carbon ​capture, utilization, and sequestration.​

(F) Energy storage, including pumped storage hydropower and ​compressed air storage.​

(G) Advanced nuclear technologies.​

In selecting clean energy projects for participation in the program under paragraph (1), the Secretary shall prioritize clean energy projects that will—​

(A) be carried out in a location where the greatest number of jobs can be created from the successful demonstration of the clean energy project;​

(B) provide the greatest net impact in avoiding or reducing greenhouse gas emissions;​

(C) provide the greatest domestic job creation (both directly and indirectly) during the implementation of the clean energy project;​

(D) provide the greatest job creation and economic development in the vicinity of the clean energy project, particularly—​

(i) in economically distressed areas; and ​

(ii) with respect to dislocated workers who were previously employed in manufacturing, coal power plants, or coal mining;​

(E) have the greatest potential for technological innovation and commercial deployment; ​

(F) have the lowest levelized cost of generated or stored energy;​

(G) have the lowest rate of greenhouse gas emissions per unit of electricity generated or stored; and​

(H) have the shortest project time from permitting to completion.​ 40342
Energy Improvement in Rural or Remote Areas Clean Energy and Power Department of Energy Energy Programs $1,000,000,000 $200,000,000 appropriated annually for fiscal years 2022 through 2026 (to remain available until expended) Grant, Cooperative Agreement, or Other Cities, towns, or unincorporated areas with populations of not more than 10,000 inhabitants. In consultation with the Department of the Interior, to provide financial assistance to improve, in rural or remote areas of the United States, the resilience, safety, reliability, and availability of energy, as well as environmental protection from adverse impacts of energy generation. Overall cost-effectiveness of energy generation, transmission, or distribution systems;
siting or upgrading transmission and distribution lines;
reducing greenhouse gas emissions from energy generation by rural or remote areas;
providing or modernizing electric generation facilities;
developing microgrids; and
increasing energy efficiency. 40103 TBD
Energy Storage Demonstration and Pilot Grant Program Clean Energy and Power Department of Energy Energy Programs $355,000,000 Available until expended Grant, Cooperative Agreement, or Other Technology Developers, Industry, State and Local Governments, Tribal Organizations, Community Based Organizations, National Laboratories, Universities, and Utilities. To enter into agreements to carry out 3 energy storage system demonstration projects. (i) To improve the security of critical infrastructure and emergency response systems. (ii) To improve the reliability of transmission and distribution systems, particularly in rural areas, including high-energy cost rural areas. (iii) To optimize transmission or distribution system operation and power quality to defer or avoid costs of replacing or upgrading electric grid infrastructure, including transformers and substations. (iv) To supply energy at peak periods of demand on the electric grid or during periods of significant variation of electric grid supply. (v) To reduce peak loads of homes and businesses. (vi) To improve and advance power conversion systems.(vii) To provide ancillary services for grid stability and management. (viii) To integrate renewable energy resource production. (ix) To increase the feasibility of microgrids (grid-connected or islanded mode). (x) To enable the use of stored energy in forms other than electricity to support the natural gas system and other industrial processes. (xi) To integrate fast charging of electric vehicles. (xii) To improve energy efficiency. 41001 TBD
Four Regional Clean Direct Air Capture Hubs Clean Energy and Power Department of Energy Energy Programs $3,500,000,000 $700,000,000 annually for the period of fiscal years 2022 through 2026 (to remain available until expended) Grant, Cooperative Agreement, or Other Technology Developers, Industry, Utilities, Universities, National Laboratories, Engineering and Construction firms, State and Local Governments, Tribal, Environmental Groups, and Community Based Organizations To establish a program under which the Secretary shall provide funding for eligible projects that contribute to the development of 4 regional direct air capture hubs. A regional direct air capture hub that: (i) facilitates the deployment of direct air capture projects; (ii) has the capacity to capture and sequester, utilize, or sequester and utilize at least 1,000,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere annually from a single unit or multiple interconnected units; (iii) demonstrates the capture, processing, delivery, and sequestration or end-use of captured carbon; and (iv) could be developed into a regional or interregional carbon network to facilitate sequestration or carbon utilization. 40308 TBD
Industrial Emission Demonstration Projects Clean Energy and Power Department of Energy Energy Programs $500,000,000 Available until expended Grant, Cooperative Agreement, or Other Technology Developers, Industry, Manufacturers, Universities, National Laboratories, Engineering and Construction firms, State and Local Governments, Environmental Groups, and Community Based Organizations. To fund demonstration projects that test and validate technologies that reduce industrial emissions. Industrial production processes, including technologies and processes that (A) achieve emissions reduction in high emissions industrial materials production processes, including production processes for iron, steel, steel mill products, aluminum, cement, concrete, glass, pulp, paper, and industrial ceramics; (B) achieve emissions reduction in medium- and high-temperature heat generation; (C) achieve emissions reduction in chemical production processes, including by incorporating, if appropriate and practicable, principles, practices, and methodologies of sustainable chemistry and engineering; (D) leverage smart manufacturing technologies and principles, digital manufacturing technologies, and advanced data analytics to develop advanced technologies and practices in information, automation, monitoring, computation, sensing, modeling, and networking; (E) leverage the principles of sustainable manufacturing to minimize the potential negative environmental impacts of manufacturing while conserving energy and resources; (F) increase the energy efficiency of industrial processes 41008 TBD
Long-Duration Energy Storage Demonstration Initiative and Joint Program Clean Energy and Power Department of Energy Energy Programs $150,000,000 Available until expended Grant, Cooperative Agreement, or Other Technology Developers, Industry, State and Local Governments, Tribal Organizations, Community Based Organizations, National Laboratories, Universities, and Utilities To establish a demonstration initiative composed of demonstration projects focused on the development of long-duration energy storage technologies. Projects that -- (i) demonstrate promising long-duration energy storage technologies at different scales; and (ii) help new, innovative long-duration energy storage technologies become commercially viable. 41001 TBD
Program Upgrading Our Electric Grid and Ensuring Reliability and Resiliency Clean Energy and Power Department of Energy Energy Programs $5,000,000,000 $1,000,000,000 appropriated annually for fiscal years 2022 through 2026 (to remain available until expended). Grant, Cooperative Agreement, or Other State, combination of 2 or more States; Tribes; units of local government, and/or public utility commissions. To provide Federal financial assistance to demonstrate innovative approaches to transmission, storage, and distribution infrastructure to harden and enhance resilience and reliability; and to demonstrate new approaches to enhance regional grid resilience. To coordinate and collaborate with electric sector owners and operators—(A) to demonstrate innovative approaches to transmission, storage, and distribution infrastructure to harden and enhance resilience and reliability; and (B) to demonstrate new approaches to enhance regional grid resilience, implemented through States by public and rural electric cooperative entities on a cost-shared basis 40103 At least a 20 percent cost-share for a funded "research or development activity," unless the activity is of a basic or fundamental nature. A 50 percent cost-share of total costs for a funded "demonstration or commercial application activity."
Regional Clean Hydrogen Hubs Clean Energy and Power Department of Energy Energy Programs $8,000,000,000 Available until expended Grants, Contracts, Cooperative Agreements, or any other agreements authorized under this Act or other Federal law Technology Developers, Industry, Utilities, Universities, National Laboratories, Engineering and Construction firms, State and Local Governments, Tribal, Environmental Groups, and Community Based Organizations. To support the development of at least 4 regional clean hydrogen hubs to improve clean hydrogen production, processing, delivery, storage, and end use. Projects that demonstrate the production, processing, delivery, storage, and end-use of, clean hydrogen through regional clean hydrogen hubs, which are networks of clean hydrogen producers, potential clean hydrogen consumers, and connective infrastructure located in close proximity. #REF! 40314 TBD
Transmission Facilitation Program Clean Energy and Power Department of Energy Energy Programs $2,500,000,000 (Borrowing Authority) Available until expended Loan, Direct Financing, or Capacity Purchase Transmission Developers To facilitate the construction of electric power transmission lines and related facilities to enable greater clean energy growth and provide low-cost clean energy to more Americans. To facilitate eligible projects, the Secretary may-- (A) enter into a capacity contract with respect to an eligible project with the objective of reselling that capacity once the financial viability of the project has been established; (B) issue a loan to an eligible entity for the costs of carrying out an eligible project; or (C) participate with an eligible entity in designing, developing, constructing, operating, maintaining, or owning an eligible project. 40106 N/A
Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program Other Department of Health and Human Services Administration for Children and Families $500,000,000 2022 - 2026 Grant States, Territories, Tribal Governments (Federally recognized), Tribal Governments (other than Federally recognized), Indian Housing Authorities, and Consortia Authorized to Administer the Program by Eligible Tribal Entities The Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program assists eligible low-income households with their heating and cooling energy costs, bill payment assistance, energy crisis assistance, weatherization and energy-related home repairs. The Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program provides Federally funded assistance in managing costs associated with home energy bills, energy crises, weatherization and energy-related minor home repairs. Division J, Title VII No non-Federal cost share required
Indian Health Service Sanitation Facilities Construction Program Water Department of Health and Human Services Indian Health Service $3,500,000,000 The law makes $700,000,000 available per year from 2022-2026. Available until expended Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act Agreements, Direct Federal Spending Federally recognized Tribal governments. To support the Indian Health Service mission, the Sanitation Facilities Construction Program provides technical and financial assistance to American Tribes and Alaska Native villages for the cooperative development and construction of safe drinking water supply, sewage, and solid waste disposal facilities, and related support facilities. The bill includes a maximum 3 percent ($21 million) set-aside for salaries, expenses, and administration each year. These funds are limited to Federal costs only. It also directs 0.5 percent ($3.5 million) each year to the Depart of Health and Human Services Office of the Inspector General for oversight of these funds. Additionally, the bill directs the Indian Health Service to use up to $2.2 billion of the $3.5 billion appropriation on economically infeasible projects. Economically infeasible projects are those that exceed a per unit cost set for each Indian Health Service Area, and three different regions within the Indian Health Service Alaska Area. Provision of domestic and community sanitation facilities for Indians. Division J, Title VI Non-eligible activities include the cost to serve non-Tribal homes, commercial, industrial, agricultural establishments, nursing homes, health clinics, schools, and hospital quarters. These costs are considered ineligible for Indian Health Service Sanitation Facilities Construction project funding. Tribal communities with non-eligible activities can use their own resources, or leverage other Federal, State, and local funding sources to support the full scope of their projects
Cyber Response and Recovery Fund Resilience Department of Homeland Security Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency $100,000,000 5 year Contract, Grant, Cooperative Agreement Federal, State, Local, Tribal, and Territorial, Public, and private sector entities This fund is a provision of the Cyber Response and Recovery Act (Section 70601 of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law). It is based on a Cyberspace Solarium Commission recommendation, and at a high level, is a cyber Stafford Act which also establishes a fund (the Cyber Response and Recovery Fund) that the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency can tap into in the event of a significant cyber incident when other resources are insufficient. Coordinate asset response activities and engage in response and recovery activities, including grants or cooperative agreements in response to significant cyber incidents. 70601 No non-Federal cost share required
Sector Risk Management Agencies Resilience Department of Homeland Security Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency $35,000,000 Five Year Contract Federal (Department of Homeland Security/ Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency) The requested funding will allow the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency to sustain coordinated support for Sector Risk Management Agencies across the Federal government, cultivating sector-specific expertise within the agency. First, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency will execute and sustain its capacity to effectively conduct and oversee cross-sector governance, management, administrative, and performance measurement initiatives in support of Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency's national cross-sector coordination role. These capabilities will expand Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency's capacity to serve as a cross-sector focal point for cybersecurity, infrastructure security, emergency communications, and risk management for all critical infrastructure sectors. This effort will also provide the national critical infrastructure community the capability and expertise to track progress towards collective outcomes and national priorities. Second, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency will execute and sustain risk analytic and risk management support across all sixteen critical infrastructure sectors to bolster both insight into cross-sector risk and significant risk issues within high priority sectors such as Communications and Information Technology. These expanded risk activities will allow the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency to routinely assess the risk present within and across sectors and enable prioritization and identification of focused risk management initiatives supporting real, tangible risk reduction outcomes. Third, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency will maintain the process and cycle for collecting sector-specific critical infrastructure information from Sector Risk Management Agencies. This supports both the development of critical infrastructure intake, taxonomy and data stewardship processes and procedures, and a unified Sector Risk Management Agencies approach to characterizing risk mitigation vulnerability countermeasures guidance that Sector Risk Management Agencies and Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency produce. No non-Federal cost share required
State and Local Cybersecurity Grant Program Resilience Department of Homeland Security Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency $1,000,000,000 Varying amounts per fiscal year for the next four fiscal years: $200 million for fiscal year 2022, $400 million for fiscal year 2023, $300 million for fiscal year 2024, and $100 million for fiscal year 2025 Grant State, territorial, and Tribal governments or multi-entity groups of two or more eligible entities. The State and Local Cybersecurity Grant Program makes available Federal funds to State, local, and Tribal governments to address cybersecurity risks and cybersecurity threats to information systems that they own or operate. The Department of Homeland Security is also separately administering the statutory Tribal set-aside funding as its own Tribal Cybersecurity Grant Program under this authority. Develop and revise cybersecurity plans; implement elements of the cybersecurity plan (including individual projects); address imminent cybersecurity threats, as confirmed by the Department of Homeland Secretary, acting through the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency Director; grants management and administration (5 percent maximum); any other appropriate activity determined by the Department of Homeland Security Secretary, acting through the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency Director. Division J, Title V Fiscal year 2022 for individual recipients: 90 percent Federal; 10 percent Non-Federal; for multi-entity groups: 100 percent Federal
fiscal year 2023 for individual recipients: 80 percent Federal; 20 percent Non-Federal; for multi-entity groups: 90 percent Federal; 10 percent Non-Federal
fiscal year 2024 for individual recipients: 70 percent Federal; 30 percent Non-Federal; for multi-entity groups: 80 percent Federal; 20 percent Non-Federal
fiscal year 2025 for individual recipients: 60 percent Federal; 40 percent Non-Federal; for multi-entity groups: 70 percent Federal; 30 percent Non-Federal
Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (Robert T Stafford Act Section 203(i)) Resilience Department of Homeland Security Federal Emergency Management Agency $1,000,000,000 Available for the next 5 fiscal years in tranches of $200 million per fiscal year Grant States, local, Tribal, and territorial governments The Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities program makes Federal funds available to States, U.S territories, Federally recognized Tribal governments, and local communities for hazard mitigation activities. Federal Emergency Management Agency will provide financial assistance to eligible Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities applicants for the following activities: Capability and Capacity-Building – Activities, which enhance the knowledge, skills, expertise, etc., of the current workforce to expand or improve the administration of mitigation assistance. This includes activities in the following sub-categories: building codes activities, partnerships, project scoping, mitigation planning and planning-related activities, and other activities; Mitigation Projects – Cost-effective projects designed to increase resilience and public safety; reduce injuries and loss of life; and reduce damage and destruction to property, critical services, facilities, and infrastructure from natural hazards and the effects of climate change; and Management Costs – Financial assistance to reimburse the recipient and subrecipient for eligible and reasonable indirect costs, direct administrative costs, and other administrative expenses associated with a specific mitigation measure or project in an amount up to 15 percent of the total amount of the grant award, of which not more than 10 percent of the total award amount may be used by the recipient and 5 percent by the subrecipient for such costs generally. Division J, Title V 75 percent Federal / 25 percent non-Federal; 90 percent Federal / 10 percent non-Federal for economically disadvantaged rural communities; 100 percent Federal on management costs for all
Flood Mitigation Assistance Grants (National Flood Insurance Act Sec 1366) Resilience Department of Homeland Security Federal Emergency Management Agency $3,500,000,000 Available for the next 5 fiscal years in tranches of $700 million per fiscal year Grant States, local, Tribal, territorial governments, and local communities The Flood Mitigation Assistance program makes Federal funds available to States, U.S. territories, Federally recognized Tribal governments, and local communities to reduce or eliminate the risk of repetitive flood damage to buildings and structures. These grants are focused on projects that reduce flood risks posed to repetitively flooded properties insured under the National Flood Insurance Program. The Federal Emergency Management Agency is distributing the fiscal year 2021 Flood Mitigation Assistance funding amount as follows: Project scoping (previously advance assistance) to develop community flood mitigation projects and/or individual flood mitigation projects that will subsequently reduce flood claims against the National Flood Insurance Program. Projects that address community flood risk for the purpose of reducing National Flood Insurance Program flood claim payments. Technical assistance to maintain a viable Flood Mitigation Assistance program over time. Planning sub-applications for the flood hazard component of State, Local, Territory, and Tribal Hazard Mitigation Plans and plan updates. Division J, Title V 100 percent Federal / 0 percent Non-Federal - Severe Repetitive Loss Structure; 90 percent Federal / 10 percent non-Federal - Repetitive Loss Structure; 75 percent Federal / 25 percent non-Federal - National Flood Insurance Program insured structures and all other activities
Hazard Mitigation Revolving Loan Funds/Safeguarding Tomorrow through Ongoing Risk Mitigation (STORM) Act (Robert T Stafford Act, Sec 205) Resilience Department of Homeland Security Federal Emergency Management Agency $500,000,000 Available for the next 5 fiscal years in tranches of $100 million per fiscal year Grants A State (includes Puerto Rico and District of Columbia) or a Tribal Government that has received a major disaster declaration during the 5-year period ending on the date of enactment of the STORM Act. Capitalization grants to State and eligible Tribal governments for the establishment of revolving loan funds to provide hazard mitigation assistance to local governments. TBD Division J, Title V 90 percent Federal/10 percent Non-Federal; however, if a participating entity provides less than the 10 percent non-Federal share, the grant will be reduced to 10 times the non-Federal share provided by the participating entity
National Dam Safety Program Clean Energy and Power Department of Homeland Security Federal Emergency Management Agency $215,000,000 ($148,000,000 for States, plus $67,000,000 for program operations.) $148,000,000 available until expended; $67,000,000 available until September 30, 2026 Grant, Direct Federal Spending. States To encourage the establishment and maintenance of effective State programs intended to ensure dam safety, to protect human life and property, and to improve State dam safety programs. The National Dam Safety Program is a partnership of States, Federal agencies and other stakeholders to encourage and promote the establishment and maintenance of effective Federal and State dam safety programs to reduce the risk to human life and property. Eligible activities are those that 1) Reduce risks to life and property associated with dams; 2) Increase awareness of the risks associated with dams and the benefit of State dam safety programs; and 3) Advance the State of practice of dam safety and dam risk management. Examples include conducting dam safety inspections, performing condition assessments of dams, development of Emergency Action Plans, implementing regulatory enforcement actions, conducting public awareness and outreach activities, and professional development for dam safety officials and dam owners. Division J, Title V
Rehabilitation of High Hazard Potential Dams Clean Energy and Power Department of Homeland Security Federal Emergency Management Agency $585,000,000 Available until expended Grant States The Rehabilitation of High Hazard Potential Dams Grant Program makes available Federal funds to eligible States for pass through to non-Federal governmental organizations or nonprofit organizations for the rehabilitation of dams that fail to meet minimum dam safety standards and pose unacceptable risk to life and property. Eligible activities include repair, removal, or any other structural or nonstructural measures to rehabilitate an eligible high hazard potential dam. The Federal Emergency Management Agency's Rehabilitation of High Hazard Potential Dams grant program provides technical, planning, design, and construction assistance for eligible rehabilitation activities that reduce dam risk and increase community preparedness. Division J, Title V
Countering Violent Extremism Resilience Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology $12,800,000 Five Year Contract May include but not limited to: Academia/Centers of Excellence, Industry (Small Business Innovation Research), Department of Energy National Labs, and Federal Funded Research and Development Centers.    Acts of violence can pose a significant impact to American lives and Federal, State, local, and Tribal governments. This Program aims to conduct evidence-based research to meet the policy, operational, and public needs to improve effectiveness of public safety and violence prevention efforts implemented by Federal, State, territorial, Tribal, local, and non-governmental stakeholders. Public safety and violence prevention to evaluate "soft target" security, including countering improvised explosive device events and protection of U.S. critical infrastructure.
Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience Research Resilience Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology $69,806,250 5 Year Contract May include but not limited to: Academia/Centers of Excellence, Industry (Small Business Innovation Research), Department of Energy National Labs, and Federal Funded Research and Development Centers.  This program oversees activities performed under the Infrastructure Act and reports to Congress on the progress of Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience Research program's research and development activities. Planning tools for special event risk assessments rating. Electromagnetic pulse and geo-magnetic disturbance resilience capabilities. Positioning, navigation, and timing capabilities. Public safety and violence prevention to evaluate "soft target" security, including countering improvised explosive device events and protection of U.S. critical infrastructure. Research supporting security testing capabilities relating to telecommunications equipment, industrial control systems, and open-source software.
