Op-Ed | The Handwriting is on the Wall for Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Ukraine's War with Russia

Intro Based on recent statements and actions by Donald Trump, the "handwriting is on the wall" for Ukranian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Ukraine's war with Russia. It's clear that Trump is going to strong-arm Zelenskyy … Continue reading Op-Ed | The Handwriting is on the Wall for Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Ukraine's War with Russia

3M Announces $10.3 Billion Nationwide Settlement with Public Water Suppliers for Treatment of PFAS

Apr 1, 2024: The $10.3 billion nationwide settlement agreement received final approval in federal court. Source: Altmann, Erik. (April 1, 2024). "3M gets court approval of $10 billion PFAS settlement". KTSP. Retrieved 2025-02-21 Aug 30, … Continue reading 3M Announces $10.3 Billion Nationwide Settlement with Public Water Suppliers for Treatment of PFAS

The Facts about Wind Turbines and Birds

Intro According to the U.S. Geological Survey, as of January 2022, there were more than 70,800 turbines in the U.S. Wind Turbine Database (USWTDB). Source: "How many turbines are contained in the U.S. Wind Turbine Database?". usgs.gov. … Continue reading The Facts about Wind Turbines and Birds

Biden-Harris Administration | Major Accomplishments

Preface In its four-year term the Biden-Harris administration accomplished a great deal. In order to keep a lasting record on Health and Wellness Resource (HWR), I gathered, assimilated, and reproduced information about all the accomplishments, … Continue reading Biden-Harris Administration | Major Accomplishments

Op-Ed | Trump, MAGA, and the Blurring and Rejection of Objective Reality

Intro The Merriam-Webster online dictionary defines the word "infamy" as follows: evil reputation brought about by something grossly criminal, shocking, or brutal a. an extreme and publicly known criminal or evil act b. the state … Continue reading Op-Ed | Trump, MAGA, and the Blurring and Rejection of Objective Reality