Cybersecurity Resilience Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology $14,500,000 5 year Contract May include but not limited to: Academia/Centers of Excellence, Industry (Small Business Innovation Research), Department of Energy National Labs, and Federal Funded Research and Development Centers.    This program researches, analyzes, and develops technologies to strengthen defensive cybersecurity capabilities in a spectrum of strategic technical areas to mitigate risk to the Nation's critical infrastructure, Federal departments and agencies, as well as State, territorial, Tribal and local organizations. Research supporting security testing capabilities relating to telecommunications equipment and industrial control systems.
Explosives Threat Assessment Resilience Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology $2,800,000 Five Year Contract May include but not limited to: Academia/Centers of Excellence, Industry (Small Business Innovation Research), Department of Energy National Labs, and Federal Funded Research and Development Centers.    This program researches and identifies current and potential explosive threats to understand the risk posed to the United States, strengthens aviation security by bolstering the international aviation security system, improves security processes and technologies, and encourages partnerships with industry. Public safety and violence prevention to evaluate "soft target" security, including countering improvised explosive device events and protection of U.S. critical infrastructure.
First Responder Capability Resilience Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology $4,000,000 5 Year Contract May include but not limited to: Academia/Centers of Excellence, Industry (Small Business Innovation Research), Department of Energy National Labs, and Federal Funded Research and Development Centers.    This program develops and transitions technologies, information, procedures, and concept of operations to aid first responders, emergency managers, and incident commanders as they respond to hazardous situations. It assists emergency response communities through test and assessment of technologies for usability and seeks to transition viable solutions to the commercial marketplace to help make them available across all first responder communities. Public safety and violence prevention to evaluate "soft target" security, including countering improvised explosive device events and protection of U.S. critical infrastructure.
Network and System Security and Investment Resilience Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology $1,000,000 Five Year Contract May include but not limited to: Academia/Centers of Excellence, Industry (Small Business Innovation Research), Department of Energy National Labs, and Federal Funded Research and Development Centers.    This program produces the technologies needed to secure information and software that resides on the networks and systems that make up the Internet. It provides analytic tools for the law enforcement community to investigate crimes committed in cyberspace. Research supporting security testing capabilities related to telecommunications equipment.
Physical Security Resilience Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology $38,800,000 Five Year Contract May include but not limited to: Academia/Centers of Excellence, Industry (Small Business Innovation Research), Department of Energy National Labs, and Federal Funded Research and Development Centers.    Provides a layered and integrated capability to safely screen for potential threat items in unstructured crowds within soft-target venues and crowded spaces without impact to the speed of travel while maintaining individual privacy. Public safety and violence prevention to evaluate "soft target" security, including countering improvised explosive device events and protection of U.S. critical infrastructure.
Probabilistic Analysis of National Threats, Hazards, and Risks Resilience Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology $13,400,000 Five year Contract May include but not limited to: Academia/Centers of Excellence, Industry (Small Business Innovation Research), Department of Energy National Labs, and Federal Funded Research and Development Centers.    This program addresses biological, chemical, and hazard knowledge gaps to inform defensive strategies that provide accurate, useful, and defensible knowledge and tools to stakeholders in time to enable risk-informed decision-making pertinent for defense against weapons of mass destruction threats to the homeland. Public safety and violence prevention to evaluate "soft target" security, including countering improvised explosive device events and protection of U.S. critical infrastructure.
Land Port of Entry Modernization Ports and Waterways Department of Homeland Security U.S. Customs and Border Protection $330,000,000 5 year Direct Federal GSA, Public Buildings Service, Federal Buildings Fund which will contract out the design and construction services For furniture, fixtures, and equipment for the land ports of entry modernized with funding provided to the General Services Administration in the Act. Operations and Support, specifically for furniture, fixtures, and equipment for the land ports of entry modernized with funding provided to the General Services Administration in the Act. Division J, Title V No non-Federal cost share required
Land Port of Entry Modernization Ports and Waterways Department of Homeland Security U.S. Customs and Border Protection $100,000,000 5 year Direct Federal GSA, Public Buildings Service, Federal Buildings Fund which will contract out the design and construction services For land port of entry construction, modernization, and sustainment. Land Port of Entry construction, modernization and sustainment Division J, Title V No non-Federal cost share required
Major Shore, Housing, Aids to Navigation, Survey and Design Ports and Waterways Department of Homeland Security United States Coast Guard $131,500,000 5 year Direct Federal/Contract Coast Guard Supports Procurement, Construction, and Improvement (PC&I) projects to address shore facility infrastructure and housing construction, replacement, upgrade or improvement needs; construction and improvements to buoys and structures assisting navigation on Federal waterways; and survey and design required for future year PC&I projects. The following are a list of Coast Guard projects:
• TRACEN Cape May - $10 million for planning, survey and design, and site work in support of recapitalization and improvement projects
• Kodiak Housing (Phase IV) - $40 million for the ongoing housing project in Kodiak to support future cutter homeport arrivals
• Ft. Wadsworth Housing (Phase II) - $5 million for safety, habitability, and quality of life upgrades to the 154 legacy housing units
• Novato Housing - $10 million for security and habitability improvements to existing housing site and initial planning, survey and design, and site work to recapitalize Coast Guard housing in Novato
• Coast Guard Academy Steam System Recap - $25 million to recapitalize the failing central steam heating system
• Family Housing for Fast Response Cutter Crew in Seward, AK - $13.5 million for the construction of new Coast Guard housing in Seward to support crew/maintenance personnel and their families
• Coast Guard Academy Chase Hall Annex D - $28 million for renovation and habitability upgrades and improvements to utility services to ensure compliance with fire and safety standards
Division J, Title V No non-Federal cost share required
Major Shore, Housing, Aids to Navigation, Survey and Design Ports and Waterways Department of Homeland Security United States Coast Guard $158,000,000 5 year Direct Federal/Contract Coast Guard Supports Procurement, Construction, and Improvement (PC&I) projects to address shore facility infrastructure and housing construction, replacement, upgrade or improvement needs; construction and improvements to buoys and structures assisting navigation on Federal waterways; and survey and design required for future year PC&I projects. The following are a list of Coast Guard projects:
• Pensacola Pier and Infrastructure - $28 million to repair wharves Bravo and Charlie at Naval Station Pensacola
• Kodiak Fuel Pier (Phase I) - $130 million to recapitalize Base Kodiak's fuel services pier and construct a transient berth.
Division J, Title V No non-Federal cost share required
Major Shore, Housing, Aids to Navigation, Survey and Design Ports and Waterways Department of Homeland Security United States Coast Guard $19,500,000 5 year Direct Federal/Contract Coast Guard Supports Procurement, Construction, and Improvement (PC&I) projects to address shore facility infrastructure and housing construction, replacement, upgrade or improvement needs; construction and improvements to buoys and structures assisting navigation on Federal waterways; and survey and design required for future year PC&I projects. The following are a list of Coast Guard projects:
• Ketchikan Maintenance Support Facility - $4 million for industrial facility improvements including 65-ton crane for Fast Response Cutter engine change-outs and Response Boat - Medium drydock services
• Station Port Angeles Covered Moorings - $9.5 million to construct covered moorings to perform boat maintenance in Port Angeles, WA
• New London City Pier Improvements - $6 million to support CGC EAGLE homeport shift from Fort Trumbull to New London, CT
Division J, Title V No non-Federal cost share required
Major Shore, Housing, Aids to Navigation, Survey and Design Ports and Waterways Department of Homeland Security United States Coast Guard $120,000,000 5 year Direct Federal/Contract Coast Guard Supports Procurement, Construction, and Improvement (PC&I) projects to address shore facility infrastructure and housing construction, replacement, upgrade or improvement needs; construction and improvements to buoys and structures assisting navigation on Federal waterways; and survey and design required for future year PC&I projects. This funding supports the construction and improvement of Coast Guard Childcare Development Centers (CDC) at Base Cape Cod, MA; Base Alameda, CA; Base Kodiak, AK; Aviation Training Center Mobile, AL; Base Astoria, OR; and Base Elizabeth City, NC. Division J, Title V No non-Federal cost share required
Indian Water Rights Settlements Water Department of the Interior Bureau of Indian Affairs $2,500,000,000 Available until expended Contract/Compact/Trust Fund Tribal Governments - Recognized To satisfy Federal obligations under Indian water rights settlement enacted as of November 15, 2021. Transfer to funds or accounts authorized to receive discretionary appropriations or to satisfy other obligations identified by the Secretary of the Interior, under an Indian water settlement approved and authorized by an Act of Congress before the date of enactment of this Act. 70101
Safety of Dams, Water Sanitation, And Other Facilities Water Department of the Interior Bureau of Indian Affairs $200,000,000 Available until expended Contract/Compact Tribal Governments - Recognized The Bureau of Indian Affairs Safety of Dams aims to reduce the potential loss of human life and property damage caused by dam failure by making Bureau of Indian Affairs dams as safe as practically possible. Safety of Dams is responsible for dams on Indian land. These dams form a significant part of the water-resources infrastructure on Indian reservations. The water sanitation and safety program supports improvement and repair projects that address public health and safety compliance issues at Bureau of Indian Affairs-owned drinking water and sanitation systems. Safety of Dams funding is planned to be used to accelerate rehabilitation activities using current prioritization methodology. Water sanitation funds will address deferred maintenance and deficiencies identified in condition assessments, environmental health reviews and audit reports. Division J, Title VI No non-Federal cost share required
Tribal Climate Resilience - Adaptation Planning Resilience Department of the Interior Bureau of Indian Affairs $86,000,000 Available until expended Contract/Compact Tribal Governments - Recognized Tribal Climate Adaptation programs provide support for climate resilient planning to help sustain Tribal ecosystems and natural and cultural resources, economies, infrastructure, human health, and safety. Funds may be used for trainings and workshops, vulnerability and risk assessment, supplementary monitoring for climate-related decision-making, scoping efforts, adaptation planning, travel support, ocean and coastal management planning, capacity building for adaptation planning, relocation, managed retreat, or protect-in-place assessment, planning, and design; and internships and youth engagement. Funding is not for routine monitoring programs or research. Division J, Title VI No non-Federal cost share required
Tribal Climate Resilience - Community Relocation Resilience Department of the Interior Bureau of Indian Affairs $130,000,000 Available until expended Contract/Compact Tribal Governments - Recognized Implementation of Community Relocation, Managed Retreat, or Protect-in-Place Actions to increase climate resilience. Funds are designed to support Tribes facing questions and decisions regarding managed retreat, expansion, protect-in-place, and relocation options due to threats from intensifying coastal or riverine erosion, flooding and permafrost degradation impacts, sea level rise, and other impacts. Assessment, monitoring, planning, design, and implementation (of actions identified in existing planning documents or with appropriate baseline data) are allowable. Activities should address climate change impacts which affect the viability of infrastructure and other resources at risk. Examples of planning activities can include vulnerability and risk assessments, design of expansion, protect-in-place or relocation activities; analysis of options; development of Tribal community mitigation efforts; design of emergency drills and exercises, and more. Division J, Title VI No non-Federal cost share required
Tribal Irrigation and Power Systems Water Department of the Interior Bureau of Indian Affairs $50,000,000 Available until expended Contract/Compact Tribal Governments - Recognized The program addresses deferred maintenance needs at 17 congressionally authorized irrigation projects located on Indian reservations across the Rocky Mountain, Northwest, Southwest, Navajo and Western Regions. Address deferred maintenance and deficiencies identified in condition assessments and audit reports. Division J, Title VI No non-Federal cost share required
Aging Infrastructure Account Water Department of the Interior Bureau of Reclamation $3,200,000,000 Available until expended Spend Plan/Application Transferred Works Operators and Reserved works Project beneficiaries (districts, power customers, cost share partners) The Aging Infrastructure/Extraordinary Maintenance authority is used to fund extraordinary maintenance work on Reclamation project facilities. Repair, rehabilitation and maintenance of infrastructure assets for reserved or transferred works 40901 Per project cost allocations
Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration And Protection Projects Resilience Department of the Interior Bureau of Reclamation $250,000,000 Available until expended Grant, Direct Federal Spending Open The Aquatic Ecosystem restoration program is a new program currently under development. This funding will support design, study and construction of aquatic ecosystem restoration and protection projects. Projects that improve the health of fisheries, wildlife or aquatic habitat, including through habitat restoration, and improved fish passage through the removal or bypass of barriers to fish passage. 40901 35% for construction
Colorado River Drought Contingency Plan Resilience Department of the Interior Bureau of Reclamation $300,000,000 Available until expended Financial Assistance Open The Colorado River Basin Drought Contingency Plan aims to reduce the risk of Lake Mead and Lake Powell reaching critically low elevations. The DCP requires additional water savings contributions by Lower Basin States, allows for flexibility for water storage and recovery to incentivize conservation, requires Reclamation to implement programs designed to create or conserve additional water in the Lower Basin (subject to available appropriations), and provides for drought response operations and demand management in the Upper Basin. Colorado River Basin Drought Contingency Plan actions 40901 TBD
Colorado River Endangered Species Recovery and Conservation Programs Resilience Department of the Interior Bureau of Reclamation $50,000,000 Available until expended Financial Assistance Open The Colorado River Basin Endangered Species and Conservation programs support the Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish and San Juan River Basin Recovery Implementation Programs and the Glen Canyon Dam Adaptive Management Program in the Upper Colorado Basin. Endangered Species Act actions in Colorado River Basin 40901 TBD
Dam Safety Program Water Department of the Interior Bureau of Reclamation $500,000,000 Available until expended Direct Federal Spending State, Local Reclamation's Dam Safety Program is in place to ensure Reclamation dams do not present unreasonable risk to people, property, and the environment. Project work at identified dams needing corrective action to reduce risk Division J, Title III 85 percent Federal, 15 percent non-Federal, in lieu of project specific statute
Multi-Benefit Projects To Improve Watershed Health Resilience Department of the Interior Bureau of Reclamation $100,000,000 Available until expended Financial Assistance Open Implementation of this new authority for funding of Multi-benefit Habitat projects to improve watershed health is currently under development. This funding will be allocated to projects that support habitat restoration and watershed health in basins impacted by a Reclamation project. Habitat restoration, and improvement of watershed health in basins impacted by a Reclamation project 40901 50 percent
Rural Water Projects Water Department of the Interior Bureau of Reclamation $1,000,000,000 Available until expended Project Funding Existing authorized projects - not for new opportunities - Tribal, Local Funding for Rural Water will support the seven rural water projects that have been authorized by an Act of Congress before July 1, 2021, in accordance with the Reclamation Rural Water Supply Act of 2006 (43 U.S.C. 2401 et seq.). Rural Water projects 40901 Cost share applies to E. New Mex project, but matching is not required
Water & Groundwater Storage, And Conveyance Water Department of the Interior Bureau of Reclamation $1,150,000,000 Available until expended Direct Federal Spending, financial assistance State, Local Water Storage, Groundwater Storage, and Conveyance projects with existing feasibility study or construction authorization are eligible for funding. The project must be found feasible and with benefits proportionate to Federal investment. Small Water Storage and Groundwater Storage Projects are defined in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law as projects that have storage capacity between 2,000 acre-feet and 30,000 acre-feet and increase surface water or groundwater storage or convey water, directly or indirectly, to or from surface water or groundwater storage. Funding will be provided through a combination of internal formulation and competitive grant processes, and non-Federal project sponsors in Reclamation States, including Alaska and Hawaii are eligible. Construction and grants 40902 50 percent Federal owned, 75 percent for State
Water Desalination Projects Water Department of the Interior Bureau of Reclamation $250,000,000 Available until expended Financial Assistance Open Water desalination projects support desalination of ocean or brackish water. Water desalination projects 40901 75 percent non-Federal, up to 25 percent from Federal
Water Recycling Water Department of the Interior Bureau of Reclamation $1,000,000,000 Available until expended Grant, Financial Assistance Open Projects that reclaim and/or reuse municipal, industrial, and agricultural wastewater; or impaired ground and surface waters. Large Scale Water Recycling Program is defined in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law as projects that reclaim and reuse municipal, industrial, domestic, or agricultural wastewater; or impaired groundwater or surface water with a total project cost of $500 million or more and located in a Reclamation State. Water recycling and reuse projects and large water reuse projects in Reclamation States 40905 75 percent non-Federal, up to 25 percent from Federal
Watershed Management Projects Water Department of the Interior Bureau of Reclamation $100,000,000 Available until expended Financial Assistance Open - must meet funding opportunity criteria Watershed management includes water conservation and efficiency projects that increase reliability for ecological value, improvements to mitigate drought-related impacts to ecological values, and projects that improve the condition of a natural feature or nature-based feature. Watershed management activities that include water conservation and efficiency projects that increase reliability for ecological value, improvements to mitigate drought-related impacts to ecological values, and projects that improve the condition of a natural feature or nature-based feature. 40901 50 percent for some projects
WaterSMART Grants Water Department of the Interior Bureau of Reclamation $400,000,000 Available until expended Grant Open - meet criteria for Grant Opportunity This funding will be used for competitive grants through WaterSMART under the authority of Sec. 9504(a) of the SECURE Water Act for water management improvements that contribute to water supply sustainability, increase drought resilience, and that have environmental benefits. Grant projects that support water management improvements that contribute to water supply sustainability, increase drought resilience, and that have environmental benefits 40901 Varies, 50 percent, 25 percent, up to 65 percent for some projects.
Central Utah Project Water Department of the Interior Central Utah Project $50,000,000 Available until expended Direct Federal Spending Central Utah Water Conservancy District, Utah Reclamation Mitigation and Conservation Commission Funding will be used to continue construction of the Utah Lake System Pipeline to deliver 30,000 acre-feet of water to the communities in South Utah County, continued construction of a water flow control structure at Sixth Water on the Diamond Fork System to allow for minimum stream flows for fishery purposes, and continued development of the Provo River Delta Restoration Project for habitat development for the threatened June sucker fish. Funding will be transferred to and be used by the Central Utah Water Conservancy District and the Utah Reclamation Mitigation and Conservation Commission. Division J, Title III
Orphaned Well Site Plugging, Remediation, And Restoration Environmental Remediation Department of the Interior Department-Wide Programs $4,677,000,000 Through September 30, 2030, for individual grant programs, though overall appropriation is available until expended. Direct Federal Spending, Grants to States and Tribes, technical assistance Funding to InterState Oil and Gas Compact Commission. Federal, State, Tribal Funding to administer a program for plugging wells on Federal land, and for issuing grants to States and Tribes on State, private, and Tribal land. Grants to States are available through three separate programs. Initial Grants: Either $5 million or up to $25 million to each qualifying State that applies before May 14, 2022. Funding unobligated after 1 year must be returned. Formula Grants: $2 billion in total funding available to States that submitted a Notice of Intent to the Department of the Interior by December 30, 2021. The amount each State is eligible for under this program is determined by formula. Funding unobligated after 5 years must be returned. Performance Grants: $1.5 billion in discretionary grants to States that increase their own spending on well plugging, remediation, and reclamation, or improve the regulation of oil and gas wells within the State. Inventory, site characterization, down-hole well plugging, surface remediation, removal of surface equipment, restoration of native species habitat impacted by orphaned wells and associated infrastructure, measurement and tracking of air and water pollution due to orphaned wells, and identification and remediation of disproportionate health and environmental impacts of orphaned wells on communities of color, low-income communities, and Tribal and indigenous communities. 40601 No non-Federal cost share required
Department of Interior Wildfire Management - Burned Area Rehabilitation Resilience Department of the Interior Departmental Offices $325,000,000 Funding available until expended (but portions made available by fiscal year) Direct Federal spending, possibly Interagency Agreement(s), Cooperative Agreement(s), Contract(s) Federal Agencies, Tribal Governments, and Businesses To mitigate the damaging effects of wildfires and set landscapes on a path towards natural recovery and climate resilience through post-fire restoration and rehabilitation activities. Post wildfire restoration activities that are implemented not later than 3-years after the date a wildfire is contained. Division J, Title VI No non-Federal cost share required
Department of Interior Wildfire Management - Preparedness Resilience Department of the Interior Departmental Offices $245,000,000 Funding available until expended (but portions made available by fiscal year) Direct Federal spending, possibly Interagency Agreement(s), Cooperative Agreement(s) and/or Grant(s), possibly Contract(s) Federal Agencies, State agencies, Counties, Cities/Townships, Tribal Governments, and Possibly Businesses The Preparedness Program funds a range of actions that helps the Federal government prepare to respond to wildland fire. These include hiring people, training them, tracking their qualifications, and planning our wildland fire response ahead of time. It also provides for the purchasing of equipment for early wildfire detection, real-time monitoring and radios to support interoperability with interagency partners; financial assistance to local communities to purchase slip-on tanks; and increases in firefighter pay and other firefighter workforce reforms. To increase the compensation and number of Federal wildland firefighters to build a permanent, year-round workforce; increase the Nation's preparedness to fight wildfires through satellite detection and the procurement and placement of early-warning wildfire detection and real-time monitoring equipment; improve radio interoperability; increase training of youth, including Native youth, to accelerate the pace and scale of hazardous fuels treatments; and to provide financial assistance to local governments to purchase slip-on tanker units to ready trucks for firefighting. Division J, Title VI No non-Federal cost share required
Wildfire Management - Fuels Management Resilience Department of the Interior Departmental Offices $878,000,000 Funding available until expended (but portions made available by fiscal year) Direct Federal spending, possibly Interagency Agreement(s), Cooperative Agreement(s), and Contract(s) Federal Agencies, State agencies, Tribal Governments, And Businesses To protect vulnerable communities from wildfire while preparing our communities and natural landscapes for a changing climate, through hazardous fuels management strategies, including mechanical thinning, precommercial thinning in young stands, timber harvesting, prescribed fire, and installation of control locations such as fuel breaks. Mechanical thinning, prescribed fire, developing potential control locations, including fuelbreaks, contracting or employing laborers to remove flammable vegetation on Federal Lands, and additional fuels management activities. Division J, Title VI No non-Federal cost share required
Wildfire Management - Joint Fire Science Program with Department of Agriculture Resilience Department of the Interior Departmental Offices $10,000,000 Funding Available until expended (but portions made available by fiscal year) Interagency agreements, cooperative agreements Science And Research Organizations/Entities, Public Higher-Ed Institutions, Private Higher-Ed Institutions Support science and research on wildland fire management issues that mitigate wildfire risk. Priority research to better understand wildfire risk and inform land practitioners on critical wildland fire management issues. 40803 No non-Federal cost share required
Contracts And Agreements For Restoration On Federal Lands Resilience Department of the Interior Office of the Secretary $50,000,000 Funding available until expended for total amount across entire Program ($905 million), but portions of the total are allocated to specific fiscal years, each with a different period of availability Contracts and Agreements Federal, State, Local, Tribal, Non-governmental Organizations Contracts for ecological health restoration, to be enacted on no fewer than 10,000 acres of Federal land, including Indian forest land or rangeland Entering into contracts, including stewardship contracts or agreements, to restore ecological health on Federal land, including Indian forest land or rangeland and for salaries and expenses associated with preparing and executing those contracts. Division J, Title VI No non-Federal cost share required
Direct Federal Spending (Or Other) For National Revegetation Strategy Resilience Department of the Interior Office of the Secretary $70,000,000 Funding available until expended for total amount across entire Program ($905 million), but portions of the total are allocated to specific fiscal years, each with a different period of availability Direct Federal Spending Federal Funding to implement a national revegetation effort on private and public lands Programs and projects to implement a national revegetation effort on Federal and non-Federal lands, including to implement the National Seed Strategy for Rehabilitation and Restoration. Division J, Title VI No non-Federal cost share required
Direct Federal Spending For Invasives Resilience Department of the Interior Office of the Secretary $100,000,000 Funding available until expended for total amount across entire Program ($905 million), but portions of the total are allocated to specific fiscal years, each with a different period of availability Grant, Direct Federal Spending State, Tribal Funding for invasive species detection, prevention, and eradication on private or public lands. Projects and programs for invasive species detection, prevention, and eradication, including conducting research and providing resources to facilitate detection of invasive species at points of entry and awarding grants for eradication of invasive species on non-Federal land and on Federal land. 40804 No non-Federal cost share required
Direct Federal Spending For Resilient Recreation Sites Resilience Department of the Interior Office of the Secretary $45,000,000 Funding is available until expended for total amount across entire Program ($905 million), but portions of the total are allocated to specific fiscal years, each with a different period of availability. Direct Federal Spending Federal Funding to improve resilience of recreation sites on Federal lands, including Indian forest or range lands. Projects to restore, prepare, or adapt recreation sites on Federal land that have experienced or may likely experience visitation and use beyond the carrying capacity of the sites. Division J, Title VI No non-Federal cost share required
Direct Federal Spending for Revegetation of Mined Lands Environmental Remediation Department of the Interior Office of the Secretary $100,000,000 Funding available until expended for total amount across entire Program ($905 million), but portions of the total are allocated to specific fiscal years, each with a different period of availability Direct Federal Spending Federal Funding to restore native vegetation and mitigate environmental hazards on mined public or private lands. Projects to restore native vegetation and mitigate environmental hazards on mined Federal or non-Federal lands. Division J, Title VI No non-Federal cost share required
Good Neighbor Agreements with States and Tribes Other Department of the Interior Office of the Secretary $40,000,000 Funding available until expended for total amount across entire Program ($905 million), but portions of the total are allocated to specific fiscal years, each with a different period of availability Good Neighbor Agreements Program for State and Tribes to implement restoration projects on Federal lands pursuant to "Good Neighbor Agreements" Restoration projects on Federal lands 40804 No non-Federal cost share required
Grants For States And Tribes For Voluntary Restoration Resilience Department of the Interior Office of the Secretary $400,000,000 Funding is available until expended for the total amount across the entire Program ($905 million), but portions of the total are allocated to specific fiscal years, each with a different period of availability. Grant State, Tribal Grant programs to States, territories of the United States, and Tribes for implementing voluntary restoration projects on private or public lands. Restoration projects on private or public lands Division J, Title VI Grants for States and Tribes for voluntary restoration - In consultation with the Department of Agriculture, direction to request matching funding from State, territory, Tribe (no set amount or percent)
Working Capital Fund Resilience Department of the Interior Office of the Secretary $100,000,000 Funding available until expended for total amount across entire Program ($905 million), but portions of the total are allocated to specific fiscal years, each with a different period of availability Working Capital Fund Federal, State, Local, Tribal, Non-Governmental Organization Working Capital Fund in support of contracts to restore ecological health on Federal lands Establishing a Working Capital Fund that may be accessed by the Secretary of the Interior or the Secretary of Agriculture to fund requirements of contracts to restore ecological health on Federal lands. 40804 No non-Federal cost share required
Abandoned Mine Reclamation Fund Environmental Remediation Department of the Interior Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement $11,293,000,000 Funding available until expended. Available in fiscal year 2022 and distributed to States & Tribes on an equal annual basis over 15 years. Grant States and Tribes Funding to administer a program to provide grants to eligible States and Tribes to clean up abandoned coal mine sites and related problems. Cleaning up abandoned coal mine sites and related problems, as specified in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, that pose a threat to public health and safety; restoring land and water resources degraded by the effects of past coal mining; and addressing emergency projects. Those sites and related problems must be entered into the Office of Surface Mining and Reclamation's abandoned mine land inventory system and be associated with a coal mine that was abandoned prior to August 3, 1977. Unlike traditional Abandoned Mine Land funding that has been distributed in the past, and will continue to be distributed annually through at least fiscal year 2035, funding under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law may be used to design, build, operate, maintain, and rehabilitate acid mine drainage facilities that are not in conjunction with a Priority 1 or Priority 2 site. However, States and Tribes may not place a portion of their Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funding into acid mine drainage set-aside accounts. 40701 No non-Federal cost share required
Ecosystem - Delaware River Basin Conservation Act Resilience Department of the Interior United States Fish and Wildlife Service $26,000,000 Available until expended Grant Open The Delaware River Basin program provides competitive matching grants for habitat conservation to State and local governments, nonprofit organizations, institutions of higher education, and other eligible entities in the Delaware River Basin. Funds will be distributed through a combination of competitive contracts, Tribal grants and other grants, and cooperative agreements. Division J, Title VI Yes
Ecosystem - Fish Passage Resilience Department of the Interior United States Fish and Wildlife Service $200,000,000 Available until expended Grant, Direct Federal Spending Open For the removal of barriers and for technical assistance under the National Fish Passage Program. The National Fish Passage Program is an existing program that relies on a network of U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service biologists and engineers stationed throughout the country. Funds will be distributed through a combination of competitive contracts, Tribal grants and other grants, and cooperative agreements. Division J, Title VI Yes
Ecosystem - Klamath Basin Resilience Department of the Interior United States Fish and Wildlife Service $162,000,000 Available until expended Cooperative Agreement, Direct Federal Spending Open Funding provided will be allocated for habitat restoration and water right acquisition to help restore the Klamath ecosystem, as well as for enhanced hatchery production of listed Klamath species (Lost River and shortnose suckers). Funds will be distributed through a combination of competitive contracts, Tribal grants and other grants, and cooperative agreements. Division J, Title VI
Ecosystem - Lake Tahoe Resilience Department of the Interior United States Fish and Wildlife Service $17,000,000 Available until expended Grant Open To deploy strategies consistent with the Lake Tahoe Aquatic Invasive Species Management Plan to prevent the introduction or spread of aquatic invasive species in the Lake Tahoe region. Projects that support invasive species control. Division J, Title VI Yes
Ecosystem - Sagebrush-Steppe Resilience Department of the Interior United States Fish and Wildlife Service $50,000,000 Available until expended Grant, Cooperative Agreement, Direct Federal Spending Open To conserve the sagebrush ecosystem of the American West and the nationally-significant biological, cultural and economic resources it supports. Funds will be distributed through a combination of competitive contracts, Tribal grants and other grants, and cooperative agreements. Division J, Title VI Yes
Earth Mapping Resources Initiative Clean Energy and Power Department of the Interior United States Geological Survey $320,000,000 Each fiscal year appropriated is available for obligation for 3 years. Funding will be received over a period of four years, with $8.668 million in fiscal year 2022 and $5 million in fiscal year 2023 through fiscal year 2025. Cooperative Agreement, Direct Federal Spending State Geological Surveys, Private Entities To accelerate the U.S. Geological Survey mapping mission by providing integrated topographic, geologic, geochemical, and geophysical mapping; accelerating the integration and consolidation of geospatial and resource data; and providing an interpretation of both critical mineral resources still in the ground and critical mineral resources that may be reprocessed from mine wastes. Cooperative agreements or contracts for mapping and data. 40201 No non-Federal cost share required
Energy and Minerals Research Facility Clean Energy and Power Department of the Interior United States Geological Survey $167,000,000 Available until expended Cooperative Agreement, Direct Federal Spending State Academic Institutions For design, construction and tenant build out of a facility to support energy and minerals research and associated structures, through a cooperative agreement with an academic partner. The new building will establish a center of excellence in minerals and energy science and provide opportunities for science collaboration that will leverage U.S. Geological Survey science; support the development of science, technology, engineering and mathematics talent by engaging students in U.S. Geological Survey science; and expand the diversity of the U.S. Geological Survey workforce. For design, construction, and tenant build out of a new Federally owned facility. 40204 No non-Federal cost share required
National Geological And Geophysical Data Preservation Program Resilience Department of the Interior United States Geological Survey $23,668,000 Each fiscal year appropriated is available for obligation for 3 years. Funding will be received over a period of four years, with $8.668 million in fiscal year 2022 and $5 million in fiscal year 2023 through fiscal year 2025. Grant, Cooperative Agreement, Direct Federal Spending State Geological Surveys, State Universities Housing State Geological Surveys, Private Contractors, U.S. Geological Survey Science Centers And Other Department of Interior Bureaus Implementation provides competitive grants to State Geological Surveys and funds projects executed by U.S. Geological Survey and other Department of the Interior bureaus to preserve, modernize, and make publicly available geological and geophysical data and assets. Preservation, documentation, and archiving of geological and geophysical data, maps, logs, samples, and other relevant materials; development and maintenance of a national catalog, creation and maintenance of physical and digital infrastructure in support of archival materials and data, technical and financial assistance related to archival material, and preservation of samples to track geochemical signatures from critical mineral ore bodies. 40203 No non-Federal cost share required
Asset Concessions Innovative Financing Technical Assistance Other Department of Transportation Office of the Secretary $100,000,000 Available until expended Grant States, Counties, Cities / Townships, Special Districts, Tribal Governments (Federally recognized), Tribal Governments (other than Federally recognized), Independent School Districts, Public Higher-Ed Institutions, Private Higher-Ed Institutions, Public Housing Authorities, Indian Housing Authorities, Nonprofits with 501(c)(3) status, Nonprofits - without 501(c)(3) status, Small Businesses, Businesses (other than small businesses), and / or Individuals TBD - New Program An eligible entity may use amounts made available from a grant under this section for technical assistance to build the organizational capacity of the eligible entity to develop, review, or enter into an asset concession. 71001 100 percent
Local and Regional Project Assistance Grants (RAISE) Roads, Bridges and Major Projects Department of Transportation Office of the Secretary $7,500,000,000 4 year Competitive Grant (A) A State; (B) the District of Columbia; (C) any territory or possession of the United States; (D) a unit of local government; (E) a public agency or publicly chartered authority established by 1 or more States; (E) a special purpose district or public authority with a transportation function, including a port authority; (F) a Tribal government or a consortium of Tribal governments; (G) a partnership between Amtrak and 1 or more entities described in (A) through (F); and (H) a group of entities described in (A) through (G). The RAISE program provides supplemental funding for grants to the State and local entities listed above on a competitive basis for projects that will have a significant local/regional impact. Projects eligible under RAISE include—a highway or bridge project eligible for assistance under title 23, United States Code; a public transportation project eligible for assistance under chapter 53 of title 49,United States Code; a passenger rail or freight rail transportation project eligible for assistance under title 49, United States Code; a port infrastructure investment, including inland port infrastructure and a land port-of-entry; the surface transportation components of certain eligible airport projects; a project for investment in a surface transportation facility located on Tribal land, the title or maintenance responsibility of which is vested in the Federal Government; a project to replace or rehabilitate a culvert or prevent stormwater runoff for the purpose of improving habitat for aquatic species; and any other surface transportation infrastructure project that the Secretary considers to be necessary to advance the goal of the program. 21202 Grant can provide up to 60 percent of total project cost. Total Federal funding up to 80 percent of total project cost
National Culvert Removal, Replacement, & Restoration Grant Roads, Bridges and Major Projects Department of Transportation Office of the Secretary $1,000,000,000 Available until expended Competitive Grant (1) A State; (2) a unit of local government; or (3) an Tribe. The Office of the Secretary's National Culvert Removal, Replacement and Restoration program provides supplemental funding for grants to a State, local government, or an Tribe on a competitive basis for projects that replace, remove, and/or repair culverts or weirs. Establish an annual competitive grant program to award grants to eligible entities for projects for the replacement, removal, and repair of culverts or weirs that: (1) would meaningfully improve or restore fish passage for anadromous fish; and (2) with respect to weirs, may include (A) infrastructure to facilitate fish passage around or over the weir and (B) weir improvements. 21203 80 percent Federal / 20 percent non-Federal cost share for urban projects and up to 100 percent Federal funding for projects located in rural areas or historically disadvantaged communities.
National Infrastructure Project Assistance (Megaprojects) Roads, Bridges and Major Projects Department of Transportation Office of the Secretary $5,000,000,000 Available until expended Competitive Grant (A) A State or a group of States; (B) a metropolitan planning organization; (C) a unit of local government; (D) a political subdivision of a State; (E) a special purpose district or public authority with a transportation function, including a port authority;(F) a Tribal government or a consortium of Tribal governments;(G) a partnership between Amtrak and 1 or more entities described in subparagraphs (A) through (F); and (H) a group of entities described in any of subparagraphs (A) through (G). The National Infrastructure Project Assistance Program will support large, complex projects that are difficult to fund by other means and likely to generate national or regional economic, mobility, or safety benefits. Projects eligible under the Mega program include:
1. a highway or bridge project carried out on: the National Multimodal Freight Network; the National Highway Freight Network; or the National Highway System;
2. a freight intermodal (including public ports) or freight rail project that provides a public benefit;
3. a railway-highway grade separation or elimination project;
4. an intercity passenger rail project; and
5. public transportation projects that are eligible for Federal Transit Administration funding of title 49, United States Code, and are part of a project described above. 21201 75 percent Federal/25 percent non-Federal for New Compacts; 50 percent Federal/50 percent non-Federal for Existing Compacts
Nationally Significant Freight and Highway Projects (INFRA) Roads, Bridges and Major Projects Department of Transportation Office of the Secretary $7,250,000,000 4 year Competitive Grant (A) A State or a group of States.(B) A metropolitan planning organization that serves an urbanized area (as defined by the Bureau of the Census) with a population of more than 200,000 individuals.(C) A unit of local government or a group of local governments.(D) A political subdivision of a State or local government.(E) A special purpose district or public authority with a transportation function, including a port authority.(F) A Federal land management agency that applies jointly with a State or group of States.(G) A Tribal government or a consortium of Tribal governments.(H) A multiState corridor organization.(I) A multiState or multijurisdictional group of entities described in this paragraph. The Nationally Significant Freight and Highway Projects program, also known as "INFRA", awards competitive grants for multimodal freight and highway projects of national or regional significance to improve the safety, efficiency, and reliability of the movement of freight and people in and across rural and urban areas. Projects that improve safety, generate economic benefits, reduce congestion, enhance resiliency, and hold the greatest promise to eliminate freight bottlenecks and improve critical freight movements. 11101; 11110 60 percent Federal/40 percent non-Federal, except for: (A) small projects described in 23 U.S.C. 117(e)(1), for which the Federal share of the cost of a project shall be 80 percent [80/20]; or (B) a grant under the pilot program under 23 U.S.C. 117(q)
Rural Surface Transportation Grant Program Roads, Bridges and Major Projects Department of Transportation Office of the Secretary $2,000,000,000 4 year Competitive Grant State, Regional transportation planning organizations, Local governments, Tribal governments Rural Surface Transportation Grant Program will support projects to improve and expand the surface transportation infrastructure in rural areas to increase connectivity, improve the safety and reliability of the movement of people and freight, and generate regional economic growth and improve quality of life. Highway, bridge, or tunnel projects eligible under the National Highway Performance Program, Surface Transportation Block Grant Program, or the Tribal Transportation Program; highway freight project eligible under the National Highway Performance Program; highway safety improvement project; project on a publicly-owned highway or bridge improving access to certain facilities that support the economy of a rural area; integrated mobility management system, transportation demand management system, or on-demand mobility services. 11101; 11132 80 percent Federal / 20 percent non-Federal except 100 percent Federal for Appalachian Development Highway System, Denali Access System Program projects
Safe Streets and Roads for All Safety Department of Transportation Office of the Secretary $5,000,000,000 Available until expended Competitive Grant A metropolitan planning organization, a political subdivision of a State, a Federally recognized Tribal government, and a multijurisdictional group of any of the aforementioned entities. The Office of the Secretary's Safe Streets and Roads for All Grant program provides supplemental funding to support local initiatives to prevent death and serious injury on roads and streets, commonly referred to as ‘‘Vision Zero'' or ‘‘Toward Zero Deaths'' initiatives. Development of a comprehensive safety action plan, conducting planning, design, and development activities for projects and strategies identified in a comprehensive safety action plan, and carrying out such projects and strategies. 24112 80 percent Federal / 20 percent non-Federal
State Incentives Pilot Program (Set-aside within Nationally Significant Freight and Highway Projects - INFRA) Roads, Bridges and Major Projects Department of Transportation Office of the Secretary $750,000,000 4 year Competitive Grant States, Metropolitan Planning Organizations, Tribal governments, special-purpose districts and port authorities with a transportation function, and local governments INFRA awards competitive grants for multimodal freight and highway projects of national or regional significance to improve the safety, efficiency, and reliability of the movement of freight and people. Projects that improve safety, generate economic benefits, reduce congestion, enhance resiliency, and hold the greatest promise to eliminate freight bottlenecks and improve critical freight movements. 11110 50 percent Federal/50 percent non-Federal. For grants awarded under the pilot program, an eligible applicant may not use Federal assistance to satisfy the non-Federal share of the cost, except funds from a secured loan may be used to satisfy the non-Federal share if the loan is repayable from non-Federal funds
Strengthening Mobility and Revolutionizing Transportation (SMART) Grants Public Transportation Department of Transportation Office of the Secretary $500,000,000 Available until expended Competitive Grant (A) A State; (B) a political subdivision of a State; (C) a Tribal government; (D) a public transit agency or authority; (E) a public toll authority; (F) a metropolitan planning organization; and (G) a group of two or more of these eligible entities The Office of the Secretary's Strengthening Mobility and Revolutionizing Transportation Grant program provides supplemental funding grants to rural, midsized, and large communities to conduct demonstration projects focused on advanced smart city or community technologies and systems in a variety of communities to improve transportation efficiency and safety. In general, a Strengthening Mobility and Revolutionizing Transportation grant may be used to carry out a project that demonstrates at least one of the following: Coordinate Automation Connected Vehicles; Intelligent, sensor-based infrastructure; Systems integration; Commerce delivery and logistics; Leveraging use of innovative aviation technology; Smart grid; Smart technology traffic signals. 25005 No non-Federal cost share required
Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act Roads, Bridges and Major Projects Department of Transportation Office of the Secretary $1,250,000,000 Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act will have a total of $75 billion in lending capacity under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. 4 year Loan States (including District of Columbia and Puerto Rico), localities, or other public authorities, as well as private entities undertaking projects sponsored by public authorities The Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act Program provides Federal credit assistance to eligible surface transportation projects. Surface transportation projects, including highway, transit, intercity passenger rail, some types of freight rail, intermodal freight transfer facilities, and some modifications inside a port terminal, and electrification of buses, ferries, trains, and associated infrastructure. The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law specifically provides new eligibility under the Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act Program for airport projects and expanded authority for transit-oriented development. 11101 80 percent Federal / 20 percent non-Federal
Airport Infrastructure Grants Airports and Federal Aviation Administration Facilities Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration $15,000,000,000 5 year Grant Public agency, Private entity, State and Tribal Government owning a public use National Plan of Integrated Airport Systems airport. Airports eligible for Airport Infrastructure Grants include Primary airports, certain cargo airports, and most general aviation/commercial service airports that are not primary airports but in the National Plan of Integrated Airport Systems. This amounts to approximately 3,100 airports. The funds are allocated in the 3 buckets: Primary Allocation, Non‑Primary Allocation, Contract Towers Project eligibility tracks Passenger Facility Charge eligibility. With the exception of Debt Service. Bipartisan Infrastructure Law specifically States the funds cannot be used for Debt Service. Division J, Title VIII Matches Airport Improvement Program (5-25 percent) for allocations, not match for contract tower grants
Airport Terminal Program Airports and Federal Aviation Administration Facilities Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration $5,000,000,000 5 year Grant Public agency, Private entity, State and Tribal Government owning a public use National Plan of Integrated Airport Systems airport. Secretary of the Interior for Midway Island Airport, the Republic of the Marshall Islands, Federated States of Micronesia and Republic of Palau. Provide grants to eligible airports for capital improvements for airport terminal development generally defined as development of an airport passenger terminal building, including terminal gates; access roads servicing exclusively airport traffic that leads directly to or from an airport passenger terminal building; walkways that lead directly to or from an airport passenger terminal building; multimodal terminal development; and projects for on-airport rail access projects. As well as projects for relocating, reconstructing, repairing or improving an airport-owned airport traffic control tower. Capital improvements for airport terminal development generally defined as development of an airport passenger terminal building, including terminal gates; access roads servicing exclusively airport traffic that leads directly to or from an airport passenger terminal building; walkways that lead directly to or from an airport passenger terminal building; multimodal terminal development; and projects for on-airport rail access projects. As well as projects for relocating, reconstructing, repairing or improving an airport-owned air traffic control tower. Division J, Title VIII Large/Medium Hub 20 percent match; All others (Small, Non and Non-Primary) 5 percent match
Facilities and Equipment Airports and Federal Aviation Administration Facilities Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration $5,000,000,000 Available until expended Contract Commercial Vendors Federal Aviation Administration sustainment work and facilities replacements are for replacing Federal Aviation Administration-owned terminal and route air traffic control facilities; improvement of air route and terminal facilities; workplace safety and environmental standards compliance; Federal Aviation Administration-owned fuel storage tank replacement and management; unstaffed infrastructure sustainment; real property disposition; electrical power system sustain and support; energy maintenance and compliance; hazardous materials management and environmental cleanup; facility security risk management; cyber risk management; mobile asset management program; and administrative expenses, including salaries and expenses, administration, and oversight. Capital improvements for Federal Aviation Administration-owned and maintained facilities. The work will be awarded to commercial vendors on contract vehicles as well as with Federal Aviation Administration internal resources. Can be used for Terminal and En Route Staffed facilities that directly manage air traffic control operations. Can also be used for sustainment activities at Federal Aviation Administration-owned unstaffed facilities and supporting infrastructure such as power systems, fuel storage tanks, facilities security risk management, environmental activities at Federal Aviation Administration-owned facilities, sustainment of Long-Range Radar facilities, and sustainment of mobile air traffic control facilities. Replacement of Federal Aviation Administration-owned Terminal and En Route facilities are eligible. Division J, Title VIII No non-Federal cost share required
Accelerated Implementation and Deployment of Advanced Digital Construction Management Systems (Set-aside) Roads, Bridges and Major Projects Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration $100,000,000 Available until expended Competitive Grants, Cooperative Agreements, other contracts Federal Highway Administration Research, Technology, and Education Program The Accelerated Implementation and Deployment of Advanced Digital Construction Management Systems will promote, implement, deploy, demonstrate, showcase, support, and document the application of advanced digital construction management systems, practices, performance, and benefits. Promotion, implementation, deployment, demonstration, showcase, support, and documentation of the application of advanced digital construction management systems. 13006 80 percent Federal / 20 percent non-Federal
Accelerated Implementation and Deployment of Pavement Technologies (Set-aside) Roads, Bridges and Major Projects Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration $60,000,000 Available until expended Grants, Cooperative Agreements, other contracts Federal Highway Administration Research, Technology, and Education Program Provides a coordinated and cohesive approach to advance research and development of technologies with deployment activities regarding highway pavements and the materials from which highway infrastructure is constructed. Activities are focused on providing tools, technologies and guidance, and supporting updated policies, to improve the safety, durability, sustainability and cost-effectiveness of highway pavements, and the materials from which highway infrastructure is constructed. 13006 80 percent Federal / 20 percent non-Federal
Advanced Transportation Technologies & Innovative Mobility Deployment Roads, Bridges and Major Projects Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration $300,000,000 Available until expended Competitive Grants, Cooperative Agreements, other contracts State or local government, a transit agency, metropolitan planning organization, or a multi-jurisdictional group or a consortia of research institutions or academic institutions. The term ‘‘multi-jurisdictional group'' means any combination of State governments, local governments, metropolitan planning agencies, or transit agencies that have signed a written agreement to implement the advanced transportation technologies deployment initiative across jurisdictional boundaries. The Advanced Transportation Technologies & Innovative Mobility Deployment program will make competitive grants to deploy, install, and operate advanced transportation technologies. Grants should improve safety, mobility, efficiency, system performance, intermodal connectivity, and infrastructure return on investment 13006 80 percent Federal / 20 percent non-Federal
Appalachian Development Highway System Roads, Bridges and Major Projects Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration $1,250,000,000 Available until expended Formula grant to specific States in this region Appalachian States The Appalachian Development Highway System Program will distribute funds for construction of the Appalachian Development Highway System by formula to States with one or more counties (including any political subdivision within the area) in the Appalachian Region. Construction of specific projects to complete the Appalachian Development Highway System 11132 No non-Federal cost share required
Bridge Formula Program Roads, Bridges and Major Projects Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration $26,675,000,000 4 year Formula Grant States (including District of Columbia and Puerto Rico) The Bridge Formula Program will provide funds to States by formula for bridge replacement, rehabilitation, preservation, protection, or construction projects on public roads. This program includes three set-asides: 15 percent will be set-aside for use on off-system bridges; 3 percent will be set-aside for use on Tribal Transportation Facility bridges; and, 0.5 percent will be set-aside for administrative expenses of the Federal Highway Administration. An additional description of the Tribal Transportation Facility set-aside can be found later in this chapter.   Replace, rehabilitate, preserve, protect, and construct bridges on public roads. Division J, Title VIII Typically, 80 percent Federal / 20 percent non-Federal (for interstate projects 90 percent Federal/10 percent non-Federal)
Bridge Investment Program Roads, Bridges and Major Projects Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration $12,200,000,000 4 year Competitive Grant State, metropolitan planning organization (representing an area with a population of more than 200,000), local government, special purpose district or public authority with a transportation function, Federal land management agency, Tribal government. The Bridge Investment Program will support projects to improve bridge and culvert condition, safety, efficiency, and reliability. Projects to replace, rehabilitate, preserve or protect one or more bridges on the National Bridge Inventory. Projects to replace or rehabilitate culverts to improve flood control and improve habitat connectivity for aquatic species. 11101; 11118 50 percent Federal share/50 percent non-Federal for a large project and 80 percent Federal share/20 percent non-Federal for any other eligible project.
Other Federal assistance may be used to satisfy the non-Federal share of the cost of a project, except the total Federal assistance provided for a project receiving a grant under the Bridge Investment Program may not exceed the Federal share for the project under 23 U.S.C. 120.
For an eligible project for an off-system bridge (defined in 23 U.S.C. 133(f)(1)), Federal assistance other than a grant under this program may be used to satisfy the non-Federal share of the cost of a project, but the total Federal assistance provided for the project shall not exceed 90 percent of the total eligible project costs.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a Federal Land Management Agency, a Tribal government, or a consortium of Tribal governments may use Federal funds other than those made available under 23 U.S.C. 124 to pay the remaining share of the cost of a project
Bureau of Transportation Statistics Other Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration $132,500,000 Available until expended Grants, Cooperative Agreements, other contracts Bureau of Transportation Statistics The Bureau of Transportation Statistics is the preeminent source of statistics on commercial aviation, multimodal freight activity, and transportation economics, and provides context to decision makers and the public for understanding statistics on transportation. The Bureau of Transportation Statistics promotes innovative methods of data collection, analysis, visualization, and dissemination to improve operational efficiency, to examine emerging topics, and to create relevant and timely information products that foster understanding of transportation and its transformational role in society. 11101; 25004 Not specified
Carbon Reduction Program Roads, Bridges and Major Projects Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration $6,419,999,998 4 year Formula Grant States (including District of Columbia) The Carbon Reduction Program will provide formula grants to States to reduce transportation emissions or the development of carbon reduction strategies. States may use Carbon Reduction Program funds for projects that support the reduction of transportation emissions, including: the construction, planning, and design of trail facilities for pedestrians, bicyclists, and other nonmotorized forms of transportation; public transportation projects; and congestion management technologies. 11101; 11403 Typically, 80 percent Federal / 20 percent non-Federal (for interstate projects 90 percent Federal/10 percent non-Federal)
Charging and Fueling Infrastructure Grants (Community Charging) Electric Vehicles, Buses and Ferries Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration $1,250,000,000 4 year Competitive Grant State or political subdivision of a State, Metropolitan Planning Organization, Local government, Special purpose district or public authority with a transportation function, Tribe, Territory Program funds will be made available each fiscal year for Community Grants, to install electric vehicle charging and alternative fuel in locations on public roads, schools, parks, and in publicly accessible parking facilities. These grants will be prioritized for rural areas, low-and moderate-income neighborhoods, and communities with low ratios of private parking, or high ratios of multiunit dwellings. Acquisition and installation of publicly accessible electric vehicle charging or alternative fueling infrastructure, operating assistance (for the first 5 years after installation), acquisition and installation of traffic control devices. 11101; 11401 80 percent Federal / 20 percent non-Federal
Charging and Fueling Infrastructure Grants (Corridor Charging) Electric Vehicles, Buses and Ferries Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration $1,250,000,000 4 year Competitive Grant State or political subdivision of a State, Metropolitan Planning Organizations, Local government, Special purpose district or public authority with a transportation function, Tribe, Territory Deploy electric vehicle charging and hydrogen/propane/natural gas fueling infrastructure along designated alternative fuel corridors and in communities. Acquisition and installation of publicly accessible electric vehicle charging or alternative fueling infrastructure, operating assistance (for the first 5 years after installation), acquisition and installation of traffic control devices. 11101; 11401 80 percent Federal / 20 percent non-Federal
Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program Roads, Bridges and Major Projects Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration $13,200,000,000 4 year Formula Grant States (including District of Columbia) The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law continues the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program to provide a flexible funding source to State and local governments for transportation projects and programs to help meet the requirements of the Clean Air Act. Funding is available to reduce congestion and improve air quality for areas that do not meet the National Ambient Air Quality Standards for ozone, carbon monoxide, or particulate matter (nonattainment areas) and for former nonattainment areas that are now in compliance (maintenance areas). Transportation projects that reduce congestion and reduce the mobile source emissions for which an area has been designated nonattainment or maintenance for ozone, carbon monoxide, and particulate matter by the Environmental Protection Agency. 11101; 11115 Typically, 80 percent Federal / 20 percent non-Federal (for interstate projects 90 percent Federal/10 percent non-Federal)
Congestion Relief Program Roads, Bridges and Major Projects Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration $250,000,000 4 year Competitive Grant State, Metropolitan Planning Organization, city or municipality. Advance innovative, integrated, and multimodal solutions to reduce congestion and the related economic and environmental costs in the most congested metropolitan areas with an urbanized area population of 1 million+. Planning, design, implementation, and construction activities to achieve the program goals, including: deployment and operation of integrated congestion management systems, systems that implement or enforce high occupancy vehicle toll lanes or pricing strategies, or mobility services; and incentive programs that encourage carpooling, nonhighway travel during peak periods, or travel during nonpeak periods. Subject to certain requirements and approval by the Secretary, provides for tolling on the InterState System as part of a project carried out with a grant under the program. 11101; 11404 80 percent Federal / 20 percent non-Federal
Construction of Ferry Boats and Ferry Terminal Facilities Ports and Waterways Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration $912,000,000 Available until expended Formula Grant Eligible ferry operations The Construction of Ferry Boats and Ferry Terminal Facilities program provides funding for ferry services which are important links in the network of Federal-aid highways, and in many cases, are the only reasonable form of transportation. Replace or acquire new ferry boats; replace propulsion systems with newer cleaner and more energy-efficient power plants; update navigational control systems; construct new terminals; improve access for the disabled; and replace and construct new docking facilities. 11121 80 percent Federal / 20 percent non-Federal
Disadvantaged Business Enterprises Roads, Bridges and Major Projects Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration $50,000,000 Available until expended Contract Authority, Competitive Grant, Allocation States The Disadvantaged Business Enterprise program assists small and disadvantaged firms with building capacity and improving their ability to compete for Federal-aid highway contracts. The Disadvantaged Business Enterprise program supports the ability of State departments of transportation to achieve the objectives of the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise program, which are to ensure nondiscrimination and allow small businesses owned primarily by minorities and women to compete fairly for Department of Transportation-assisted contracts in the transportation industry No non-Federal cost share required
Federal Lands Access Program Roads, Bridges and Major Projects Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration $1,487,875,000 4 year Formula Grant States The Federal Lands Access Program invests in the Nation's infrastructure by funding and supporting transportation facilities owned by State, county, local, and Tribal governments, which provide access to lands owned and operated by the Federal Government. Projects that improve multimodal transportation on roads, bridges, trails, transit systems, and other transportation facilities that access the Federal eState on infrastructure owned (or maintained) by States and local governments, with an emphasis on high-use Federal recreation sites and Federal economic generators. 11101; 11113 Up to 100 percent Federal
Federal Lands Transportation Program (For other Federal Land Management Agencies) Roads, Bridges and Major Projects Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration $153,637,750 4 year Competitive Grant Federal Land Management Agencies (other than US Fish & Wildlife and the National Park Service) The Federal Lands Transportation Program invests in the Nation's infrastructure and supports critical transportation needs within the country's transportation network by providing access within the national parks, forests, wildlife refuges, recreation areas, and other Federal public lands. Projects that improve multimodal transportation on roads, bridges, trails, transit systems, and other transportation facilities within the Federal eState on infrastructure primarily owned (or maintained) by the Federal Government. 11101; 11112 No non-Federal cost share required
Federal Lands Transportation Program (Funding for U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service) Roads, Bridges and Major Projects Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration $180,000,000 4 year Federal Spending Federal Land Management Agencies The Federal Lands Transportation Program invests in the Nation's infrastructure and supports critical transportation needs within the country's transportation network by providing access within the national parks, forests, wildlife refuges, recreation areas, and other Federal public lands. Projects that improve multimodal transportation on roads, bridges, trails, transit systems, and other transportation facilities within the Federal eState on infrastructure primarily owned (or maintained) by the Federal Government. 11101 No non-Federal cost share required
Federal Lands Transportation Program (Funding for U.S. Forest Service) Roads, Bridges and Major Projects Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration $130,000,000 4 year Direct Federal spending Federal Land Management Agencies The Federal Lands Transportation Program invests in the Nation's infrastructure and supports critical transportation needs within the country's transportation network by providing access within the national parks, forests, wildlife refuges, recreation areas, and other Federal public lands. Projects that improve multimodal transportation on roads, bridges, trails, transit systems, and other transportation facilities within the Federal eState on infrastructure primarily owned (or maintained) by the Federal Government. 11101 No non-Federal cost share required
Federal Lands Transportation Program (funds for National Park Service) Roads, Bridges and Major Projects Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration $1,731,187,250 4 year Federal Spending National Park Service The Federal Lands Transportation Program invests in the Nation's infrastructure and supports critical transportation needs within the country's transportation network by providing access within the national parks, forests, wildlife refuges, recreation areas, and other Federal public lands. Projects that improve multimodal transportation on roads, bridges, trails, transit systems, and other transportation facilities within the Federal eState on infrastructure primarily owned (or maintained) by the Federal Government. 11101 No non-Federal cost share required
Grants for Planning, Feasibility Analysis, and Revenue Forecasting (Bridge Investment Program Set-aside) Roads, Bridges and Major Projects Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration $100,000,000 4 year Competitive Grant State, Metropolitan Planning Organization (with population greater than 200,000), Local government, Special purpose district or public authority with a transportation functions, Federal land management agency, Tribal government The Bridge Investment Program will support projects to improve bridge (and culvert) condition, safety, efficiency, and reliability. Planning, feasibility analysis, and revenue forecasting associated with the development of a project that would subsequently be eligible to apply for the Bridge Investment Program. 11101; 11118 Generally, not to exceed Federal share under 23 U.S.C. 120; 90 percent Federal share for off-system bridges
Highway Research & Development Program Roads, Bridges and Major Projects Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration $310,000,000 Available until expended Grant Varies. The Highway Research and Development Program performs research and development to produce transformative solutions to improve safety, foster innovation, accelerate projects, and better meet operations, policy, and infrastructure needs. The programs under the Federal Highway Administration's research and development portfolio cover exploratory advanced research, applied research and development, and initial testing of technological solutions that address emerging needs and support the infrastructure of the future. Federal Highway Administration's research programs seek to improve safety, reduce congestion, enhance infrastructure design and construction, and provide data and analyses to decision-makers throughout the transportation community. 11101 80 percent Federal / 20 percent non-Federal
Highway Safety Improvement Program Safety Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration $15,557,499,996 4 year Grant States (including District of Columbia) The Highway Safety Improvement Program provides States with critical safety funding that is used to save lives and prevent serious injuries on all public roads. The Highway Safety Improvement Program is based on a performance-driven process that identifies and analyzes highway safety problems and advances highway safety improvement projects that have the greatest potential to reduce fatalities and serious injuries. Safety projects on all public roads. 11101; 11111 90 percent Federal / 10 percent non-Federal
Highway Use Tax Evasion Projects Roads, Bridges and Major Projects Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration $20,000,000 4 year Competitive Grant, Allocation States, Internal Revenue Service The Highway Use Tax Evasion Projects program provides funding to the Internal Revenue Service and the States to carry out intergovernmental enforcement efforts, along with training and research, to reduce evasion of payment of motor fuel and other highway use taxes, which are the principal sources for Federal and State highway funding. Intergovernmental enforcement efforts, along with training and research, to reduce evasion of payment of motor fuel and other highway use taxes. 11120 No non-Federal cost share required
Intelligent Transportation Systems Program Roads, Bridges and Major Projects Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration $250,000,000 Available until expended Grants, Cooperative Agreements, other contracts Federal Highway Administration Research, Technology, and Education Program The Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Program fosters innovation in transportation through the deployment of technology to enhance safety and efficiency while reducing environmental impacts of surface transportation, resulting in improved access and convenience, saved lives and time, and increased productivity. Innovative research and rapid deployment of applications and tools that facilitate a safe, connected, integrated, and automated transportation system. 11101; 11304 80 percent Federal / 20 percent non-Federal for ITS research and development activities under 23 U.S.C. 516; otherwise, default provisions of 23 U.S.C. 120 apply
Metropolitan Planning Roads, Bridges and Major Projects Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration $2,280,000,000 4 year Formula Grant Metropolitan Planning Organizations The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law continues the Metropolitan Planning Program, which establishes a cooperative, continuous, and comprehensive framework for making transportation investment decisions in metropolitan areas. Program oversight is a joint Federal Highway Administration/Federal Transit Administration responsibility. Metropolitan Planning Organizations use metropolitan planning funds for multimodal transportation planning and programming in metropolitan areas. Metropolitan planning activities include the collection and analysis of data on demographics, trends, and system performance; travel demand and system performance forecasting; identification and prioritization of transportation system improvement needs; and coordination of the planning process and decision-making with the public, elected officials, and stakeholder groups. 11101; 11201 Typically, 80 percent Federal / 20 percent non-Federal (for interstate projects 90 percent Federal/10 percent non-Federal)
National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Formula Program Electric Vehicles, Buses and Ferries Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration $5,000,000,000 Available until expended Formula Grant States (including District of Columbia and Puerto Rico) Strategically deploy electric vehicle charging infrastructure and establish an interconnected network to facilitate data collection, access, and reliability. Sets aside 10 percent of funding for discretionary grants to State and local governments that require additional assistance to strategically deploy electric vehicle charging infrastructure. The acquisition and installation of electric vehicle charging infrastructure to serve as a catalyst for the deployment of such infrastructure and to connect it to a network to facilitate data collection, access, and reliability; proper operation and maintenance of electric vehicle charging infrastructure; data sharing about electric vehicle charging infrastructure to ensure the long-term success of investments. Division J, Title VIII 80 percent Federal / 20 percent non-Federal
National Highway Freight Program Roads, Bridges and Major Projects Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration $7,150,000,000 4 year Formula Grant States (including District of Columbia) The National Highway Freight Program provides funds to the States, by formula, to improve the efficient movement of freight on the National Highway Freight Network. Projects that contribute to the efficient movement of freight on the National Highway Freight Network and are identified in a freight investment plan included in the State's freight plan. In addition, a State may use not more than 30 percent of its total National Highway Freight Program funds each year for freight intermodal or freight rail projects, subject to certain restrictions 11101; 11114 Typically, 80 percent Federal / 20 percent non-Federal (for interstate projects 90 percent Federal/10 percent non-Federal)
National Highway Performance Program Roads, Bridges and Major Projects Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration $148,000,000,000 4 year Formula Grant States (including District of Columbia) The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law continues the National Highway Performance Program. The purposes of this program are: To provide support for the condition and performance of the National Highway System; To provide support for the construction of new facilities on the National Highway System; To ensure that investments of Federal-aid funds in highway construction are directed to support progress toward the achievement of performance targets established in a State's asset management plan for the National Highway System; To provide support for activities to increase the resiliency of the National Highway System to mitigate the cost of damages from sea level rise, extreme weather events, flooding, wildfires, or other natural disasters. Highway and bridge projects, generally on the National Highway System, plus certain bridge projects on non-National Highway System Federal-aid highways 11101; 11105 Typically, 80 percent Federal / 20 percent non-Federal (for interstate projects 90 percent Federal/10 percent non-Federal)
National Motor Vehicle Per-Mile User Fee Pilot (Set-aside) Roads, Bridges and Major Projects Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration $50,000,000 Available until expended Grants, Cooperative Agreements, other contracts States The purpose of this pilot program is to demonstrate a national motor vehicle per-mile user fee to restore and maintain the long-term solvency of the Highway Trust Fund and to improve and maintain the surface transportation system. Pilot projects on per-mile user fees. 13002 80 percent Federal / 20 percent non-Federal
Nationally Significant Federal Lands and Tribal Projects Roads, Bridges and Major Projects Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration $275,000,000 4 year Competitive Grant Any entity eligible to receive funding under the Tribal Transportation Program, Federal Lands Transportation Program, or Federal Lands Access Program. In addition, a State, county, or local government may apply if sponsored by an eligible Federal land management agency or Tribe. The Nationally Significant Federal Lands and Tribal Projects program provides funding for the construction, reconstruction, and rehabilitation of nationally-significant Federal lands transportation projects and Tribal transportation projects. Eligible projects are projects that are on a Federal lands transportation facility, a Federal lands access facility, or a Tribal transportation facility. 11101; 11127 90 percent Federal / 10 percent non-Federal
On-the-Job Training Program Roads, Bridges and Major Projects Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration $50,000,000 Available until expended Competitive Grant, Allocation States The On-the-Job Training program helps develop the capacity of the Nation's current and future highway construction industry workforce by providing the development and diversity of skilled labor. The On-the-Job Training Program directly supports the requirement that prime contractors participating on Federally-assisted contracts to establish apprenticeship and training programs targeted to move minorities, women, and disadvantaged individuals into journey-level positions and provides funds for State departments of transportation to implement skills training programs to prepare individuals to participate in the highway construction workforce as trainees and apprentices on Federally-assisted construction contracts. Additionally, funding is provided to States to partner with accredited academic institutions for the National Summer Transportation Institute program focused on science, technology, engineering, and math opportunities for high school and junior high/middle school students to learn about, and become familiar with, transportation-related career options. Funding also supports the Summer Transportation Internship Program for Diverse Groups, which provides internship opportunities for college students to engage with Department of Transportation modes to work in a transportation-related career field. Varies based on application of 23 USC 120
Prioritization Process Pilot Program Other Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration $50,000,000 4 year Grant States and Metropolitan Planning Organizations serving an urbanized area with a population of >200,000 Pilot program to support data-driven approaches to planning that can be evaluated for public benefit. The Prioritization Process Pilot Program will award grants to selected States and Metropolitan Planning Organizations to fund the development and implementation of publicly accessible, transparent prioritization processes to assess and score projects according to locally determined priorities, and to use such evaluations to inform the selection of projects to include in transportation plans. 11101; 11204 See 23 U.S.C. 120 (default)
Promoting Resilient Operations for Transformative, Efficient, and Cost-Saving Transportation (PROTECT) - Discretionary Resilience Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration $1,400,000,000 4 year Competitive Grant State (or political subdivision of a State), metropolitan planning organization, local government, special purpose district or public authority with a transportation function, Tribe, Federal land management agency (applying jointly with State(s)); Different eligibilities apply for at-risk coastal infrastructure grants. PROTECT Grants will support planning, resilience improvements, community resilience and evacuation routes, and at-risk coastal infrastructure. Highway, transit, and certain port projects are eligible. 11101; 11405 80 percent Federal / 20 percent non-Federal except 100 percent Federal for an Tribe as determined by the Secretary
Promoting Resilient Operations for Transformative, Efficient, and Cost-Saving Transportation (PROTECT) - Discretionary Resilience Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration $1,400,000,000 4 year Competitive Grant State (or political subdivision of a State), metropolitan planning organization, local government, special purpose district or public authority with a transportation function, Tribe, Federal land management agency (applying jointly with State(s)); Different eligibilities apply for at-risk coastal infrastructure grants. PROTECT Grants will support planning, resilience improvements, community resilience and evacuation routes, and at-risk coastal infrastructure. Highway, transit, and certain port projects are eligible. 11101; 11405 80 percent Federal / 20 percent non-Federal except 100 percent Federal for an Tribe as determined by the Secretary
Promoting Resilient Operations for Transformative, Efficient, and Cost-Saving Transportation (PROTECT) - Formula Resilience Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration $7,299,999,998 4 year Formula States (including District of Columbia) The PROTECT Formula Program will support planning, resilience improvements, community resilience and evacuation routes, and at-risk coastal infrastructure. Highway, transit, and certain port projects are eligible. 11101; 11405 80 percent Federal / 20 percent non-Federal
Puerto Rico Highway Program Roads, Bridges and Major Projects Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration $900,995,000 4 year Grant Allocated Program Puerto Rico The Puerto Rico Highway Program provides funding to carry out a highway program in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. Projects eligible under the National Highway Performance Program, the Highway Safety Improvement Program, and for any purpose under chapter 1 of title 23, United States Code. Funding split among these eligibilities is outlined in law. 11126 Typically, 80 percent Federal / 20 percent non-Federal (for interstate projects 90 percent Federal/10 percent non-Federal)
Railway-Highway Crossings Program Safety Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration $1,225,000,000 4 year Formula Grant States (including District of Columbia) The Railway-Highway Crossings program supports projects with the goal of reducing the number of fatalities, injuries, and crashes at public railway-highway grade crossings. Railway-highway crossing projects 11108 No non-Federal cost share required
Reconnecting Communities Pilot Program Roads, Bridges and Major Projects Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration $1,000,000,000 Available until expended Competitive Grant Owner of an eligible facility (may partner with any of the eligible entities for a planning grant) Reconnecting Communities Pilot Program will restore community connectivity by removing, retrofitting, or mitigating highways or other transportation facilities that create barriers to community connectivity, including to mobility, access, or economic development Grants (≥$5 million) for capital construction projects, including the removal and replacement of eligible facilities. Planning grants (≤$2 million). 11101; 11509 80 percent Federal / 20 percent non-Federal
Reduction of Truck Emissions at Port Facilities Ports and Waterways Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration $400,000,000 4 year Competitive Grant None specified Reduction of Truck Emissions at Port Facilities program will study and award competitive grants to reduce truck idling and emissions at ports, including through the advancement of port electrification. Competitive grants are intended to test, evaluate, and deploy projects that reduce port-related emissions 11101; 11402 80 percent Federal / 20 percent non-Federal
Safety-Related Activities (Set-aside) Electric Vehicles, Buses and Ferries Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration $17,500,000 4 year Competitive Grant States (including District of Columbia) This set-aside is for transportation safety outreach, training, and education. Eligible activities includes: Operation Lifesaver, the Public Road Safety Clearinghouse, Work Zone Safety Grants, the National Work Zone Safety Information Clearinghouse, and guardrail training 11124 No non-Federal cost share required
Strategic Innovation for Revenue Collection (Set-aside) Roads, Bridges and Major Projects Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration $75,000,000 Available until expended Grants, Cooperative Agreements, other contracts States, Metropolitan Planning Organizations, and Local governments Requires Department of Transportation to test the feasibility of a road usage fee and other user-based alternative revenue mechanisms to help maintain the long-term solvency of the Highway Trust Fund, through pilot projects at the State, local, and regional level. Road usage fee and other user-based alternative revenue mechanisms projects. 13001 80 percent Federal / 20 percent non-Federal (for entities that have not otherwise received a grant under the section); 70 percent Federal / 30 percent non-Federal (for entities that have received at least 1 other grant under the section)
Surface Transportation Block Grant Program Roads, Bridges and Major Projects Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration $72,000,000,000 4 year Formula Grant States (including District of Columbia) The Surface Transportation Block Grant Program promotes flexibility in State and local transportation decisions and provides flexible funding to best address State and local transportation needs. The Surface Transportation Block Grant Program is available for the roughly one million miles of Federal-aid highways, for bridges on any public road, and for transit capital projects. 11101; 11109 Typically, 80 percent Federal / 20 percent non-Federal (for interstate projects 90 percent Federal/10 percent non-Federal)
Technology & Innovation Deployment Program Other Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration $90,000,000 Available until expended Grants, Cooperative Agreements, other contracts Federal Highway Administration Research, Technology, and Education Program The Technology & Innovation Deployment Program turns research products into proven technologies that address emerging needs, invest in the Nation's infrastructure, and promote rapid adoption of proven, market-ready technologies and innovations. Funds efforts to advance research products into proven technologies and demonstrated practices; identify the market forces that will influence successful technology and innovation deployment; and plan and deliver effective technical assistance, training, communication and outreach to promote rapid adoption of proven, market-ready technologies and innovations. 11101 80 percent Federal / 20 percent non-Federal
Territorial Highway Program Roads, Bridges and Major Projects Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration $239,505,000 4 year Grant Apportioned Program American Samoa, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Guam, and the U.S. Virgin Islands The Territorial Highway Program supports the construction and improvement of a system of arterial and collector highways and necessary inter-island connectors. Funds provided to the four territories may be used for projects eligible under the Surface Transportation Block Grant Program; preventive maintenance; ferry boats, terminals, and approach roadways; engineering, economic and planning studies; regulation and equitable taxation of highways; and research and development. 11126 No non-Federal cost share required
Training & Education Other Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration $127,500,000 Available until expended Grants, Cooperative Agreements, other contracts Federal Highway Administration Research, Technology, and Education Program The Training and Education Program provides resources for the development and delivery of technical assistance, training, professional development, and education programs to improve the professional capacity of the workforce that manages, develops and maintains the Nation's highway system. Development and delivery of technical assistance, training, professional development, and education programs 11101 50 percent Federal share/50 percent non-Federal for local technical assistance centers; 100 percent Federal for Tribal technical assistance centers; 100 percent Federal for surface transportation workforce development, training, and education
Tribal High Priority Projects Program Roads, Bridges and Major Projects Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration $45,000,000 4 year Competitive Grant Sovereign Federally-recognized Tribal governments The Tribal High Priority Projects Program provides funding to Tribes or a governmental subdivision of an Tribe whose annual allocation of funding received under the Tribal Transportation Program is insufficient to complete the highest priority project of the Tribe, or to any Tribe that has an emergency or disaster occur on a Tribal transportation facility that renders the facility impassible or unusable. Highest priority projects, emergency or disaster related projects 11128 No non-Federal cost share required
Tribal Transportation Facility Bridge (Set-aside) Roads, Bridges and Major Projects Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration $200,000,000 4 year Competitive grant Tribal government The Bridge Investment Program will support projects to improve bridge (and culvert) condition, safety, efficiency, and reliability. Projects to replace, rehabilitate, preserve or protect one or more bridges on the National Bridge Inventory. Projects to replace or rehabilitate culverts to improve flood control and improve habitat connectivity for aquatic species. 11101; 11118 No non-Federal cost share required
Tribal Transportation Facility Bridges (Bridge Formula Funding Set-Aside) Roads, Bridges and Major Projects Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration $825,000,000 4 year Distributed through the Tribal Transportation Program Tribes The Bridge Formula Program sets aside 3 percent of the funds appropriated for the program for Tribal transportation facility bridges, which shall be administered as if made available under the Tribal Transportation Program Funds can be used to plan, design, engineer, or construct bridges; to replace and rehabilitate bridges; and to improve bridges in poor condition. Division J, Title VIII 100 percent Federal share
Tribal Transportation Program Roads, Bridges and Major Projects Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration $2,966,800,000 4 year Formula Grant Formula Sovereign Federally-recognized Tribal governments The Tribal Transportation Program supports projects to provide safe and adequate multimodal transportation and public road access to and within Indian reservations, Tribal lands, and Alaska Native Village communities. Projects that support transportation safety, access, and mobility in Tribal communities. 11101 No non-Federal cost share required
University Transportation Centers (UTC) Program Public Transportation Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration $500,000,000 Available until expended Grants, Cooperative Agreements, other contracts Consortia of colleges and universities The UTC Program advances the State-of-the-art in transportation research and technology, and develops the next generation of transportation professionals. Activities that advance U.S. technology and expertise in the many disciplines comprising transportation through education, solutions-oriented research and technology transfer, and the exploration and sharing of cutting-edge ideas and approaches. 11101; 25017 In general, 50 percent Federal share/50 percent non-Federal (100 percent non-Federal matching requirement); 66.7 percent Federal/33.3 percent non-Federal (50 percent non-Federal matching requirement) for Tier 1 UTCs
Wildlife Crossings Pilot Program Safety Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration $350,000,000 4 year Grant State highway agency (or equivalent), Metropolitan Planning Organizations, Local government, Regional transportation authority, Special purpose district or public authority with a transportation function, Tribe, Federal land management agency The Wildlife Crossings Pilot program will support projects that seek to reduce the number of wildlife-vehicle collisions, and in carrying out that purpose, improve habitat connectivity Projects to reduce wildlife-vehicle collisions 11101; 11123 See 23 U.S.C. 120 (default)
Commercial Driver's License Implementation Program Safety Department of Transportation Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration $297,500,000 Year of award + four years Grant and Cooperative Agreement A State agency, local government, or any person The Commercial Driver's License Implementation Program discretionary grant seeks to improve highway safety by supporting Commercial Driver's License Programs on a State and national level. The funding assists grant partners in achieving compliance with the Commercial Driver's License regulations in 49 CFR Parts 383 and 384 by providing funding directly to States and other entities capable of executing national projects to aid States in their compliance efforts. To assist the State in complying with the requirements of section 31311; to improve the State's implementation of its commercial driver's license program; research, development and testing, demonstration projects, public education, and other special activities and projects relating to commercial drivers licensing and motor vehicle safety 23001 Federal share is at least 85 percent.
Commercial Motor Vehicle Enforcement Training & Support Grant Program Safety Department of Transportation Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration $25,000,000 Year of award + four years Grant and Cooperative Agreement Non-profit organization with expertise in conducting training for non-Federal government employees and the ability to reach and involve a target population of Commercial Motor Vehicle safety enforcement employees The purpose of this new discretionary grant is to train non-Federal government employees who conduct Commercial Motor Vehicle enforcement activities and to develop related training materials. The purpose is to train non-Federal government employees who conduct Commercial Motor Vehicle enforcement activities and to develop related training materials. 23001 Federal share is 100 percent
Commercial Motor Vehicle Operators Grant Program Electric Vehicles, Buses and Ferries Department of Transportation Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration $16,500,000 Year of award + two years Competitive Grant An entity that can train individuals in the safe operation of commercial motor vehicles The Commercial Motor Vehicle Operator Safety Training grant program awards grants to a variety of educational institutions that provide commercial truck and bus driving training, including accredited public or private colleges, universities, vocational-technical schools, post-secondary educational institutions, truck driver training schools, associations, and State and local governments, including Federally recognized Tribal governments. The purpose of this discretionary grant program is to train individuals in the safe operation of commercial motor vehicles and prioritize grant applications for programs to train former members of the armed forces and eligible family members. 23001 Federal share is at least 85 percent.
High Priority Activities Program Safety Department of Transportation Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration $432,500,000 Year of award + two years or year of award + four years, depending on the priority Grant and Cooperative Agreement States, local governments, Federally recognized Tribes, other political jurisdictions as necessary, and any person The High Priority Activities grant program is a discretionary (competitive) grant program designed to provide Federal financial assistance to enhance States' commercial vehicle safety plan activities, including commercial vehicle inspections, traffic enforcement, and outreach while supporting innovative technology development and/or new project(s) not included in the commercial vehicle safety plan that will have a positive impact on commercial vehicle safety. Other applicants, such as academia and safety associations are also eligible for these grants that improve safety. Overall this grant supports safety programs and innovative technology deployment with a goal of increasing efficiency improvements in exchanging commercial vehicle safety data. The grant program provides financial assistance to carry out activities and projects that augment motor carrier safety which include: supporting participation in performance and registration information systems management; conducting safety data improvement projects; increasing public awareness and education on commercial vehicle safety; targeting unsafe driving in areas identified as high risk crash corridors; improving the safe and secure movement of hazardous materials; improving safe transportation of goods and persons in foreign commerce; demonstrating new technologies to improve commercial vehicle safety; and otherwise improving safety and compliance with commercial vehicle safety regulations; and to support and maintain commercial safety information systems and networks. 23001 Federal share is at least 85 percent.
Motor Carrier Safety Assistance Program Safety Department of Transportation Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration $2,432,500,000 Year of award + two years Formula Grant State Lead Motor Carrier Safety Assistance Program Agencies The Motor Carrier Safety Assistance Program is a Federal grant program that provides financial assistance to States to reduce the number and severity of crashes and hazardous materials incidents involving commercial motor vehicles. The goal of the Motor Carrier Safety Assistance Program is to reduce commercial motor vehicle-involved crashes, fatalities, and injuries through consistent, uniform, and effective commercial motor vehicle safety programs. The Motor Carrier Safety Assistance Program is Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration's largest grant program that supports State and local law enforcement agencies to utilize over 12,000 enforcement officers to increase enforcement and safety activities nationwide. To carry out the State's Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety Plan. 23001 Federal share is at least 85 percent statutorily, but 95 percent Federal/5 percent non-Federal for fiscal year 2022
Motor Carrier Safety Operations and Programs Safety Department of Transportation Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration $1,925,000,000 Mixture of Available until expended, but annually appropriated, and 4-year funding Administrative Expenses N/A The Operations and Programs account provides the necessary resources to support program and administrative activities to include salaries and benefits for motor carrier safety personnel. Funding supports motor carrier safety and consumer enforcement, along with Federal safety enforcement at U.S. borders to ensure foreign-domiciled trucks entering the U.S. are in compliance with safety regulations. Resources are also provided to fund regulatory development and implementation, investment in research and technology with a focus on research regarding highly automated vehicles and related technology, and information technology and information management. 23001 No non-Federal cost share required
Amtrak National Network Grants Passenger and Freight Rail Department of Transportation Federal Railroad Administration $15,750,000,000 Available until expended Grant Amtrak To provide funding for capital projects to eliminate Amtrak's backlog of deferred maintenance of rolling stock, facilities, stations, and infrastructure on the National Network. (1) Acquiring new passenger rail rolling stock to replace Amtrak's aging and obsolete passenger equipment fleet (and related facilities); (2) bringing Amtrak-served stations into compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act; (3) eliminating the backlog of deferred capital work on Amtrak-owned railroad assets not located on the Northeast Corridor; and (4) projects to eliminate the backlog of obsolete assets associated with Amtrak's national rail passenger transportation system, such as systems for reservations, security, training centers, and technology. 22101 No non-Federal cost share required
Amtrak Northeast Corridor Grants Passenger and Freight Rail Department of Transportation Federal Railroad Administration $6,000,000,000 Available until expended Grant Amtrak To provide funding for capital projects to eliminate Amtrak's backlog of obsolete assets and deferred maintenance of rolling stock, facilities, stations, and infrastructure on the Northeast Corridor. Eligible projects include: (1) acquiring new passenger rail rolling stock to replace Amtrak's aging and obsolete passenger equipment fleet (and related facilities); (2) bringing Amtrak-served stations into compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act; (3) eliminating the backlog of deferred capital work on sole-benefit Amtrak-owned assets located on the Northeast Corridor; and (4) carrying out Northeast Corridor capital renewal backlog projects. Funds may also be used as the non-Federal match for projects under the Federal-State Partnership for Intercity Passenger Rail Program. 22101 No non-Federal cost share required
Consolidated Rail Infrastructure and Safety Improvement Grants Passenger and Freight Rail Department of Transportation Federal Railroad Administration $5,000,000,000 Available until expended Competitive Grant States, including the District of Columbia. A group of States. An InterState Compact. A public agency or publicly chartered authority established by 1 or more States. A political subdivision of a State. Amtrak and other rail carriers providing intercity rail passenger transportation. Class II/III Railroads and associations that represent Class II/III Railroads. Rail carriers & equipment manufacturers, in partnership with at least 1 of the first 5 entities above. Federally recognized Tribes. Transportation Research Board. University Transportation Centers engaged in rail-related research. Non-profit labor organizations representing rail employees. To fund projects that improve the safety, efficiency, and reliability of intercity passenger and freight rail. Eligible projects include a wide range of freight and passenger rail capital, safety technology deployment, planning, environmental analyses, research, workforce development, and training projects. New eligibilities include: (1) measures to prevent trespassing on railroad property; (2) preparation of emergency plans for communities through which hazardous materials are transported by rail; (3) research, development, and testing to advance innovative rail projects; and (4) rehabilitating, remanufacturing, procuring, or overhauling locomotives to reduce emissions. 22907 80 percent Federal / 20 percent non-Federal with statutory preference for 50/50
Federal-State Partnership for Intercity Passenger Rail Grants Passenger and Freight Rail Department of Transportation Federal Railroad Administration $36,000,000,000 Available until expended Competitive Grant States, including the District of Columbia; A group of States; An InterState Compact; A public agency or publicly chartered authority established by one or more States; A political subdivision of a State; Amtrak, acting on its own behalf or under a cooperative agreement with one or more States; Federally recognized Tribe; Any combination of the entities above. To fund capital projects that reduce the State of good repair backlog, improve performance, or expand or establish new intercity passenger rail service, including privately operated intercity passenger rail service if an eligible applicant is involved. (1) Projects to replace, rehabilitate, or repair infrastructure, equipment, or a facility used for providing intercity passenger rail service to bring such assets into a State of good repair; (2) projects to improve intercity passenger rail service performance, including reduced trip times, increased train frequencies, higher operating speeds, improved reliability, expanded capacity, reduced congestion, electrification, and other improvements, as determined by the Secretary; (3) projects to expand or establish new intercity passenger rail service; and (4) a group of related projects described previously. The planning, environmental review, and final design of an eligible project or group of projects is also eligible. Preference to eligible projects: (1) for which Amtrak is not the sole applicant; (2) the improve the financial performance, reliability, service frequency, or address the State of good repair of an Amtrak route; and (3) that are identified in, and consistent with, a corridor inventory prepared under the Corridor Identification and Development Program pursuant to section 25101. 24911 80 percent Federal / 20 percent non-Federal
Railroad Crossing Elimination Grants Safety Department of Transportation Federal Railroad Administration $3,000,000,000 Available until expended Competitive Grant A State, including the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and other United States territories and possessions. A political subdivision of a State. Federally recognized Tribe. A unit of local government or a group of local governments. A public port authority. A metropolitan planning organization. A group of entities described above. To fund highway-rail or pathway-rail grade crossing improvement projects that focus on improving the safety and mobility of people and goods. Eligible projects include: (1) a grade separation or closure, including through the use of a bridge, embankment, tunnel, or combination thereof; (2) track relocation; (3) the improvement or installation of protective devices, signals, signs, or other measures to improve safety, provided that such activities are related to a separation or relocation project described previously; (4) other means to improve the safety and mobility of people and goods at highway-rail grade crossings (including technological solutions); and (5) a group of related projects described previously that would collectively improve the mobility of people and goods. The planning, environmental review, and design of projects previously described are also eligible. 22909 80 percent Federal / 20 percent non-Federal
Restoration & Enhancement Grant Program Passenger and Freight Rail Department of Transportation Federal Railroad Administration $250,000,000 Available until expended Competitive Grant States, including the District of Columbia. An entity implementing an interstate compact. A public agency/publicly chartered authority established by 1 or more States. A political subdivision of a State. Federally recognized Tribes. Amtrak & Other IPR Carriers. Rail Carriers in partnership with at least 1 of the entities described above. To provide operating assistance to initiate, restore, or enhance intercity passenger rail service.
Key Changes to existing program:
New priority to applications for routes selected under the Corridor Identification and Development Program and operated by Amtrak. Grants may provide operating assistance for up to six years, and may not exceed: 90 percent of the projected net operating costs for the first year of service; 80 percent of the projected net operating costs for the second year of service; 70 percent of the projected net operating costs for the third year of service; 60 percent of the projected net operating costs for the fourth year of service; 50 percent of the projected net operating costs for the fifth year of service; and 30 percent of the projected net operating costs for the sixth year of service.
(1) Establishing new services; (2) additional frequencies; (3) service extensions; (4) offering new on-board services. Examples of eligible expenses can include: train engineer staffing, fuel, train dispatching, station management, and overhead. 22908 Year 1 - 90 percent Federal / 10 percent non-Federal; Year 2 - 80 percent Federal / 20 percent non-Federal; Year 3 - 70 percent Federal / 30 percent non-Federal; Year 4 - 60 percent Federal / 40 percent non-Federal; Year 5 - 50 percent Federal / 50 percent non-Federal; Year 6 - 30 percent Federal / 70 percent non-Federal
All Stations Accessibility Program Public Transportation Department of Transportation Federal Transit Administration $1,750,000,000 To be determined Grant States and local government authorities. Provides capital funding to upgrade the accessibility of legacy rail fixed guideway public transportation systems for people with disabilities, including those who use wheelchairs. Capital funding for purposes described above. Division J, Title VIII 80 percent Federal / 20 percent non-Federal
Appalachian Development Public Transportation Assistance Program Public Transportation Department of Transportation Federal Transit Administration $137,437,828 Year of Apportionment + two years Formula Grant States, Counties, Cities / Townships, Special Districts, Tribal Governments (Federally recognized), Nonprofits with 501(c)(3) status, Nonprofits - without 501(c)(3) status Provides funding to States in the Appalachian region to support the provision of public transit services in rural areas. Planning, Capital, Operating Assistance 30017 Varies
Bus and Bus Facilities Competitive Grants Public Transportation Department of Transportation Federal Transit Administration $1,966,392,169 Year of Allocation + three years Competitive Grant States, Counties, Cities / Townships, Special Districts, Tribal Governments (Federally recognized) Provides capital funding to replace, rehabilitate, purchase, or lease buses and bus related equipment and to rehabilitate, purchase, construct, or lease bus-related facilities. Capital funding for purposes described above. 30018 Varies
Bus and Bus Facilities Formula Grants Public Transportation Department of Transportation Federal Transit Administration $3,161,294,400 Year of Apportionment + three years Formula Grant States, Counties, Cities / Townships, Special Districts, Tribal Governments (Federally recognized) Provides capital funding to replace, rehabilitate, purchase, or lease buses and bus related equipment and to rehabilitate, purchase, construct, or lease bus-related facilities. Capital funding for purposes described above. 30018 Varies
Capital Investment Grants Public Transportation Department of Transportation Federal Transit Administration $8,000,000,000 Year of Allocation to Project + 3 Competitive Grant State and local government agencies, including transit agencies. This Federal Transit Administration discretionary grant program funds transit capital investments, including heavy rail, commuter rail, light rail, streetcars, and bus rapid transit. Federal transit law requires transit agencies seeking Capital Investment Grants funding to complete a series of steps over several years. The law also requires projects to be rated by the Federal Transit Administration at various points in the process according to statutory criteria evaluating project justification and local financial commitment. Grants may be made under this program to State and local governmental authorities to assist in financing (1) new fixed guideway capital projects or small start projects, including the acquisition of real property, the initial acquisition of rolling stock for the system, the acquisition of rights-of-way, and relocation, for fixed guideway corridor development for projects in the advanced stages of project development or engineering; and (2) core capacity improvement projects, including the acquisition of real property, the acquisition of rights-of-way, double tracking, signalization improvements, electrification, expanding system platforms, acquisition of rolling stock associated with corridor improvements increasing capacity, construction of infill stations, and such other capacity improvement projects to increase the capacity of an existing fixed guideway system corridor by at least 10 percent. Core capacity improvement projects do not include elements to improve general station facilities or parking, or acquisition of rolling stock alone. 30005 Maximum allowed up to 80 percent Federal cost / 20 percent non-Federal cost or 60 percent Federal cost / 40 percent non-Federal cost depending on project type
Electric or Low-Emitting Ferry Program Electric Vehicles, Buses and Ferries Department of Transportation Federal Transit Administration $250,000,000 To be determined Grant TBD The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, establishes an Electric or Low-Emitting Ferry Pilot Program that makes Federal funding available to support the transition of passenger ferries to low or zero emission technologies. Capital Division J, Title VIII Varies
Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities Public Transportation Department of Transportation Federal Transit Administration $2,193,105,343 Year of Apportionment + two years Formula Grant States, Counties, Cities / Townships, Special Districts, Tribal Governments (Federally recognized), Nonprofits with 501(c)(3) status, Nonprofits - without 501(c)(3) status. To provide financial assistance in meeting the transportation needs of seniors and individuals with disabilities where public transportation services are unavailable, insufficient or inappropriate. The Section 5310 program is designed to supplement FTA's other capital assistance programs by funding transportation projects for seniors and individuals with disabilities in all areas - large urban, small urban, and rural. Capital, Operating Assistance and Planning 30017 Varies
Ferry Service for Rural Communities Public Transportation Department of Transportation Federal Transit Administration $2,000,000,000 To be determined Grant States The Ferry Service for Rural Communities Program makes Federal resources available to States to ensure basic essential ferry service is provided to rural areas. These funds are limited to ferry services that operated a regular service at any time during the five-year period ending March 1, 2020 and that served no less than two rural areas located more than 50 nautical miles apart. Capital, Operating Assistance Division J, Title VIII Varies
Formula Grants for Rural Areas Public Transportation Department of Transportation Federal Transit Administration $4,109,463,374 Approximately $586 million will also be provided from the Growing States formula factors. Year of Apportionment + 2 Formula Grant States, Counties, Cities / Townships, Special Districts, Tribal Governments (Federally recognized), Nonprofits with 501(c)(3) status, Nonprofits - without 501(c)(3) status, private for-profit Intercity Bus carriers To improve, initiate, or continue public transportation service in nonurbanized areas (rural areas and small cities under 50,000 in population) and to provide technical assistance for rural transportation providers. The Section 5311 program supports both the maintenance of existing public transportation services and the expansion of those services through the following program goals: enhancing access in rural areas to health care, shopping, education, employment, public services, and recreation; assisting in the maintenance, development, improvement, and use of public transportation systems in rural areas; encouraging and facilitating the most efficient use of all transportation funds used to provide passenger transportation in rural areas through the coordination of programs and services; providing financial assistance to help carry out national goals related to mobility for all, including seniors, individuals with disabilities, and low-income individuals; increasing availability of transportation options through investments in intercity bus services; assisting in the development and support of intercity bus transportation; encouraging mobility management, employment-related transportation alternatives, joint development practices, and transit-oriented development; and providing for the participation of private transportation providers in rural public transportation. The Public Transportation on Indian Reservations Program is a set-aside from the Formula Grants for Rural Areas program that consists of both a formula and competitive grant program for Federally recognized Tribes or Alaska Native villages, groups or communities in rural areas. Planning, Capital, Operating Assistance 30006 Varies
Growing State Apportionments Other Department of Transportation Federal Transit Administration $2,055,665,467 Available until expended Grant States, Counties, Cities / Townships, Special Districts, Tribal Governments (Federally recognized) An additional formula funding component that is then added to either the 5307 or 5311 formula funding. Planning, Capital, Operating Assistance 30017 Varies
Growing States and High-Density States Formula Other Department of Transportation Federal Transit Administration $1,822,948,622 Available until expended Grant States, Counties, Cities / Townships, Special Districts, Tribal Governments (Federally recognized) An additional formula funding component that is then added to either the 5307 or 5311 formula funding. Planning, Capital, Operating Assistance 30017 Varies
Low or No Emission (Bus) Grants Public Transportation Department of Transportation Federal Transit Administration $5,624,550,890 Year of Allocation + three years Grant States, Counties, Cities / Townships, Special Districts, Tribal Governments (Federally recognized) Provides capital funding to replace, rehabilitate, purchase, or lease buses and bus related equipment and to rehabilitate, purchase, construct, or lease bus-related facilities. Provides capital funding for low or no emissions bus projects. Capital 30018 Varies
Low or No Emission Vehicle Component Assessment Program Electric Vehicles, Buses and Ferries Department of Transportation Federal Transit Administration $26,169,974 To be determined Cooperative Agreement, Contract, Grant Qualified institutions of higher education The Federal Transit Administration will provide funds to two qualified institutions of higher education to conduct testing, evaluation, and analysis of low or no emission components intended for use in low- and zero emission buses used to provide public transportation. The Low and No-Emission Component Assessment Program (LoNO-CAP) is intended to test items that are separately installed in and removable from a low- or no-emission transit bus. To conduct testing, evaluation, and analysis of low- or no-emission vehicle and to conduct testing, evaluation, and analysis of low- or no-emission vehicle components, and new and emerging technology components intended for use in low- or no-emission vehicles; and to conduct directed technology research, as well as operations, maintenance, testing, and evaluation. 30007 For an eligible project for an off-system bridge (defined in 23 U.S.C. 133(f)(1)), Federal assistance other than a grant under this program may be used to satisfy the non-Federal share of the cost of a project, but the total Federal assistance provided for the project shall not exceed 90 percent of the total eligible project costs.
Metropolitan Transportation Planning Program Public Transportation Department of Transportation Federal Transit Administration $799,441,834 Year of Apportionment + three years Formula Grant States and Metropolitan Planning Organizations The Metropolitan Planning Program is available to carry out the metropolitan transportation planning process and meet the transportation planning requirements of the joint Federal Transit Administration and Federal Highway Administration planning regulations. The eligible activities for the metropolitan planning funds include work elements that result in a balance and comprehensive intermodal transportation planning for the movement of people and goods in the metropolitan area. 30002 80 percent Federal / 20 percent non-Federal
National Rural Transportation Assistance Program Public Transportation Department of Transportation Federal Transit Administration $13,743,783 Year of Apportionment + two years Cooperative Agreement Nonprofits with 501(c)(30 status, Nonprofits without 501(3)(c) status, Public Higher-Ed Institutions, Other public entities with capability to provide a service of national scope. Supports State Rural Transportation Assistance Program and develops information resources, technical assistance, and training about rural public transportation. Technical Assistance 30017 No non-Federal cost share required
Pilot Program for Enhanced Mobility Public Transportation Department of Transportation Federal Transit Administration $24,102,620 Year of Allocation + two years Competitive Grant States, Counties, Cities / Townships, Special Districts, Tribal Governments (Federally recognized), Tribal Governments (other than Federally recognized), Nonprofits with 501(c)(3) status, Nonprofits - without 501(c)(3) status Competitive program to improve coordinated access and mobility Capital 30017 80 percent Federal / 20 percent non-Federal
Pilot Program for Transit Oriented Development Public Transportation Department of Transportation Federal Transit Administration $68,864,631 Available until expended Competitive Grant State or local governmental authorities that are Federal Transit Administration grant recipients. The Pilot Program for Transit Oriented Development Planning is a discretionary grant program that helps support the Federal Transit Administration's mission of improving public transportation for America's communities by providing funding to local communities to integrate land use and transportation planning with a new fixed guideway or core capacity transit capital investment. Grants may be made for site specific and comprehensive planning funded through the program must examine ways to improve economic development and ridership, foster multimodal connectivity and accessibility, improve transit access for pedestrian and bicycle traffic, engage the private sector, identify infrastructure needs, and enable mixed-use development near transit stations. 30009 80 percent Federal / 20 percent non-Federal
Public Transportation on Indian Reservations Competitive Public Transportation Department of Transportation Federal Transit Administration $45,812,610 Year of allocation + two years Competitive Grant Federally recognized Tribes and Alaska Native Villages Provides direct funding to Federally recognized Tribes to provide public transportation service on and around Indian reservations or Tribal land in rural areas Planning, Capital, Operating Assistance 30006 Varies
Public Transportation on Indian Reservations Formula Public Transportation Department of Transportation Federal Transit Administration $183,250,437 Year of Apportionment + two years Formula Grant Federally recognized Tribes and Alaska Native Villages Provides direct funding to Federally recognized Tribes to provide public transportation service on and around Indian reservations or Tribal land in rural areas Planning, Capital, Operating Assistance 30006 Varies
Public Transportation Technical Assistance and Workforce Development Public Transportation Department of Transportation Federal Transit Administration $27,545,852 Available until expended Cooperative Agreement or Interagency Agreement National nonprofit organizations Provides funding to support workforce development and transition, including in relation to zero-emission fleet conversion, and other technical assistance to support transit providers in enhancing safe, efficient, equitable and climate-friendly public transportation. Additionally, the program supports the development of standards for the public transportation industry. Workforce development, technical assistance and standards development 30017 80 percent Federal / 20 percent non-Federal
Rail Vehicle Replacement Grants Public Transportation Department of Transportation Federal Transit Administration $1,500,000,000 Year of Apportionment + three years Competitive Grant State and local government authorities Capital projects for the replacement of rail rolling stock. Not more than three new competitive awards to eligible projects may be announced each fiscal year. FTA may select projects for multi-year awards. Capital 30016 80 percent Federal / 20 percent non-Federal; however, these funds cannot exceed 50 percent of total cost
Research, Development, Demonstration and Deployment Projects Public Transportation Department of Transportation Federal Transit Administration $132,218,677 Non-expiring, available until expended Cooperative Agreement, Contract, Competitive Grant States, Counties, Cities / Townships, Special Districts, Tribal Governments (Federally recognized), Providers of Public Transportation, Private or Nonprofit organizations, Institutions of Higher Education, and Technical or Community Colleges. Provides funding to assist innovative projects and activities that advance and sustain safe, efficient, equitable, climate-friendly public transportation. Eligible research and demonstrations under this program explore novel approaches to improve public transportation service – especially for transit-dependent individuals; advance vehicle and system technologies for safety, energy efficiency, and operational performance; use data for enhanced insights; and undertake other activities that help transit agencies meet equity, safety, climate change and transformation goals for a safer, environmentally cleaner, socially just and connected public transportation system. Research, innovative development, deployment, demonstration, evaluation activities 30007 80 percent Federal / 20 percent non-Federal
Rural Transportation Assistance Program Public Transportation Department of Transportation Federal Transit Administration $91,552,911 Year of Apportionment + two years Formula Grant States Provides funding to States for transportation research, technical assistance, training, and related support services in rural areas. Technical Assistance, and training activities. 30017 No non-Federal cost share required
State of Good Repair Formula Grants Public Transportation Department of Transportation Federal Transit Administration $21,640,412,832 Year of Apportionment + 3 Formula Grant States, Counties, Cities / Townships, Special Districts, Tribal Governments (Federally recognized) To assist in funding capital projects for existing fixed guideway systems (including rail, bus rapid transit, and passenger ferries) and high intensity motorbus systems (buses operating in high-occupancy vehicle lanes) to maintain public transportation systems in a State of good repair and to ensure public transit operates safely, efficiently, reliably, and sustainably so that communities can offer balanced transportation choices that helps to improve mobility, reduce congestion, and encourage economic development. Capital 30017 80 percent Federal / 20 percent non-Federal
Statewide Transportation Planning Public Transportation Department of Transportation Federal Transit Administration $167,001,389 Year of Apportionment + three years Formula Grant States and Metropolitan Planning Organizations The Statewide planning and research program is a source of Federal financial assistance to the States to meet the planning requirements of the joint Federal Transit Administration and Federal Highway Administration planning regulations for Statewide transportation planning. The Statewide planning and research program funds can be used for comprehensive planning, engineering, design, and evaluation of public transportation projects and studies involving modes other than transit when performed as part of the metropolitan transportation planning process. 30002 80 percent Federal / 20 percent non-Federal
Transit Cooperative Research Program Public Transportation Department of Transportation Federal Transit Administration $34,432,315 Available until expended Grant or Cooperative Agreement National Academy of Sciences The Transit Cooperative Research Program is an applied research program that develops near-term, practical solutions to problems facing public transportation. TCRP is managed by the Transportation Research Board, a division of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. Peer-reviewed academic research, development and technology transfer activities. 30017 No non-Federal cost share required
Urbanized Area Formula Grants Public Transportation Department of Transportation Federal Transit Administration $33,390,947,107 Approximately $3.3 billion will also be provided from the Growing States and High-Density States formula factors. Year of Allocation + 5 Formula Grant States, Counties, Cities / Townships, Special Districts, Tribal Governments (Federally recognized) The Urbanized Area Formula Funding program (49 U.S.C. 5307) makes Federal resources available to urbanized areas and to governors for transit capital and operating assistance in urbanized areas and for transportation-related planning. An urbanized area is an incorporated area with a population of 50,000 or more that is designated as such by the U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. Operating expenses are only eligible for urbanized areas under 200,000 in population or recipients with 100 or fewer buses. Funds are also provided to States for State safety oversight activities. Planning, Capital, Operating Assistance 30017 Varies
Urbanized Area Passenger Ferry Program Public Transportation Department of Transportation Federal Transit Administration $150,000,000 Year of Allocation + five years Grant States, Counties, Cities / Townships, Special Districts, Tribal Governments (Federally recognized) Competitive program for passenger ferry capital projects in urbanized areas. Capital 30017 Varies
Americas Marine Highway Program Grants Ports and Waterways Department of Transportation Maritime Administration $25,000,000 10 Year Grant Department of Transportation-designated Marine Highway projects Grants to develop and expand marine highway service options and facilitate their further integration into the current U.S. surface transportation system, especially where water-based transport is the most efficient, effective and sustainable option. Marine Highway Grant funds can be used for material handling/container handling equipment (e.g., reach stackers, cranes, forklifts) as well as minor port improvements such as lighting or laydown areas. Funds have been used for dredging in non-Federal navigation channels and pier-side. For vessels, the funds can be used to purchase, lease, or improve/modify vessels documented per the legislation. The Program seeks to procure zero or near-zero emission equipment when available and practical. Division J, Title VIII 80 percent Federal / 20 percent non-Federal
Port Infrastructure Development Program Grants Ports and Waterways Department of Transportation Maritime Administration $2,250,000,000 10 Year Grant Public and Private Ports/Port Authorities Grants to invest in the modernization and expansion of U.S. ports to remove bottlenecks, ensure long-term competitiveness, resilience, cybersecurity, and sustainability while reducing impacts to the environment and neighboring communities. Projects that improve the resiliency of ports to address sea-level rise, flooding, extreme weather events, earthquakes, and tsunami inundation, as well as projects that reduce or eliminate port-related criteria pollutant or greenhouse gas emissions, including projects for:
1. Port electrification or electrification master planning;
2. Harbor craft or equipment replacements/retrofits;
3. Development of port or terminal micro-grids;
4. Providing idling reduction infrastructure;
5. Purchase of cargo handling equipment and related infrastructure;
6. Worker training to support electrification technology;
7. Installation of port bunkering facilities from ocean-going vessels for fuels;
8. Electric vehicle charge or hydrogen refueling infrastructure for drayage, and medium or heavy-duty trucks and locomotives that service the port and related grid upgrades;
9. Other related to port activities including charging infrastructure, electric rubber-tired gantry cranes, and anti-idling technologies;
10. Activities to ensure the cybersecurity of information technology and operational technology of port systems;
11. As well as projects under 46 U.S.C. 50302 which States "Funds for the Port Infrastructure Development Program are awarded on a competitive basis to projects that improve the safety, efficiency, or reliability of the movement of goods into, out of, around, or within a port." Division J, Title VIII 80 percent Federal / 20 percent non-Federal
Crash Data Safety Department of Transportation National Highway Traffic Safety Administration $750,000,000 4 year Competitive Grants and Contracts Grants: States, the Secretary of Interior for the Tribes, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, American Samoa, Guam, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, and the U.S. Virgin Islands; ; Contracts: businesses, non-profits Funding will be used pursuant to Bipartisan Infrastructure Law §24108 to improve crash data collections and analysis, specifically: to revise non-motorist data collection to distinguish individual personal conveyances like electric scooters and bicycles, update the Model Minimum Uniform Crash Criteria (MMUCC), collect additional data elements related to vulnerable road users, coordinate with Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on national database of pedestrian injuries & fatalities, increase participation in the Electronic Data Transfer (EDT) protocol via new State grant program and internal investment, and expand the Crash Investigation Sampling System by adding sites, broadening scope, and adopting on-scene investigation protocols For EDT grants: equipment to upgrade a Statewide crash data repository, adoption of electronic crash reporting by law enforcement agencies, and increasing alignment of State crash data with the latest Model Minimum Uniform Crash Criteria. 24108 80 percent Federal / 20 percent non-Federal
High-Visibility Enforcement Safety Department of Transportation National Highway Traffic Safety Administration $201,600,000 4 year Contract Businesses (other than small businesses) and Nonprofits with 501(c)(3) Under 23 U.S.C. 404, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration carries out national traffic safety campaigns to reduce alcohol-impaired or drug-impaired driving and to increase the use of seatbelts. N/A 24101; 24104 No non-Federal cost share required
Highway Safety Programs Safety Department of Transportation National Highway Traffic Safety Administration $1,992,000,000 4 year Formula Grant States, the Secretary of Interior for the Tribes, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, American Samoa, Guam, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Section 402 funds are authorized by Congress and are available to the 50 States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the U. S. Territories and the Bureau of Indian Affairs. These funds are apportioned using statutory apportionment formula. These funds are provided to the State and Territorial Highway Safety Offices based on an approved highway safety plan that details problem identification, performance measures, countermeasures and projects using identified countermeasures to help reduce crashes, injuries and fatalities resulting from motor vehicle crashes. To be specified in the implementing regulation. 24101; 24102 80 percent Federal / 20 percent non-Federal (except for American Samoa, Guam, Northern Marianas, and the Virgin Islands = 100 percent Federal share)
Highway Safety Research & Development Safety Department of Transportation National Highway Traffic Safety Administration $970,000,000 4 year Grants, Cooperative Agreements, Contracts States, Counties, Cities / Townships, Special Districts, Tribal Governments (Federally recognized), Tribal Governments (other than Federally recognized), Independent School Districts, Public Higher-Ed Institutions, Private Higher-Ed Institutions, Nonprofits with 501(c)(3) status, Nonprofits - without 501(c)(3) status, Small Businesses, Businesses (other than small businesses), and / or Individuals The Highway Safety Research and Development program is authorized under 23 U.S.C. 403. Research and development activities with respect to (1) highway and traffic safety systems and conditions, (2) human behavioral factors and their effect on highway and traffic safety, (3) evaluation of the effectiveness of countermeasures to increase highway and traffic safety, (4) development of technologies to detect drug impaired drivers, (5) driver education programs, State laws on highway and traffic safety; Cooperative research and evaluation to research and evaluate priority highway safety countermeasures; Collaborative research on in-vehicle technology to prevent alcohol-impaired driving; Education campaign to reduce incidence of vehicular heatstroke of children; Grant program to develop and implement State processes for informing consumers of recalls; and Evaluation of innovative highway safety countermeasures. TBD via Notice of Funding Opportunity 24101; 24103 Up to 100 percent Federal
National Driver Register Safety Department of Transportation National Highway Traffic Safety Administration $36,000,000 4 year Notice of Funding Opportunity and Competitive Contracts Businesses (other than small businesses) and Nonprofits with 501(c)(3) The National Driver Register (NDR) program is authorized under 49 U.S.C. Chapter 303. The NDR maintains the Problem Driver Pointer System (PDPS), a computerized database containing information on individuals whose privilege to operate a motor vehicle has been revoked, suspended, canceled or denied or who have been convicted of serious traffic-related offenses. The purpose is to cover the NDR and PDPS operational costs. 24101 No non-Federal cost share required
National Priority Safety Programs Safety Department of Transportation National Highway Traffic Safety Administration $1,874,500,000 4 year Formula Grant States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, American Samoa, Guam, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, and the U.S. Virgin Islands for most grants. To encourage States to address national priorities for reducing highway deaths and injuries through occupant protection programs, State traffic safety information system improvements, impaired driving countermeasures, passage of effective laws to reduce distracted driving, implementation of motorcyclist safety programs, and non-motorist safety programs. Two new grant programs were introduced to improve roadside safety and driver and officer safety grants. To be specified in the implementing regulation. 24101; 24102 80 percent Federal / 20 percent non-Federal
Vehicle Safety and Behavioral Research Safety Department of Transportation National Highway Traffic Safety Administration $548,500,000 4 year Grants, Cooperative Agreements, or Contracts States, Counties, Cities / Townships, Special Districts, Tribal Governments (Federally recognized), Tribal Governments (other than Federally recognized), Independent School Districts, Public Higher-Ed Institutions, Private Higher-Ed Institutions, Nonprofits with 501(c)(3) status, Nonprofits - without 501(c)(3) status, Small Businesses, Businesses (other than small businesses), and / or Individuals To provide supplemental funding to accelerate vehicle and behavioral safety research. Vehicle and behavioral safety Division J, Title VIII Up to 100 percent Federal
Hazardous Materials and Emergency Preparedness Grants Resilience Department of Transportation Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration $234,125,000 Available until expended Grant States, Counties, Territories, Tribes, Cities / Townships, Businesses (Not for Profit), Emergency Response Organizations, and Hazardous Materials Enforcement Organizations. The Hazardous Materials and Emergency Preparedness Grants Programs consist of the following grants: Hazardous Materials Emergency Preparedness; Assistance for Local Emergency Response Training; Hazardous Materials Instructor Training; and Supplemental Public Sector Training. Programs also include the publication of the Hazardous Materials Emergency Response Guidebook and other outreach and training. To develop, improve, and carry out emergency plans including ascertaining flow patterns of hazardous material; to decide on the need for regional hazardous material emergency response teams; to train public-sector employees to respond to accidents and incidents involving hazardous material; and to train hazardous materials safety employees to become instructors to extend the reach of hazardous materials training. 26001 Some grants have a cost share requirement of 20 percent
Natural Gas Distribution Infrastructure Safety and Modernization Grants Safety Department of Transportation Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration $1,000,000,000 11 Years Competitive Grant Municipal or community-owned utilities (Not-for-Profit) Grant funds will be made available to municipalities or community owned utilities (not including for-profit entities) to repair, rehabilitate, or replace natural gas distribution pipeline systems or portions thereof or to acquire equipment to reduce incidents and fatalities, and to avoid economic loss. Cost to repair, rehabilitate, or replace natural gas distribution pipeline systems or portions thereof or to acquire equipment to reduce incidents and fatalities, and to avoid economic loss. Division J, Title VIII No non-Federal cost share required
Battery Labeling Guidelines Other Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Protection Agency $15,000,000 fiscal year 2022, to remain available until September 30, 2026. Contracts N/A This investment will promote the safe handling of used batteries and improve battery recycling programs. Establishes a program to promote battery recycling through the development of voluntary labeling guidelines for batteries and other forms of communication materials for battery producers and consumers about the reuse and recycling of critical materials from batteries. The purposes of the program are to improve battery collection and reduce battery waste, including by identifying battery collection locations and increasing accessibility to those locations; promoting consumer education about battery collection and recycling; and reducing safety concerns relating to the improper disposal of batteries. Establishes a program to promote battery recycling through the development of voluntary labeling guidelines for batteries and other forms of communication materials for battery producers and consumers about the reuse and recycling of critical materials from batteries. The purposes of the program are to improve battery collection and reduce battery waste, including by identifying battery collection locations and increasing accessibility to those locations; promoting consumer education about battery collection and recycling; and reducing safety concerns relating to the improper disposal of batteries. Division J, Title VI No non-Federal cost share required
Battery Recycling Best Practices Other Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Protection Agency $10,000,000 fiscal year 2022, to remain available until September 30, 2026. Contracts N/A This investment will promote the safe handling of used batteries and improve battery recycling programs. The Environmental Protection Agency will develop best practices that may be implemented by State, Tribal, and local governments with respect to the collection of batteries to be recycled in a manner that to the maximum extent practicable, is technically and economically feasible for State, Tribal, and local governments; is environmentally sound and safe for waste management workers; and optimizes the value and use of material derived from recycling of batteries. The Environmental Protection Agency will develop the best practices in coordination with State, Tribal, and local governments and relevant nongovernmental and private sector entities. The Administrator shall develop best practices that may be implemented by State, Tribal, and local governments with respect to the collection of batteries to be recycled in a manner that to the maximum extent practicable, is technically and economically feasible for State, Tribal, and local governments; is environmentally sound and safe for waste management workers; and optimizes the value and use of material derived from recycling of batteries. Division J, Title VI No non-Federal cost share required
Geographic Programs - Chesapeake Bay Program Water Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Protection Agency $238,000,000 Available until expended Grant Broad Eligibilities The Environmental Protection Agency's Chesapeake Bay Program awards competitive grants and cooperative agreements to States, Tribal and local governments, non-governmental organizations, interstate agencies and academic institutions to reduce and prevent pollution and to improve the living resources in the Chesapeake Bay. Grants are awarded for implementation projects, as well as for technical assistance, monitoring, environmental education, and other related activities. The Environmental Protection Agency's funding priority is to achieve the goals and objectives established in the 2014 Chesapeake Bay Watershed Agreement through the implementation of the management strategies. Ecosystem and wetland restoration, stormwater treatment and control, nature-based infrastructure, community resilience, resilient shorelines, and environmental education. Division J, Title VI Yes
Geographic Programs - Columbia River Basin Restoration Program Water Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Protection Agency $79,000,000 Available until expended Grant Broad Eligibilities This program is intended to improve water quality in the Lower Columbia River Basin through specific actions to reduce toxics, increase monitoring, and/or increase public education and outreach. The Columbia River Basin Restoration Program will assist Tribal, State and local governments; non-government entities, and others as they implement the Columbia River Basin Toxics Reduction Action Plan and the Lower Columbia Estuary Partnership Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan and conduct activities to support Environmental Protection Agency national goals for the Columbia River Basin. Cleaning up contaminated sites, reducing runoff, monitoring and improving water quality, habitat protection, education, reducing stormwater and agricultural runoff, pollution prevention, implementing agricultural best management practices. Division J, Title VI Yes
Geographic Programs - Great Lakes Restoration Initiative Water Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Protection Agency $1,000,000,000 Available until expended Grant Broad Eligibilities The goal of the Great Lakes Program is to restore and maintain the chemical, physical, and biological integrity of the Great Lakes Basin Ecosystem. The Environmental Protection Agency leads a consortium of programs, agencies, and public and private institutions in attaining specific objectives and actions that will address the most significant Great Lakes ecosystem problems and efforts in five major focus areas: Toxic Substances and Areas of Concern; Invasive Species; Nonpoint Source Pollution Impacts on Nearshore Health; Habitats and Species; and Foundations for Future Restoration Actions. Addressing toxic substances and Areas of Concern; reduction of nonpoint source pollution; invasive species prevention; reduction of runoff contributing to HABs; ecosystem and wetland restoration, stormwater treatment and control, nature-based infrastructure, resilient shorelines, and more. Division J, Title VI Yes
Geographic Programs - Gulf of Mexico Water Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Protection Agency $53,000,000 Available until expended Grant Broad Eligibilities The Gulf of Mexico Program, housed within the Gulf of Mexico Division, is a non-regulatory program of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency founded to facilitate collaborative actions to protect, maintain, and restore the health and productivity of the Gulf of Mexico in ways consistent with the economic well-being of the Region. To carry out its mission, the Gulf of Mexico Program continues to maintain and expand partnerships with State and Federal agencies, Federally recognized Tribes, local governments and authorities, academia, regional business and industry, agricultural and environmental organizations, and individual citizens and communities. Ecosystem and wetland restoration, stormwater treatment and control, nature-based infrastructure, community resilience, resilient shorelines, and environmental education. Division J, Title VI Yes
Geographic Programs - Lake Champlain Water Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Protection Agency $40,000,000 Available until expended Grant Broad Eligibilities The Lake Champlain Basin Program coordinates and funds efforts that benefit the Lake Champlain Basin's water quality, fisheries, wetlands, wildlife, recreation, and cultural resources, in partnership with government agencies from New York, Vermont, and Québec, private organizations, local communities, and individuals. Ecosystem and wetland restoration, stormwater treatment and control, nature-based infrastructure, community resilience, resilient shorelines, and environmental education Division J, Title VI Yes
Geographic Programs - Lake Pontchartrain Restoration Program Water Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Protection Agency $53,000,000 Available until expended Cooperative Agreement (Discretionary Grants) Broad Eligibilities This program carries out the Lake Pontchartrain Basin Comprehensive Management Plan under the authority of the Clean Water Act Section 121 and Section 320. Program activities include conducting water quality monitoring of Lake Pontchartrain, educating basin residents on water protection and pollution prevention, evaluating sewer system designs and developing plans to upgrade or replace them in order to prevent or reduce water pollution. Program activities include conducting water quality monitoring of Lake Pontchartrain, educating basin residents on water protection and pollution prevention, evaluating sewer system designs and developing plans to upgrade or replace them in order to prevent or reduce water pollution. Division J, Title VI Yes
Geographic Programs - Long Island Sound Water Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Protection Agency $106,000,000 Available until expended Cooperative Agreement (Discretionary Grants) Broad Eligibilities The Long Island Sound Program supports the implementation of a comprehensive plan to protect and restore water quality, habitat, and living resources in Long Island Sound, working with State and local governments, the private sector, user groups, and the general public. The Long Island Sound Program implements the Long Island Sound Study Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan. The program also assists the States of Connecticut and New York and other public or nonprofit entities in implementation, research, planning, enforcement, and citizen involvement and education related to reducing pollution and improving the quality of the environment to sustain living resources in the Long Island Sound. Division J, Title VI Yes
Geographic Programs - Northwest Forest Water Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Protection Agency $4,000,000 Available until expended Grants and Interagency Agreements Limited Eligibilities – Federal The Northwest Forest Geographic Program addresses water quality impairments from non-point sources related to pacific northwest forest practices and works to improve the quality and quantity of surface water so that beneficial uses and drinking water/source water protection goals are met. Climate change is increasing the demands on the program due to the increase of catastrophic wildfire and resulting impacts to water quality and municipal drinking water. Monitoring of aquatic and riparian management in the Northwest Forest Plan; groundwater restoration to improve sources of drinking water; post-wildfire water quality monitoring; education and capacity-building for States and drinking water providers. Division J, Title VI Yes
Geographic Programs - Puget Sound Water Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Protection Agency $89,000,000 Available until expended Grant Broad Eligibilities Puget Sound has been designated as one of 28 estuaries of National Significance under section 320 of the Clean Water Act. The goal of the National Estuary Program is to attain and maintain water quality in designated estuaries that will assure protection of public water supplies and the protection and propagation of a balanced, indigenous population of shellfish, fish and wildlife and allows recreational activities in and on the water. The Puget Sound National Estuary Program's approved Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan, the Action Agenda, has a goal to restore and maintain the Puget Sound Estuary's environment by meeting 2018-2022 ecosystem targets. Ecosystem and wetland restoration, stormwater treatment and control, nature-based infrastructure, community resilience, resilient shorelines, and environmental education, Tribal support. Division J, Title VI Yes
Geographic Programs - San Francisco Bay Water Quality Improvement Fund Water Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Protection Agency $24,000,000 Available until expended Grant Broad Eligibilities The goals of the San Francisco Bay grant program are to improve water quality and restore aquatic habitat (i.e. wetlands) in the San Francisco Bay and its watersheds. Funded projects will reduce polluted runoff, restore impaired waters, and enhance aquatic habitat. Achieving significant environmental results related to wetlands restoration and water quality improvements is an overall program priority. Funding Priorities for fiscal year 2021 are the same as in all previous fiscal years and include the protection and restoration of water quality in San Francisco Bay and its watersheds. In addition, priorities include projects that "benefit underserved communities (e.g. economically disadvantaged communities and other populations that experience disproportionate environmental harm and health risks as a result of greater vulnerability to environmental hazards) by increasing natural habitat and "greener" infrastructure in those areas." Ecosystem and wetland restoration, stormwater treatment and control, nature-based infrastructure, community resilience, resilient shorelines, and environmental education. Division J, Title VI Yes
Geographic Programs - South Florida Geographic Initiatives Program Water Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Protection Agency $16,000,000 Available until expended Grant Broad Eligibilities South Florida Geographic Initiatives Program provides competitive grants to address the immediate and emerging ecological pressures and threats to nearshore waters, bays, estuaries, beaches, and coral reefs central to South Florida's economic well-being. Canal demonstration projects; stormwater demonstration projects; coral research; endocrine disruptor impacts to marine fauna and flora; identifying and understanding cause/effect relationships of pollutants; developing effective remediation techniques for aquatic resources; addressing specific management questions and concerns; predictive models and monitoring tools; and overall improvement of our understanding of South Florida ecosystems. Division J, Title VI Yes
Geographic Programs - Southeast New England Coastal Watershed Restoration Program Water Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Protection Agency $15,000,000 Available until expended Grant Broad Eligibilities Our mission is to foster collaboration among regional partners across southeast New England's coastal watersheds to protect and restore water quality, ecological health, and diverse habitats by sharing knowledge and resources, promoting innovative approaches, and leveraging economic and environmental investments to meet the needs of current and future generations. By 2050, we envision a resilient ecosystem of safe and healthy waters, thriving watersheds and natural lands, and sustainable communities throughout southeast New England's coastal watersheds. Ecosystem and wetland restoration, stormwater treatment and control, nature-based infrastructure, community resilience, resilient shorelines, and environmental education. Division J, Title VI Yes
Gulf Hypoxia Other Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Protection Agency $60,000,000 Available until expended Grant 12 State Members of Gulf Hypoxia Task Force (Along Mississippi Corridor/Gulf of Mexico) The Gulf of Mexico Hypoxia Task Force includes Federal and State agencies and the Tribes. Federal agencies include those with responsibilities over activities in the Mississippi River and its basin, and in the Gulf of Mexico. The Plan has a near-term target of reducing nutrient-loading to the Gulf of Mexico from the basin by 20 percent by 2025, and a long-term goal of limiting the Gulf hypoxic zone to an average annual size of less than 5,000 square kilometers by 2035. Division J, Title VI No non-Federal cost share required
National Estuary Program Grants Water Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Protection Agency $132,000,000 Available until expended Grant 28 Federally Recognized Local National Estuary Programs The National Estuary Program goal is to protect and restore the water quality and resources of estuaries and associated watersheds designated by the Environmental Protection Agency Administrator as estuaries of national significance. The 28 estuaries of national significance, or National Estuary Programs, use an ecosystem-based management approach to help achieve their protection and restoration goals. Each National Estuary Program characterizes the priority problems in its estuary and surrounding watershed, develops a long-term Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan that identifies actions to address those problems, and identifies partners to implement those actions. Implementation of Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plans can include the following actions: protecting and restoring habitat, including wetlands; supporting water quality protection and restoration, including Total Maximum Daily Load plan implementation; monitoring and addressing toxics and pathogen loads and contamination; implementing stormwater management, reducing non-point source pollution impacts, and promoting the adoption of green infrastructure approaches; preventing the spread of aquatic invasive species and/or managing their impacts; developing and implementing nutrient reduction strategies; conducting climate vulnerability assessments and developing and implementing climate change adaptation strategies and using adaptation tools to promote coastal resilience; and developing and implementing strategies to provide opportunities for residents of urban minority and/or underserved communities to have greater access to urban waters, participate in urban ecosystem restoration, and participate in capacity-building/educational activities. In addition to Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan implementation, National Estuary Programs and other eligible recipients address urgent and challenging issues that threaten the ecological and economic well-being of coastal areas. Division J, Title VI Yes
Superfund Environmental Remediation Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Protection Agency $3,500,000,000 Available until expended Contract, Cooperative Agreement, Interagency Agreements Industry Partners, Federal, States, Local Governments, Special Districts, Tribal Governments The Environmental Protection Agency's Superfund program is responsible for cleaning up some of the nation's most contaminated land. To protect public health and the environment the Superfund program focuses on making a visible and lasting difference in communities, ensuring that people can live and work in healthy, vibrant places. The Environmental Protection Agency enters contracts and interagency agreements to conduct work at Superfund sites. The Environmental Protection Agency can also award Superfund cooperative agreements with States, Tribes, or local governments to lead or support work in the Superfund program. Division J, Title VI No non-Federal cost share required
Brownfields Projects Environmental Remediation Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Protection Agency $1,200,000,000 Available until expended Cooperative Agreement States, Counties, Cities/Townships, Tribal Governments (Federally Recognized), Public Housing Authorities, Indian Housing Authorities, Nonprofits With 501(C)(3) Status The Environmental Protection Agency's Brownfields Program provides funds to empower States, communities, Tribes, and nonprofit organizations to prevent, inventory, assess, clean up, and reuse brownfield sites. The Environmental Protection Agency provides technical and financial assistance for brownfields activities that protect human health and the environment, encourage sustainable reuse, promote partnerships, strengthen local economies, and create jobs. By providing funds and technical assistance to assess, clean up, and plan for site reuse, the Environmental Protection Agency enables communities to overcome the environmental, legal, and fiscal challenges associated with brownfields properties. The Environmental Protection Agency's investments in communities across the country help local leaders eliminate uncertainties, clean up contaminated properties, and transform brownfield sites into community assets. Eligible activities include, but are not limited to, conducting community engagement and planning at one or more brownfield sites, site assessments, site cleanup planning and direct site cleanup. Division J, Title VI No non-Federal cost share required
Brownfields State & Tribal Response Programs Environmental Remediation Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Protection Agency $300,000,000 Available until expended Cooperative Agreement States, Tribal Governments (Federally Recognized) Unlike many Environmental Protection Agency cleanup programs, States and Tribal Nations are responsible for developing brownfields cleanup standards and policy and conducting or overseeing the assessment and cleanup of brownfield sites within their jurisdictions. This funding is intended for States and Tribes that have the required management and administrative capacity within their government to administer a Federal grant. The primary goal of this funding is to ensure that State and Tribal response programs include, or are taking reasonable steps to include, certain elements of an environmental response program and that the program establishes and maintains a public record of sites addressed. Eligible activities include, but are not limited to, the following: Developing legislation, regulations, procedures, ordinances, guidance, etc. that establish or enhance the administrative and legal structure of a response program; Establishing and maintaining required public records; Operation, maintenance, and long-term monitoring of institutional controls and engineering controls; Conducting limited site-specific activities, such as assessment or cleanup, provided such activities establish and/or enhance the response program; Purchasing environmental insurance; and Capitalizing revolving loan funds for cleanup. Division J, Title VI No non-Federal cost share required
Clean School Bus Program Electric Vehicles, Buses and Ferries Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Protection Agency $5,000,000,000 Available until expended Grant, Rebate and Contract Local or State Governmental Entities; An Eligible Contractor; A Nonprofit School Transportation Association; Or an Tribe State or local governments, eligible contractors, and nonprofit school transportation associations are authorized to receive grant funds. Fifty percent of the funds are authorized for zero-emission school buses, and fifty percent of the funds are authorized for alternative fuels and zero-emission school buses. Funds may be prioritized for rural or low-income communities and entities that have matching funds available. The Environmental Protection Agency Administrator is authorized to provide funds to cover up to 100 percent of the costs for the replacement of the bus. State or local governments, eligible contractors, and nonprofit school transportation associations are authorized to receive grant funds. Fifty percent of the funds are authorized for zero-emission school buses, and fifty percent of the funds are authorized for alternative fuels and zero-emission school buses. Funds may be prioritized for rural or low-income communities and entities that have matching funds available. The Environmental Protection Agency Administrator is authorized to provide funds to cover up to 100 percent of the costs for the replacement of the bus. 71101 No non-Federal cost share required
Clean Water State Revolving Fund Water Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Protection Agency $11,713,000,000 Available until expended Loans and Grants States initially receive funding, then provide funds to Water Utilities and/or Municipal and Other Eligible Entities. Tribes and Territories are also eligible to receive a portion of State Revolving Fund funds. The Clean Water State Revolving Fund program is a Federal-State partnership that provides communities low-cost financing for a wide range of water quality infrastructure projects. Under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, 49 percent of Clean Water State Revolving Fund funds shall be eligible to be grants or 100 percent principal forgiveness loans. The Clean Water State Revolving Fund program provides capitalization grants to States, which will provide a long-term source of State financing for construction of wastewater treatment facilities and implementation of other water quality management activities. Capitalization grants are available to each State and to Tribes and territories for the purpose of establishing a Clean Water State Revolving Fund. State Revolving Fund programs provide financial assistance to local communities and publicly owned treatment systems for construction of wastewater and stormwater treatment facilities and collection systems; nonpoint source pollution management; construction, repair, or replacement of decentralized wastewater treatment systems; construction of nature-based infrastructure solutions; and other uses associated with the management of wastewater and stormwater. 50210 No non-Federal cost share required
Clean Water State Revolving Fund-Emerging Contaminants Water Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Protection Agency $1,000,000,000 Available until expended Grant States initially receive funding, then provide funds to Water Utilities and/or Municipal and Other Eligible Entities. Tribes and Territories are also eligible to receive a portion of State Revolving Fund funds. Clean Water State Revolving Fund funding as described in the Clean Water State Revolving Fund program, with eligible projects limited to those that address emerging contaminants, such as PFAS. States apply for a capitalization grant with no State match required. The States provide loans with principal forgiveness or grants to fund clean water infrastructure projects to address emerging contaminants, including PFAS. Further information will be forthcoming. Division J, Title VI No non-Federal cost share required
Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Water Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Protection Agency $11,713,000,000 Available until expended Loans and Grants States initially receive funding, then provide funds to Water Utilities and/or Municipal and Other Eligible Entities. Tribes and Territories are also eligible to receive a portion of State Revolving Fund funds. The Drinking Water State Revolving Fund is a financial assistance program to help water systems and States to achieve the health protection objectives of the Safe Drinking Water Act. States are required to give priority for the use of Drinking Water State Revolving Fund project funds to: Address the most serious risks to human health, ensure compliance with the requirements of the Safe Drinking Water Act, and assist systems most in need on a per household basis according to State affordability criteria. Not all drinking water compliance problems, however, can be solved through capital financing of infrastructure improvements. Under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, 49 percent of funds shall be eligible to be grants or 100 percent principal forgiveness loans. Capitalization grants are available to each State, and Tribes and territories for the purpose of establishing a Drinking Water State Revolving Fund. This revolving fund provides loans and grants to water systems for eligible infrastructure projects including: construction of expansion of drinking water treatment plants and/or distribution systems; improving drinking water treatment; fixing leaky or old pipes (water distribution); improving sources of water supply; replacing or constructing finished water storage tanks; other infrastructure projects needed to protect public health. 50102 No non-Federal cost share required
Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Emerging Contaminants (incl. PFAS) Water Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Protection Agency $4,000,000,000 Available until expended Grant States initially receive funding, then provide funds to Water Utilities and/or Municipal and Other Eligible Entities. Tribes and Territories are also eligible to receive a portion of State Revolving Fund funds. Drinking Water State Revolving Fund funding as described in the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund program, with eligible projects limited to those that address emerging contaminants, such as PFAS. States apply for a capitalization grant with no State match required. The States provide loans with principal forgiveness or grants to fund drinking water infrastructure projects to address emerging contaminants, including PFAS. Further information will be forthcoming. Division J, Title VI No non-Federal cost share required
Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Lead Service Lines Replacement Water Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Protection Agency $15,000,000,000 Available until expended Loans and Grants States initially receive funding, then provide funds to Water Utilities and/or Municipal and Other Eligible Entities. Tribes and Territories are also eligible to receive a portion of State Revolving Fund funds. Drinking Water State Revolving Fund funding as described in the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund program, below, with eligible projects limited to lead service line replacement and associated activities related to identification, planning, design and removal. Under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, 49 percent of funds shall be eligible to be grants or 100 percent principal forgiveness loans. States receive a capitalization grant with no State match required. The States provide low interest loans, principal forgiveness, and/or grants to replace lead service lines. Further information will be forthcoming. Division J, Title VI No non-Federal cost share required
Pollution Prevention Grants Resilience Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Protection Agency $100,000,000 Available until expended Grant States, Tribes, State-Sponsored Institutions, Tribal Institutions Grantees deliver technical assistance to businesses – including those communities with environmental justice concerns – to identify and adopt source reduction practices and technologies that benefit businesses, communities, and local economies. Pollution Prevention means reducing or eliminating pollutants from entering any waste stream or otherwise being released into the environment prior to recycling, treatment, or disposal. Specific technical assistance available to businesses seeking information about source reduction opportunities, including funding for experts to provide on-site technical advice to businesses and to assist in the development of source reduction plans; targeted assistance to businesses for whom lack of information is an impediment to source reduction; or training in source reduction techniques (where such training may be provided through local engineering schools or other appropriate means). Division J, Title VI No non-Federal cost share required
Reduce, Reuse, Recycling Education and Outreach Grants Other Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Protection Agency $75,000,000 Available until expended Cooperative Agreements and/or Grants States, a Unit of Local Government, Tribal Governments (Federally recognized), A Native Hawaiian Organization, The Department of Hawaiian Homelands, The Office of Hawaiian Affairs, A Non-Profit Organization, Or A Public-Private Partnership Communities across the country are burdened by pollution impacts from inefficient waste management systems. This historic investment will transform public education and outreach regarding how to reduce, reuse, and recycle right. To award grants focused on improving material recycling, recovery, management, and reduction. To improve the effectiveness of residential and community recycling programs through public education and outreach. Funded projects should inform the public about residential or community recycling programs, provide information about the recycled materials that are accepted, increase collection rates and decrease contamination. 70402 No non-Federal cost share required
Solid Waste Infrastructure for Recycling Infrastructure Grants Other Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Protection Agency $275,000,000 Available until expended Cooperative Agreements and/or Grants States (including the District of Columbia, a territory or possession of the United States, or any political subdivision of a State, Tribe, or territory), Tribes, InterTribal Consortia consistent with the requirements in 40 CFR 35.504(A), Former Indian Reservations in Oklahoma (As Determined by The Secretary of The Interior), and Alaskan Native Villages as defined in Public Law 92–203. Communities across the country are burdened by pollution impacts from inefficient waste management systems. This historic investment will transform recycling and solid waste management across the country while creating jobs. Provide grants to implement a strategy to improve post-consumer materials management and infrastructure; support improvements to local post-consumer materials management and recycling programs; and assist local waste management authorities in making improvements to local waste management systems. 70402 No non-Federal cost share required
Underground Injection Control Grants: Class VI wells Water Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Protection Agency $50,000,000 Available until expended Grant States and Tribes The Underground Injection Control Grants fund Federal, State, and Tribal government agencies that oversee underground injection activities to prevent contamination of underground sources of drinking water from fluid injection practices. The funding in Bipartisan Infrastructure Law targets funding to Class VI wells utilized for carbon sequestration. Eligible entities shall use grants to defray the expenses related to the establishment and operation of a Class VI primacy program. No non-Federal cost share required
Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation, Small and Underserved Communities Emerging Contaminants Grant Program Water Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Protection Agency $5,000,000,000 Available until expended Grant States initially receive funding, then provide funds through grants to water utilities and other eligible entities in small and/or underserved/disadvantaged communities. Tribes and territories are also eligible to receive funds under this program. This grant program provides grants to public water systems in small and underserved/disadvantaged communities that are unable to finance activities needed to comply with drinking water regulations. Bipartisan Infrastructure Law prioritizes the funding to focus on small and disadvantaged communities in addressing emerging contaminants, including PFAS. Projects eligible for assistance include efforts that benefit small and disadvantaged communities in testing and remediating emerging contaminants, including PFAS, including water filtration. "Disadvantaged Community" is one determined by the State to be disadvantaged under the affordability criteria established by the State under its authorities in the Safe Drinking Water Act, or may become a disadvantaged community as a result of carrying out a project or activity. "Small Community" is one that has a population 10,000 of fewer individuals and lacks the capacity to incur debt sufficient to finance a project to comply with the Safe Drinking Water Act. 40901 No non-Federal cost share required
Affordable Connectivity Program Broadband Federal Communications Commission Federal Communications Commission $14,200,000,000 Available until expended Subsidies provided directly to internet service providers to apply to consumers' monthly internet bill Internet Service Providers (Who Then Apply the Benefit to Consumers' Monthly Bills) The Affordable Connectivity Program is a Federal Communications Commission benefit program that helps ensure that low-income households can afford the broadband they need for work, school, healthcare and more. Per the legislation, the Federal Communications Commission may provide grants to outreach partners to educate consumers about the Affordable Connectivity Program. The Affordable Connectivity Program helps low income households afford home broadband service by providing up to a $30 monthly benefit on a household's monthly internet bill. For low-income households on Tribal lands the benefit is up to $75. Eligible households can also receive a one-time discount of up to $100 to purchase a laptop, desktop computer, or tablet from participating providers if the household contributes more than $10 and less than $50 toward the purchase price. The Affordable Connectivity Program is limited to one monthly service discount and one device discount per household. 60502 No non-Federal cost share required
Affordable Connectivity Program - Outreach Grants Broadband Federal Communications Commission Federal Communications Commission $0 Available until expended The Federal Communications Commission may provide grants to outreach partners to educate consumers about the Affordable Connectivity Program TBD, Pending Rulemaking To help inform and educate consumers about the Affordable Connectivity Program, the Commission may provide grants to outreach partners. 60502 No federal cost share
Broadband Deployment Locations Map Broadband Federal Communications Commission Federal Communications Commission $10,000,000 Available until expended N/A N/A The Federal Communications Commission shall consult with all relevant Federal agencies to establish an online mapping tool to provide a locations overview of the overall geographic footprint of each broadband infrastructure deployment project funded by the Infrastructure Act, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act, the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021, the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 or any other Federal amounts appropriated or any Federal program authorized after the date of enactment of the Infrastructure Act to fund broadband infrastructure deployment. Mapping 60105 No non-Federal cost share required
Real Property Activities Ports and Waterways General Services Administration Real Property Activities $3,418,008,000 Available until expended Direct Federal GSA, Public Buildings Service, Federal Buildings Fund which will contract out the design and construction services Construction and acquisition, and repairs and alterations of land ports of entry. Construction and acquisition, and repairs and alterations of land ports of entry; Projects on the U.S. Department of Homeland Security - Customs and Border Protection five-year plan; Additional land ports of entry projects with completed feasibility studies; Land ports of entry paving; Land ports of entry lease purchases; Department of Transportation - Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Priorities and Requirements; Program Contingency and Operational Support. Division J, Title IV No non-Federal cost share required
Northern Border Regional Commission: Catalyst Program (SEID+IIJA) Other Northern Border Regional Commission Northern Border Regional Commission $150,000,000 Available until expended Grant States, Counties, Cities / Townships, Special Districts, Tribal Governments (Federally recognized), Tribal Governments (other than Federally recognized), Independent School Districts, Public Higher-Ed Institutions, Private Higher-Ed Institutions, Public Housing Authorities, Indian Housing Authorities, Nonprofits with 501(c)(3) status, Nonprofits - without 501(c)(3) status The Northern Border Regional Commission catalyzes regional, collaborative, and transformative community economic development approaches that alleviate economic distress and position the region for economic growth. Eligible uses are pending final decisions, but may include: Transportation Infrastructure; Basic Public Infrastructure; Telecommunications Infrastructure; Renewable and Alternative Energy Sources #N/A Division J, Title III Maximum Northern Border Regional Commission share is 50 percent or 80 percent, depending on the community's level of economic distress
Southeast Crescent Regional Commission Funding Other Southeast Crescent Regional Commission Southeast Crescent Regional Commission $5,000,000 Available until expended The Southeast Crescent Regional Commission is engaged in planning for the allocation of Bipartisan Infrastructure Law appropriations. Southeast Crescent Regional Commission States are Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia. Eligible uses will be determined at a future date. Division J, Title III Maximum Southeast Crescent Regional Commission share is 50 percent or 80 percent, depending on the community's level of economic distress